October 02, 2005
Why (again)?
Yeah, a poem, I can write. Rewrite a fable with modern day themes- check. A ten minute play?
See Rae.
See Rae fret.
See Rae become anxious.
See Rae stress.
A ten minute play. It will be the death of me, I am sure. Or at least of any remaining brain I have.
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just write about some dream you had sis!
nick on October 2, 2005 10:12 PM
Do people still write poetry? Very Amish of them....
jeff on October 3, 2005 06:30 AM
I have faith in you! Go, girl! ;o)
Margi on October 3, 2005 08:15 AM
Okay so we all know you can write anything so stop worrying!!! YOU can DO it!!!
Sally on October 3, 2005 03:26 PM
Rae, sorry I didn't call last night. Hope you test went well. I'll try this weekend to drop a line. Tell you about W's dr's appointment.
I liked the Anne Lenox dream story, that would be a good one.
Amy Jo on October 3, 2005 10:16 PM
we all have faith in your abilities; just let the words flow with the tension.
amelie on October 3, 2005 11:49 PM
I think I am most intimidated in navigating a genre that is unfamiliar to me; oh and finding the time that is already so crunched!
I do appreciate the cheering section. You are all initiated into the pep club, but Shawn has final say on the uniform (he's not crazy about tassels).
Rae on October 5, 2005 12:56 PM
Now, I'm not entirely opposed to tasels. I'm just concerned that they used tastefully. But, then again, I'm not opposed to shaking up the fashion world a bit. So I could be convinced to be a bit braver in service of breaking new ground and Rae's writing. I just want to make sure any tasel stuffs are well considered.
Shawn on October 7, 2005 01:52 PM
You can write the play. Just do something else, wait a little longer to make it more urgent then do it like you do in a crunch, it will turn out fine. (No dig here)
On the tassel issue-As soon as I found out tassels sent Curly into a panic I knew there was something not right with them. Then when my Dad who is 75 told me "Never trust a salesman or Lawyer who wears tasseled loafers" that sealed it for me. I am sure I am out of the loop on tassels but that is my 2 cents.
Anyone know about Curly and tassels?
r on October 10, 2005 05:25 PM
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September 07, 2005
What Was I Thinking?
Reading and writing. Reading and writing. I go to sleep surrounded by literary tomes; I awaken before the rise of the sun to finish papers.
Why did I choose English as my major again?
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Um, it's because you Like the Language, right?
"You failed English? Bobby, you speak english."
Seriously, reading this site and the essay below, what else would you have done?
Shawn on September 7, 2005 08:17 PM
Hey! Good reminder, Shawn. I do, in fact, like the language. I don't know what else I could do but write; it's all I have ever done.
Some women scrapbook, and when their children are grown, they plan on giving them volumes of pictures neatly trimmed with tiny ornaments and stickers. It does look lovely, but I plan to publish the writings I have stowed away for my daughters and give them a book instead.
And that last part: coming from you Mr. Published/Recorded, I'll take as a compliment of the highest order.
Rae on September 7, 2005 09:49 PM
Beauty fades. Words are forever.
I think that's the mostest best gift to give your children. Pieces of your heart.
[And I'm obviously NOT an English major but I shoulda been. Heh.]
Margi on September 7, 2005 10:50 PM
So very true, Margi, love.
Rae on September 8, 2005 05:24 PM
Good question. You write to well to be an English major. Change your major.
bigwhitehat on September 10, 2005 02:58 AM
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August 31, 2005
On Assignment: Updated*
*I found favor in my professor eyes and received a 10/10.
A piece was required by my Advanced Grammar professor asking me to "think about my early experiences with reading and writing" and to then write a one page paper that explains or shows how my "past experiences with reading and writing affect your current attitudes about grammar."
My offering:
Proof of Life
I can still feel the ballpoint pen navigating the knolls of the textured wall, the wobbly, blue lines inscriptive of my existence. Having won the handwriting award out of 42 other competing first graders, I was disappointed that it did not look as neat, as crisp on the paint as it did on my papers. My mother was the first to find it. My gorgeous, young mother in overalls and halter, her milk chocolate hair falling down her shoulders, brought me into her bedroom and pointed, just above the baseboard.
“Did you do that?” she queried.
“No,” I replied, my voice flat. I recall wondering why she was insulting me with such a question. Of course I had done it; no one else had award-winning penmanship but me. Why had she given me the opportunity to lie? It was simply irresistible.
“So, you did not take a pen and write your name?” She was doing it again. I rubbed the side of my nose. My hands smelled of crayons, dirt, sweat, and orange peanut butter crackers. “I think I did.”
Muttering something about my being incorrigible, she left the room. I started to follow but was told to “stay right where I was.” She returned with a scrub brush and pail. The sickening institutional odor of pine cleaner filled the air. Stifling a retch, I plunged my hands into the water.
I scrubbed for hours I am sure, but the oil-base didn’t want to let go of my masterpiece. I mindlessly drew the bristles back and forth, occasionally stopping to examine the wrinkles on my hands, the chewed skin around my fingernails. Mother reappeared. She squatted to examine my progress. Still there, mocking us both, “(insert my name here)” persisted in all its glory.
