November 09, 2005
Take One in the Morning
This is one of the reasons I love reading Melissa. She cracks me up!
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Melissa is one of the good ones. Although her home page makes me thirsty for a martini. Although pencil shavings make me thirsty for a martini, so maybe that's not her fault.
Greg on November 9, 2005 12:00 PM
oo! never been there before, but i like what i'm seeing...
amelie on November 9, 2005 05:13 PM
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November 06, 2005
I have forgotten how I found Suburban Bliss, but I did and I love her style.
From there, I found Kelly. I just love her photography. This is the latest; it's her favorite new one, and mine, too.

© Kelly McCord
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Happy Birthday, Erm, Belated Birthday
Stacy :D
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Thank you Rae, you're too sweet. Two gals aging gracefully ;)
Stacy on November 7, 2005 03:56 PM
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October 30, 2005
Blame Laid for De-Plumed Plame, er, huh?
Baldilocks summarizes in perfectly understood words the whole debacle.
She mentions Mr. Goldstein, whose source, the Dolphin in the Peacoat, I find enigmatically interesting.
Oh, and Ace is quoted, too.
So, this reveals that I haven't, indeed, been reading The Aeneid, but you know what? I can't stand The Aeneid anyway. It's nothing but plagiarism with a slightly varied theme. Booooorrrrring!
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August 28, 2005
Eeny Meeny Miny Mo
Rosalind Russell

You scored 14% grit, 42% wit, 33% flair, and 19% class!
You are one wise-cracking lady, always quick with a clever remark and easily able to keep up with the quips and puns that come along with the nutty situations you find yourself in. You're usually able to talk your way out of any jam, and even if you can't, you at least make it more interesting with your biting wit. You can match the smartest guy around line for line, and you've got an open mind that allows you to get what you want, even if you don't recognize it at first. Your leading men include Cary Grant and Clark Gable, men who can keep up with you.
Grabbed from the indomitable Margi :D
The Classic Dames Test
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i took this already, and was katharine hepburn. go figure.
amelie on August 29, 2005 06:56 PM
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July 05, 2005
Laugh In
Oh. My. Natalie makes me laugh. So. Hard.
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No fair! I spit my coffee out AND snorted it through my nose. That is one funny girl.
Altar Girl on July 5, 2005 12:36 PM
Awww, Rae. Thank you! That's the best compliment EVER.
Natalie on July 5, 2005 02:05 PM
Natalie, you are soooooo welcome. :D Now, please pass the bon bons.
Rae on July 6, 2005 07:41 AM
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June 19, 2005
A Pea in the Pod
Oh, Margi! I am thrilled for you :D
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Thank you, hon! :: blushy ::
After we got over the initial shock we're pretty stoked as well. :)
Now I just have to keep my eyes on the prize and take good care of my Gift.
Thank you again, sweet. It IS rather exciting!
Margi on June 19, 2005 07:40 PM
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April 08, 2005
Happy Day
Some how, in the consumption of musical rehearsals, I missed Alisha's Blogiversary. Please go give her a nice comment of bloggity goodness (as Ith would say).
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Awww - thanks, Rae! *smooches*
Alisha on April 8, 2005 10:39 PM
Apologize for not following post subject - just short since there's not an "E" connection detectable. You mentioned "less conservative than had thought" a short time ago. You may want to check out the morality test listed on this page - it seems pretty thorough (but who know's who's grading it?!):
chrys on April 10, 2005 11:29 AM
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March 29, 2005
Ad Me
Recently, I stumbled upon a new blog advertisement system, The New Jane, just for chicks. I joined and am having the most fun with it. Genia Stevens (she maintains the Blogs by Women blog) came up with it, and although she is my antithesis (a liberal le$bian) she and I have a mutual admiration for one anothers writing.
Anyway, all blogging women are encouraged to check it out. It is a non-partisan, all-inclusive female blogging ad network, so you may see things with which you don't agree, or that you personally find offensive. My theory: if you don't like the sound of it, don't click the link.
If you join, send a kickback my way and tell them that Rae from A Likely Story sent you. It will come back to you in more hits and an increased readership.
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I came across them a few weeks back and was pondering signing up. Now that you have, maybe I will :) My now definct group blog for women was part the blogs by women webring.
