September 16, 2004


1) Scotch Tape�-Reminds me of Christmas.
2) Coffee- Reminds me of my grandmother.
3) Cotton and leather- shopping in Harold's� stores with my mom when I was little.
4) Dreft�- my babies.
5) Clean puppies- being a little girl when my mother raised labs; innocence.
6) Gardenias- my mother when she was young(er).
7) Musty basements- grandmother's house.
8) Hot wet concrete- being a little girl in Oklahoma in the summers.
9) Moist dark dirt and freshly cut grass- reminds me now of the midwest where grass and dark moist dirt exist.
10) Exhaust in the winter- reminds me of waiting for the bus when I was young and smelling all those '60's and '70's model cars warming up.
11) Car grease, metal, whatever is used to clean guns, and deodorant style soap- R. Mmmm.
12) Jet fuel- traveling.

Just to name a few....

Posted by Rae at September 16, 2004 10:50 AM | TrackBack
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