Every night my mother and I read on her bed. She either hadn’t the patience for picture books or felt them beneath her, and so insisted on reading chapter books, sometimes a few pages at a time to keep my wandering mind corralled. She frequently told me that short sentences and big pictures produced shorter attention spans, small minds, limited vocabulary, and she was sure it altered ones genetics to be grammatically challenged. Some nights we took turns reading. Words that I stumbled over, she insisted that I sound out. Tonight we were reading from The Incredible Journey. The ritual was for me to repeat the author’s name before we commenced. I knew that the author was forever connected to her work, her words, by attaching her name to it. The way to immortalize oneself was to make sure that no one ever forgot that by which one was called, recognized, known.
“Sheila Burnford is the author,” I stated.
I saw her eyes flicker, looking back and forth into each of my own. In that moment, I knew she had forgiven me, for both writing my name in ink on the wall and lying about it. Somewhere beneath layers of latex lies proof of my existence, that I was once a child with perfect penmanship on her way to the refinement of syntax and grammar… and prevarication.
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that was beautiful!
amelie on August 31, 2005 07:24 AM
I LOVE IT!!!!! What a beautiful illustration of the importance of responsible parenting. Your mother did you an incredible favor. Now if you could only convince the modern day parent to do this.
Stacy on August 31, 2005 09:06 AM
Beautifully written, Rae! If you wrote a book, I would definitely be in line to buy it. I truly love your writing style and the substance it contains. :-)
Jenn on August 31, 2005 02:13 PM
Awwwww, gals :D You sure made my day. Now, let's hope that my prof finds it "A"cceptable ;)
Rae on August 31, 2005 03:23 PM
Lovely, Rae. I'm with Jenn.
Altar Girl on August 31, 2005 03:30 PM
congrats on the 10/10! definitely more than well deserved, and count me as standing in line as well!
amelie on September 3, 2005 11:22 PM
Damn, you're good!
H. on September 6, 2005 01:33 PM
I'm a fan- beautiful writing
irenepuccio on September 6, 2005 09:02 PM
Very Nice,
I stop in every week or so whan I have time to read a few local and national blogs.
Once again you make me wish I had the ability to think and write with 1/100000 of you skill.
Just wanted you to know that while I am a lurker and do not comment very often you are always appreciated.
South Jordan Dad on September 10, 2005 12:04 AM
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August 11, 2005
Quien es?
Hmm, I wonder who, from Columbia, Missouri, using Socket as an ISP, Googled my name? And why, if they are a friend, they didn't comment on my blog?
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It was me I confess:
Perdoneme, Padre. Nunca me he confesado antes en mi vida. Ni tampoco pienso hacerio ahora. Entre aqui para resguardarme del sol. ?Y que tal los Padres de San Diego? Tiene razon. Los relevistas estan un poco flojos. Quizas necesiten un poco de ayuda del cielo. ?Rezamos?
Here's the translation: Forgive me Father. I have never confessed before in my life. In fact, I don't intend to now. I came here to get out of the sun. How about those Padres? You're right. Their relief pitching is a little weak. Maybe they need a lilltle help from above. Shall we Pray?
Sorry, I had to share that from a book GB got called "The Wicked Traveler" It's funny as hell. All kinds of great useless phrases in different languages.
Director on August 16, 2005 09:01 PM
I get atleast five of these a month, and it makes me completely neurotic. Or maybe it just adds to that tendency. :)
I mean, great, you're looking for me, you found me, now what?
Jo on August 22, 2005 10:54 AM
Rae on August 22, 2005 01:02 PM
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August 05, 2005
the Wit (52% dark, 39% spontaneous, 22% vulgar) |
your humor style: CLEAN | COMPLEX | DARK
You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean pretentious. You realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all isn't that the Simpsons' philosophy?--but rudeness for its own sake, 'gross-out' humor and most other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat.
I guess you just have a more cerebral approach than most. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer.
Your sense of humor takes the most thought to appreciate, but it's also the best, in my opinion.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart - Woody Allen - Ricky Gervais
AND FINALLY -- after you rate my test with a sweet, sweet '5' -- you must take this test next: The Genghis Khan Genetic Fitness Test. It's not mine, but it rocks.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: | You scored higher than 37% on dark | | You scored higher than 33% on spontaneous | | You scored higher than 20% on vulgar |
Thanks, Andy.
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Wait a second--so John Stewart = dumb humor? See, this is why I hate online quizzes. I'll turn out to be R2-D2's life partner or some crap like that.
Greg Ho on August 5, 2005 08:48 PM
No, Greg. I think it is the opposite; that is, Jon Stewart equals witty humor. Although, I don't see it. I was a bit disappointed with whom I was supposed to be similar.
Who the heck is Ricky Gervais anyway?
Actually, I think you to be more C3's type....