Ith on March 29, 2005 01:18 PM
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February 10, 2005
Blow Out the Candles

Please go play the glad game with Pollyanna and wish her a Happy Birthday.
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You are too, too kind. (Your e-mail made me cry.) Thank you so very much, Rae.
And whatta ya know? We're twins born together separately and ten days apart! Our poor spiritual mama. That must have been hell on the bod.
You're the best. No YOU are. Hugs and love.
(P.S. Shawn McComber rocks! And I would have SO said "spooning leads to forking". xoxo)
Margi on February 10, 2005 12:06 PM
Awww, (shuffling feet) thanks, Margi.
That Shawn is a terrific read, huh?
(Shhh, I won't tell Z that you've got a new crush going on....)
Hugs and love right back :D
Rae on February 10, 2005 12:59 PM
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January 12, 2005
Jo and her husband had a healthy baby yesterday. Congratulations. We love you guys.
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That was slightly panic inducing, since I didn't *think* I had a husband or a baby. ;)
Jo on January 13, 2005 02:45 PM
Sorry, "That Jo." :D But, I would be happy for you if you were happy and had just delivered a baby and were married.... :D
Rae on January 13, 2005 04:05 PM
And a healthy strapping Man-Child! Congratulations. I can hear the buttons popping Dad.
R on January 13, 2005 07:36 PM
Well, check Nathan's blog, when and if it happens he'll probably be the first to know. ;)
Jo on January 14, 2005 09:14 AM
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January 08, 2005
Back in Town
Alisha is back. :D
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January 01, 2005
Talk at the Barber Shop
La Shawn, one of my favorite Ladies of the 'Sphere, has a question for you.
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The blog event of 04 was shedding light on the Swift Vets in the Spring and Summer which forced the MSM and the DNC to panic and run the bogus smear "Favored Son" that culminated in Rathergat and cut the MSM/DNC campaign short by two months.
Rod Stanton on January 1, 2005 03:42 PM
I swear it's true.
Rod Stanton on January 1, 2005 03:44 PM
Thanks for the link, Rae. Many blessings to you and your family in the new year!
LB on January 1, 2005 08:21 PM
La Shawn- you are always welcome. Thanks for the well wishes, and to you, also.
Rae on January 1, 2005 09:45 PM
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Soup anyone?
Pam says really nice things. Thank you, Pam. :D :D
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No, I said LIKE the series... but better! ;)
pam on January 1, 2005 02:12 PM
Mmmm, better soup :D
Rae on January 1, 2005 02:55 PM
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It's Her Blogiversary
Happy Blogiversary to TulipGirl :)
And for being nominated for a BoB Award, too.
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December 17, 2004
Her site is called Topic Drift, & does she ever:
"It is important to remember that there is nothing new under the sun. However, when the sun finally expands into a red giant or implodes into a flaming pink dwarf, we will witness new things, & I for one will welcome the changes. I'm not saying that we need to take action to hasten the demise of our sun; I am merely noting that earth is oppressively tedious. Everywhere I go, I see the same blue Ford Explorer. And the same 36 righteous pigeons. I'm tired of it."
The daft Mrs. W-P also offers
crackpot novel advice on getting rid of fleas
PS Does anybody know the code so I can take that picture of Kathie Lee Gifford off Rae's masthead?
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December 13, 2004
Announcing the newest Lady of the 'Sphere: Cindy, of Quotidian Light. Welcome her thoughtful blog with a comment, or two.
Note: You will need occasionally need a dictionary to read her. She is one smart cookie.
Updated: Thanks, Eduardo, for setting me straight :)
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Rae: just nitpicking, the correct Spanish construction is todos los días, unless you might have some pun intended.
Cindy has a niche blog. Thanks for the link :)
Eduardo on December 13, 2004 02:00 PM
oops... niche should really be "nice". Sorry.
Eduardo on December 13, 2004 02:08 PM
Cindy ROCKS!
Randy on December 13, 2004 02:45 PM
Thank you, Eduardo. And, where have you been, pastor? Heheh- actually, niche works, but nice is good, too :)
Randy- she does rock, eh?
Rae on December 13, 2004 04:27 PM
Very humbled, Rae. Thank you.
