Nothing like Jeans
Let's see, A Likely Sweet-Tee* + Sevens + these = a perfect Girl Friday. Of course, I own none of these items. Yet. (Shhhh, I get my Sevens from an outlet and pay a quarter of the department store price).
*image courtesy of the court Geek- Sir Gilby.**
**For your purchasing pleasure, as well :D
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People pay that much for jeans?!?! Dang! I felt awful about the jeans I just bought at GAP because of the price. I feel much better now though! I could have spent so much more. :)
Ith on March 3, 2005 02:17 PM
Ith- honey, I never pay that much for anything! But I guess that some do because they can. Either way, I am glad to have an outlet. My Lucky's last longer than any other pair of jeans out there.
Rae on March 3, 2005 02:24 PM
Ooooh! That graphic turned out quite nicely on that material.
Excellent job matching it with the Salmon shirt.
Jeremy on March 3, 2005 02:40 PM
I wear jeans as a work related necessity, so I hate paying lots for them. (I feel the same way about athletic shoes). So I have no idea what's "in" in the jean world. I knew there were some pricey ones out there, but figured they were designer duds, not department store ones :)
That being said, the jeans I bought last weekend look very good on me indeed. [she says immodestly]
Ith on March 3, 2005 05:51 PM
Oh, to have a pair of Sevens... and long legs to go with them.
Ann on March 3, 2005 06:57 PM
here is another song we want played at our wedding. its by dispatch. really cool!
ya, leah is the one who marries the african. she does everything! thats why she reminds me of you!
kids... i want them, just not right now. this college education has to pay off somehow!
Ann on March 3, 2005 07:05 PM
Ith- nothing wrong with acknowledging when something looks nice on ya, girl!
Ann- I can get them for about $35-$40 here. What size, Miss Petite?
I liked Leah the best in that book, too. I found her to be the most complex of the sisters. So, naturally, I am flattered :D Thanks. Yes! Wait a few years to have children. But, it would still eat me alive if I couldn't be there smothering them with auntie love.
Love the lyrics to the song, too. Who sings it? Did you see the Pink Moon post? I wrote that with you two in mind :D
Rae on March 4, 2005 12:31 AM
Rae, size 8... down to a 6 by the wedding!!
Ann on March 5, 2005 01:47 PM
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Gentile Fashionista
I bought a pair of boots this past December which look almost like this, but to the knee:

I already had a pair of brown, mid-calf boots, like these without the stitching:

I put them together with a pair of modern fit, black brushed cotton (with a tiny bit of spandex- 3%) cropped pants with a three inch side vent, a cropped, long- sleeved, extended cuff, charcoal cowl-neck sweater for a look similar to this:

When I wore this to church, I could see the people glancing at the cropped pants and the boots, and I know they thought I was either just weird, or hadn't taken notice of the length of my pants before I put them on.
Sigh....southern UT- the haute couture hot-spot.
P.S. While looking for an image of my boots, I found these:

With a pair of worn 501's and a white t-shirt- perfect :D
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oh, i love boots! okay, shoes in general!! i know you had to have been the hottest momma in southern utah, for sure! i can't wait till i start making money and i can splurge on more shoes!! it'll be so fun.
Ann on February 13, 2005 10:01 PM
Girl, I am with you. Once, when R and I had only been married about a year, I left E with him and went to a Bible study with some friends.
When I arrived home, he had taken every pair of my shoes and neatly lined them up in the living room. It was soooo funny! I now try to give away a pair of shoes for every new pair that I purchase. I am weaning it down.
Awwww (kicking feet at mock dirt), thanks, Ann :D What size do you wear?
Rae on February 13, 2005 10:07 PM
WOW I love Boots!!! The second pair are my favorite I think.... The first ones are great too, but then again the last pair have that southern flare to them... UMMM okay they are all cute!!
sally on February 14, 2005 12:13 PM
I like your style, but I'm a northeasterner. I had just seen that boot-cropped-pant look in a magazine. It isn't a fashion faux-pas if the pants overlap the boots(said the article).
Joyella on February 14, 2005 09:11 PM
My guess is that you have 10 pairs of boots that are similar, but just "different enough".
If my assumption is incorrect, will you marry me?
Joe on February 15, 2005 05:15 AM
The pants were long enough to just overlap the top of the boots- so I had that covered. Funny, Joyella, "our friend's" cousin is a buyer for a major department store. I told him that I didn't quite like UGG boots and preferred my stilettos. He told me that Ugg's were hot like three years ago, and to stick with the stilettos. Not that I have to be high fashion; I just thought it was funny that he thought it would matter to me when I was just commenting on how I didn't like the cavegirl look (very prevalent here).
Hey, Joe! How are ya? Well, I have only four pair of boots (2 heeled and 2 not)- and if I had my way, the bottom pair would soon be added. However, I do wear them frequently. I don't like to buy something just to wear it once or twice, so your assumption is incorrect; however, I am already head-over-heels-in-love and married, but I know you were jesting :D
Rae on February 15, 2005 07:51 AM
In the fall I may need your expertise in fashion again. I plan on being a size 10 or smaller and I'll need new clothes. May have to come to Vegas and spend a night or two....
Amy on February 15, 2005 09:08 AM
So you're saying that when we meet in RL (I'm aiming for April BTW) I should dress for the occasion?
Ith on February 15, 2005 01:48 PM
Rae- I wear a size 7. In the words of your mother, I am "very petite." Which just means, I'm short!
Ann on February 15, 2005 04:44 PM
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Morning Coffee
Enjoyed a delicious cup of coffee this morning while Kris and I looked at our September Lucky mags via telephone, making note of that which we liked and that which we didn't (we both rather liked the lovely red dress that is on the far right of that opening page, by the way). High gloss shine and caramel colored coffee are never better enjoyed than with a friend.
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We must make that a regular thing! Was simply fabulous!
Kris on August 12, 2004 06:56 PM
It was! Yes, must be made into a daily habit :)
Ahhh, coffee and glossy with friend :)
Rae on August 13, 2004 01:21 AM
I received mine, but have not had a chance to peruse. Tonight or tomorrow. Sanctuary Time, here I come!
I always wonder who can afford some of that stuff. Nice to look, though. **sniff**
GrumpyBunny on August 13, 2004 11:00 AM
Patrick on August 15, 2004 10:15 PM
Oh, yes! I love being a woman :)
Rae on August 16, 2004 02:17 PM
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Like the new do?
Pam gave me such a lovely flower...don't you think? Now to tweek a few of the accessories.
"A flower is only as good as it's petals."
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Pretty! New one for the comments too! Pam does just awesome work. She always takes my real crappy ideas and makes neat stuff out of it.
Madfish Willie on May 17, 2004 11:14 AM
Yes, she is quite the artiste :)
Rae on May 17, 2004 11:27 AM
Oh, and Mr. Bartender, your ideas aren't crappy at all- without your help, this blog would still be sitting in the projects of blogdom.
Rae on May 17, 2004 11:30 AM
I was wondering if that was new. I thought, I have never noticed that flower before.
Eddie on May 18, 2004 09:39 PM
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