I kinda liked "niche", too. :)
Cindy on December 13, 2004 08:42 PM
Rae: you're very welcome, and thank you too! I've been buried under a deluge of work... and now I'm just barely emerging to the surface.
Eduardo on December 14, 2004 04:14 AM
Happy Anniversary. :)
emily on December 14, 2004 07:25 AM
Hey, Emily! Thank you so very much :D
Rae on December 15, 2004 01:44 AM
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December 12, 2004
A Grown-Up Chrismas List
Joan needs to write a book. She could outsell that Dr. Laura. Needing gift ideas?
Caution: This list might not make it through your filter, but it will make you laugh.
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You know, Rae, I never even thought about getting my posts through people's filters. Interesting! Learn something new every day.
Thanks for the compliment too. I wish I had as much confidence in my marketability as you do. :)
Joan on December 14, 2004 11:03 AM
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November 24, 2004
El Fin
Many in the 'sphere have been concerned for Kris. I commented for her on the last post. She is alive and well, but has decided to leave the 'sphere for awhile. Should she again decide to take up blogging, I will let people know her new link information by posting it here. She thanks everyone for their thoughtful concern and sends her best wishes.
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How come whenever *I* start reading a new blog, the writer either takes a hiatus, initiates a "Guest Writers" or QUITS entirely.
EVERYTIME this happens.
(Sorry, I'm venting. I seem to be really frustrated today)
Jeremy on November 24, 2004 12:12 PM
It's O.K. to vent, Jeremy. That happens to me frequently, as well. I will miss reading Kris' thoughts;however, and I get to talk to her numerous times a day.
Rae on November 24, 2004 12:14 PM
I just posted on her blog that my prayers are with her and her family. I will miss her too but have seen this happen a time or two over the past ten years. Sometimes offline reality is more important and that is ok.
Randy on November 24, 2004 08:13 PM
It's that frickin' Tiger football team that did it. They're enough to stress anybody out and wear down their immune system. :)
Ben on November 24, 2004 11:44 PM
That is Tiger and not Tiget. And that is not frickin' that is....never mind. Ok that is.... fire truckin'
Ben on November 24, 2004 11:45 PM
Please send my hugs to Kris. I miss her, and would love to talk/listen when she is ready. I am praying for her.
Joyella on December 5, 2004 10:39 AM
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November 19, 2004
My good friend, Amy, formerly of Jo's Jaunts, has a new abode: Momma of Three. Now, we all recall starting our blog and the thrill of a received comment. So be nice and say something kind and friendly :D
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OH Rae!! You REALLY didn't need to do that. I am so embarassed!
By the way, how do I put a picture on my blog? I'm baffled.
Amy on November 20, 2004 06:39 PM
Amy, I will let you know how to post a picture. Also, Blogger should offer a tutorial for you that is very easy to follow.
And shaw! I loved giving you a little blogger attention :D
Rae on November 21, 2004 12:18 AM
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November 03, 2004
What are you giving her?

This is the day (repeat)
That Kris was birthed (repeat)
I will rejoice (repeat)
And be glad in it (repeat).
'Cause this is the day that Kris was birthed.
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day (repeat)
That Kris was birthed.
Happy Birthday to The Best Friend. Now you go tell her.
Many happy returns of the day :D
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Randy on November 3, 2004 03:56 PM
Thanks my friend.
And thank you Randy for the card; what an unexpected pleasant surprise! Thanks so much.
Kris on November 3, 2004 09:15 PM
I read this post just before I left work tonight. And as I was walking home in the pouring rain without an umbrella, I found myself singing in my head "This is the Day!" I couldn't help but smile as I realized that I wasn't all that upset about being soaking wet. I imagine you did not intend for this sort of thing to happen, but thanks!
Oh, and a very happy belated birthday Kris!
Maureen on November 4, 2004 05:46 PM
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October 27, 2004
Chapel of Love
A big, hearty, hopeful congratulations to Emily and Mr. Emily :D
(A lovely picture of the happy and gorgeous couple in the sidebar).
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September 30, 2004
A Shot

Now, we all know that my visits with Kris must be chronicled not only with words, but in photographs, as well. So here is the requiste shot: my beautiful friend and I on our way out the door (nice 80's hair on moi, eh?)
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Beautiful gals - I think you could be sisters!
GrumpyBunny on September 30, 2004 09:47 AM
Thanks GB :) We have been told that before.
Rae on September 30, 2004 09:56 AM
Hmmm... since you're in Utah, Rae, I suspect that enlisting some of the genealogy nuts at BYU could very well turn out a few surprises... who knows?
Eduardo on September 30, 2004 01:41 PM
GB, wow, I am always flattered when someone thinks that Rae and I could be sisters because I think that she is soo beautiful!
Kris on September 30, 2004 02:11 PM
In fact both of you are :) It's a fact, get over it...
Eduardo on September 30, 2004 02:32 PM
I think that is a compliment, right, Eduardo?
Anyway, I, too, am greatly complimented when someone asks if Kris and I are sisters- she is just drop dead gorgeous, but more than that, she has so many qualities that I aspire to and she is my mothering-mentor.
Eduardo- I am in Utah, but definitely not from Utah (were you suggesting their vast resources for searching genealogy?) :)
I much prefer the "Hippie Mama" pic (new) at the bottom of my blog- the make-up in the pic I posted here is a bit heavier for our evening out. The one at bottom is an "everyday" kind.
Rae on September 30, 2004 04:34 PM
GREAT pics of both of you. Good friendship pictures are always a blessing.
Randy on September 30, 2004 06:38 PM
Rae (and Kris): It is a compliment. Sorry if my poor English didn't make it clear.
As for the Utah part, I was jokingly implying that you were sisters, hinting that the noted genealogists at B.Y.U. in Salt Lake City might very well find some secret family link :D But with tongue firmly in cheek. Blessings to both of you and your families!
Eduardo on September 30, 2004 07:16 PM
::sniff:: Well, I am feelin pretty cocky and confident now after all that strokin! Thanks for the compliments Eduardo, Randy, Rae, and GB. As a thirty something mother of five, it is quite flattering. :)
Kris on September 30, 2004 08:11 PM
Nikita-That is inappropriate. Not once but twice. Bad form.
R on October 1, 2004 06:46 AM
Ummmm, I think you got the wrong blog Nikita. There'll be none of that on this site! Rae and I are two women who love our fabulous husbands with all of our hearts, and your suggestion is degrading and makes me want to wretch.
And if you knew what R the Marine looked like, you'd be cowering right now!
Kris on October 1, 2004 07:51 AM
Comment from Nikita removed.
Rae on October 1, 2004 07:58 AM
good :) don't feed the troll.
Eduardo on October 1, 2004 10:17 AM
Good moderatin' ladies. I agree with Eduardo...don't feed the troll. ;)
Randy on October 2, 2004 08:38 AM
sorry - just kiddin'
cute photo-
nikita demosthenes on October 3, 2004 06:44 PM
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September 24, 2004
In the Bedroom
Scene from Kris' house:
Kris is at her computer. I, being the later-sleeping friend of us both, am just awakening to the sound of the clicking keys. We quietly talk; discussing blog posts; a movie we watched; etc. The smell of coffee pulls me from the bed- and let me tell you, she has created the most comfortable bed in which I have ever slept. I am inspired. (I have decided it must be three things: feather bed [which I don't have but aspire to], down comforter [check], and the most perfect pillows ever designed [now on order]). After retriving my coffee, and thus awakening a bit more, I begin to think of reasons to spur her separation from the monitor. You see, two women, two blogs, one computer doesn't work. I am not alone in my endeavors, however. I noticed the other day, after I had spent what was deemed enough time on the computer, I received a flow of polite requests that I couldn't refuse my friend. After completing the tasks, I came back to find my friend now comfortably situated in the seat I had been warming. We fell into hysterics at the unspoken recognition of our motives in sending one another on various household errands to gain access to the 'sphere.
Examples of our antics:
Kris: "Rae, would you mind getting some toilet paper for Micah while I finish making the bed [the computer is in the bedroom and my leaving the bedroom to provide appropriate sanitary conditions for Micah would require my leaving the computer]?"
Rae: "Kris, [from the kitchen thus requiring her need to move away in order to hear me] could you come in here and find the creamer for me?" [As she is digging through the fridge, I slip around the corner and head for the bedroom.]
Kris: "[An attempt to blame her need for organization and scheduling] Why don't you shower and get ready for the day while I blog?"
Rae: "[An attempt to neglect and avoid any kind of schedule] Why don't you go make the coffee and I'll blog?"
Suffice it to say, that between the two of us goal-oriented women, we make both errands and blogging happen; with a bit laughter and respect added.
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my wife is actually jealous of the computer. She hates it. Both of your husbands should be lucky... ;)
Eduardo on September 24, 2004 01:04 PM
I'm the opposite, my computers share ME!
*talks to his 5 computers around his Geek-O-Sphere* Its okay, I'll get around to each of you in turn...
Jeremy on September 24, 2004 02:52 PM
I am on the comp right now, do dah, do dah, I am on the comp right now oh do dah daaaaaaay.
Kris on September 24, 2004 03:03 PM
Dropping comment crumbs for friend here. Uhhhh, nice colors for your blog.
Kris on September 24, 2004 03:04 PM
(Telephone ringing)"Hey Rae, can you get that?" (Me, running to bedroom and sitting in computer seat)
Kris on September 24, 2004 03:18 PM
Jealous-yes. Pajamas. Order pillows? Couldn't be, must be odor pillows.
R on September 24, 2004 09:45 PM
Not really order pillows Mr. Marine, but her post sounds much better worded that way! (You know, creative license:) ) She has been a good non-spending girl!
Kris on September 24, 2004 11:45 PM
Guess who's reading the news and other blogs, and surfin...and guess who's still sleepin...hehe.
Kris on September 25, 2004 08:19 AM
That's hysterical. Very funny.
Randy on September 25, 2004 09:50 AM
Now that is funny!
King of Fools on September 27, 2004 02:09 PM
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September 21, 2004
Goodnight Moon
I am quite tired.....but being tired from being with one of the two people on this earth who know me best makes it completely worth it.
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Uh huh, thas right, talking bout mua.
Kris on September 24, 2004 03:10 PM
Leaving lots of nice and lovely comments for Miss Thing.
Kris on September 24, 2004 03:11 PM
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August 25, 2004
Joan at Seven Inches of Sense always cracks me up. While I confess to both laughing and blushing when reading some of her posts, her transparency draws me like a moth to the flame.
I was educated in Oklahoma public schools the first 10 years of my education (let the jokes begin) and had a wonderful college Geography professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia (he favored a literary approach along with maps- right up my personality alley), yet I still can't tell you if my home state is considered part of the south or the southwest or the midwest. Regardless, Joan's Southern Woman prescription is just what I was taught and am teaching my daughters. This isn't for Womens Studies majors (unless said major applies a bit of gloss to her lips and mascara to her lash and runs a brush through her hair), so all you uber feminists can save your unhappy male-bashing comments for support, er, discussion groups.
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My husband, John Donovan, went to Mizzou and majored in Geography!
I think Oklahoma is a Plains State - like Kansas.
Beth on August 25, 2004 11:58 AM
Oklahoma is OK. I love that slogan. It's as if they are saying, "Come on over to Oklahoma. We know it sucks here. So if you talk smack about it, we won't blow up your car as punishment like they would in Texas."
As for what I would consider 'The South'...I am kind of weird about that. In my mind, there are only four real Southern states. Then there are three alternates that can sometimes be considered Southern. I think I will post about that soon...stir up a hornet's nest.
However, tomorrow's post will be "Lovingly Lustful Lady Killers." I told the girls how they should act...time to address the boys. :)
Joan on August 25, 2004 12:20 PM
Oh man Rae, that post of hers is perfect. Spot on! And hilarious!
Kris on August 25, 2004 05:49 PM
She's a hoot.
I have only had my hair past my shoulders once. In third grade. I just cannot stand it.
And I will definitely have to try the 3rd time's a charm thing with completing the task he's supposed to do. I usually use the 3rd time to say, "I'm not nagging but this is the LAST time I will say this..."
GrumpyBunny on August 26, 2004 10:00 AM
Beth-when did he attend? We were there from 1988-1993. How cool :)
Rae on August 26, 2004 02:19 PM
Joan- my husband teases me about being an Okie. He says all Oklahomans are Texas wannabes :) He also told me the joke long ago that the reason Texas doesn't fall into the gulf is because Oklahoma sucks. Heh heh.
Rae on August 26, 2004 02:26 PM
Rae - John attended a few years before you did - he even played football for Mizzou back when they were in Bowl games in the .. ahem .. 70's.
Beth on August 27, 2004 05:36 AM
You know, Beth, I think I only attended one game the whole time we were there. I had grown up in Oklahoma during the '70's- Barry Switzer's heyday so the desire to go watch a losing time never appealed to me :)
Rae on August 27, 2004 11:08 AM
I just moved to Oklahoma from Florida because my husband got a job here and is from Oklahoma. Let me tell you this State is dirty full of poverty and just down right ugly. I would take Florida back in a heartbeat. Oklahoma has NOTHING to offer. I can't wait to leave. I am sorry I am here.
Lea on January 25, 2005 01:18 PM
Well, Lea, I would wager to say that if you left your family and close friends behind in Florida, then you are probably not going to see any beauty in Oklahoma because you so want to be with whom and with what you know.
Yes. There are some areas of great poverty in Oklahoma. In what part do you live, because that can make a big difference in your opinion of the land and of the people.
Rae on January 25, 2005 01:52 PM
Oklahoma sucks big time!! I just want everyone to know this. We live in Texas and are having to pay Oklahoma taxes because the company my husband worked for is based out of Oklahoma, that sucks. We should not have to pay for Ok., Us Texans are smarter than to have a state income tax.I hate Oklahoma, and I am tired of giving them my money. Get a job and make your own.
Judi on February 22, 2005 08:23 AM
Hi, Judi. I no longer live in Oklahoma and am sorry you have such bitterness. Perhaps you should take it up with your husband's employer rather than directing your hate toward the citizens of a state and dismissing the entire state because of one thing you dislike or with which you disagree.
Rae on February 22, 2005 09:11 AM
I agree with the others. Oklahoma really does suck. It's dirty and the people are stupid. I think I'll leave.
allen on August 25, 2005 06:58 AM
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diabetic supplies on August 26, 2005 07:43 PM
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July 22, 2004
Another Wonderful Woman
Kadi Prescott (Patrick's beautiful sister-in-law) has her own blog, Overworked, Underpaid Uterus. She is the mother of five children (all under five, right?). Her title should be enough to let you know that she approaches all those hungry mouths, sweet Prescott cheeks (they have the cheeks, right?), and endearing little souls with a touch of sanity retaining humor.
You are officially inducted, Lady Kadi :)
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June 13, 2004
Up and Coming
Checking my sitemeter is one of the first things I do each morning after getting on-line. So, I guess it's true, I am slightly addicted to "hits and page views." While I am pleasantly surprised by high numbers (they typically only occur with a controversial post that is found by a search engine or a dissident link), I am more content with the faithfulness of the few. So, I am averaging around 58 hits a day.
I am always curious as to how I am found. It isn't always discernable from the meter, so, I boldly but politely visit the site, look around, leave a comment about a specific post and then ask how in the 'sphere they found this tiny site on the web.
Today, I am going to list a few new blogs that I have added. I have yet to make it to the show, but I enjoy a small readership and receive a steady flow of comments. I recall the days when nary a comment was found; for months. So, in the name of not forgetting those days, I am going to give a bit of publicity to a few bloggers that I have recently added to my list of daily reads.
Writing to Understand Kris is one of my closest friends and knows me far better than most. She has a talent and love for thinking through to the logical conclusions in almost every situation.
Dissident Frenchman I just found him today, but so enjoyed reading his site, that I linked him immediately.
Letters from New York Michele has endured many venemous attacks for changing her political position. She is a deep soul with a beautiful hand for her writing.
Write...or Die Trying ZaphodBeeblebrox-this, too, is one of my personal friends who took a leave of absence from blogging for awhile, but recently returned. I truly believe we will one day see him published ("Never, never, never, never give up!").
My Thoughts... Exactly David R. Darrow. I don't even recall how I found David (do you David?) but I immediately liked his writing. David is an artist who also takes time to transfer his artistry into blogging.
Truth Be Told Jerry is a frequent commentor over at La Shawn's. He recently moved into the blogdom kingdom and is a powerfully persuasive writer.
Jeremy Gilby I think Jeremy found his way here through Nathan and I'm glad he did. He is a true Jack of All Trades (he knows a lot about a lot) with a touch of sincerity (and sarcasm).
Please take a minute and visit these bloggers; leave a comment; become a regular. You will enjoy your reading and perhaps, learn something new.
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"Kris is one of my closest friends and ..."
(small alteration needed if you please)
"Kris is my best friend in the world with my friend Eddy running a close second." (hehe haha)
Thanks for the help my friend!
Kris on June 13, 2004 12:56 PM
:) (by the way, Eddie with an "ie.")
If ever there was a person from I learned most about diplomacy, it has been you my friend. You understand what I can't say in text, but consistently reassure to you in word :)
Rae on June 13, 2004 01:02 PM
Thank you for the mention in your "Up and Coming" list. As we probably all do, our cyberpaths crossed through someone else's site. I appreciate both the mention, and the company in which I find myself in your blog.
I started writing in closed blog [writer's circle at school] since 1999, but 9/11 changed all that. After following a few blogs and corresponding with their creators and other writers (non-bloggers) I found my voice once again began to emerge and began blogging. I've enjoyed and related so much to your writing (especially "A Few Things"), that I just had to add you to my favorites, so that I could visit frequently.
Thanks for being here.
Michele in NYC on June 13, 2004 05:18 PM
Wow. Jeremy R. Gilby: Jack of All Trades.
That is a title I hold in very high esteem and regard. (I like versatility in a person).
But to defend true Jacks of all Trades, I don't know a lot. I know enough to hold an intelligent conversation.
And I know what I don't know.
But thank you for the hat-tip Rae!
And yes, Nathan tacitly lured me over here, but it was the intelligent discourse that made me stay.
Jeremy on June 13, 2004 09:12 PM
hey Rae, what's the difference between page views and visits?
See you!
virginia on June 14, 2004 06:41 PM
I just checked my blog, Random Atom, this morning after having abandoned it for a week (its finals at my school). Anyway, I saw your comment and responded to it, but I wanted to let you know that I have corrected the error on the link to your brother's site. It now reflects his true proffesion and chosen branch of the military.
I apologize--I should have known better!
Thanks for the alert!
Eve on June 16, 2004 08:48 AM
You make it sound like it was some part of my evil plot...
Nathan on June 17, 2004 02:03 AM
You are the one talking about your Evil Plot to subvert "A Likely Story", a.k.a. Operation: Second Language"
I was sworn to secrecy. It was YOU who brought it up!
Its not my fault I'm just your unwilling tool...
Jeremy on June 17, 2004 09:31 AM
I am honored to have made your list with my blog (My Thoughts... Exactly!. Thanks so much!
Discovering this also put a fire under my seat to write something more. I had a goal of writing at least once a day all year, but that goal died when I learned of my dad's prostate cancer several months ago, and didn't write for a week or more...
I've written many since then, but somehow that goal just doesn't seem as important as it did when I "resolved it."
We got connected when I used Google to "verify" (yeah, whatever) the Nofsinger letter. Your site didn't provide any verification, but I got hooked reading your stuff. All I was trying to do was decide if I should post the whole letter on my blog.
I did.
And then I came back here to read more.
You're a polite person in the face of disagreements, and that always attracts me. My favorite quality in any human is Grace, and I see it in you. Second is a good sense of humor combined with not taking oneself too seriously. You've got that too.
Loved your numbered list of "A few things about me..."
You are among a handful of Friends I've Never Met.
David R. Darrow on June 17, 2004 01:11 PM
Gorgeous blog...Got here via pamibe's fascinating tale.
Sissy Willis on June 17, 2004 03:45 PM
Nathan-plot? ;)
David- thank you for such kind words; they are so encouraging and I'm glad that Google brought you here.
Sissy Willis-welcome! Thank you (blush) and come back anytime. I always say: Readers welcome, commentors adored :)
Rae on June 17, 2004 08:52 PM
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June 11, 2004
For what or whom do you blog?
I always enjoy reading La Shawn. She is a strong and knowledgable writer, but she allows a bit of herself into her posts, too, and that is what makes me visit her so frequently.
She wants to know why you blog and read web logs? Go give her an answer.
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I just love new finds. This is a Lady of the 'Sphere. Most definitely.
Thanks, Z. Oh, and welcome back :)
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