Rae on August 5, 2005 09:30 PM
I'm your opposite, the Idiot Savant. Supposedly I'll laugh at anything.
er... 'scuse me.
pam on August 6, 2005 07:34 AM
I am the HAM. I guess thats about right. Thats all I have to say....
sally on August 6, 2005 09:32 AM
Lol- Pam your "er...'scuse me" cracked me up.
Oooooo, Sally, you have always been The Ham :D
Rae on August 6, 2005 06:18 PM
the wit for me too, no surprise, i scored 60%dark, 33% spontaneous, 35% vulgar
nick on August 7, 2005 06:32 PM
Interesting, I'm the HAM... it described me/my responses as (and I never really thought of myself as) a guilty pleasure. That settles it, I'm going as a big hunk of chocolate for Halloween.
bobincheck on August 8, 2005 01:07 AM
Nick- the older you get the more I see you as an individual, and the more I see commonalities between us, too. :D
Bobincheck-if chocolate is a guilty pleasure, then that would be completely appropriate for Halloween :D
Rae on August 9, 2005 02:41 PM
I scored 99% on dark, spontaneous AND vulgar.
Scary. The test said I enjoy delivering crushing comebacks and replies. My humor is dry, sarcstic, and sometimes over the top. People can't tell if I am serious or not.
Yup, that sums it up for me.
Director on August 16, 2005 09:35 PM
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August 02, 2005
Ring ring
A bottle of Zinfandel, a tub, and the soothing croon of Chiara Civello and Carla Bruni are calling to me.
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Wow, kind of an expensive wine for just solo tub sipping, no? :)
andy on August 3, 2005 07:38 AM
I hope they're doing their own singing. This is no time for another Milli Vanilli debacle.
Greg Ho on August 3, 2005 07:26 PM
I should mention that they are independent of one another.
I liked Milli Vanilli. Shhhh. I couldn't help myself. I was young and impressionable.
Rae on August 3, 2005 08:36 PM
Rae, you're a woman after my own heart! Zinfandel is my favourite. Try Bonny Doon's Cardinal Zin if you ever see it around. It's soooooo good.
Ith on August 4, 2005 09:35 AM
Ith, it took awhile to get my palate accommodated to red, but now the taste of anything else is just...so...icky.
Rae on August 4, 2005 04:37 PM
I liked Milli Vanilli too! I think I still have the cassette somewhere.
Sounds like a plan for me too - tub time, vino, and some good relaxing tunes.
GrumpyBunny on August 4, 2005 06:16 PM
Andy, I'm worth it, right?
GB, it is the only way I feel I can process sometimes. :D
Rae on August 4, 2005 06:19 PM
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July 20, 2005
Right Here, Right Now
Can I just say that going two days without AC in 102 degree heat, making the house a refreshing 91, has made me so appreciate living in this century?
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Ah, that fine desert living.
Altar Girl on July 20, 2005 10:05 AM
I can honestly say I know how you feel!!! Up until a few weeks ago I was in the same postion.Thank god for my husband and fixing the problem rather quickly. I must say the only nice thing about not having ac was the 5 pounds I lost due to sweat!!!
sally on July 20, 2005 01:52 PM
Rae: This is the usual state of things in our country (i.e., no air conditioner whatsoever and temperatures around the 100 F in summer).
Here are some suggestions for bearing it:
Build with thick adobe or solid brick walls.
Open all of your windows at night, and keep'em closed at day.
Have LOTS of cold water to drink. Avoid anything that has sugar like the plague. Eat salads and light dishes. The point is, avoid any excess calories.
Have portable fans ready.
Wear cotton clothes -- especially the underwear.
Well, hope this helps for the next time your A.C. equipment fails. Believe me, America is the only country that can take air conditioning for granted. In other parts of the world, and even in America in past years, that was not the case... and yet, people managed to live and to work.
Eduardo on July 25, 2005 06:35 PM
You are right, Eduardo. I experienced this first-hand on a mission trip to Haiti. However, I do think that it is always harder to go from feast to famine, than famine to feast.
Rae on July 28, 2005 12:48 PM
A dry heat is the easiest.
R on July 28, 2005 08:24 PM
R: how true. Humid heat (like our summers down here) can be almost unbearable.
Eduardo on July 31, 2005 06:51 PM
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June 09, 2005
The Chair
After six months of braces, my bottom teeth are now perfectly straight. I now have a lovely permanent retainer glued to the back of my teeth. As I was feeling it over and over and over with my tongue, the assistant said, "And try not to feel the wire with your tongue or it will get sore." Ummmm......
I have extremely sensitive teeth, so frigid water and cold air blasting against my teeth, combined with cotton shoved between my lower lip and my gums made me a bit insane for the four hours I sat in the...Oh, yeah. So it was really about 12 minutes, but when we are talking cold water, cold air, and wads of cotton, time is relative.
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Congratulations, Rae! I was so excited both times when I got my braces off (yes, twice.) And I assure you, you will eventually stop running your tongue over the wire and won't even notice it after a while. I have the same permanent retainer - not having one placed the first time around was the reason I ended up needing braces a second time. Never again! Also, I recommend Oral-B Super Floss for flossing - one end of it has a built-in threader so you can feed it easily underneath the wire and still floss around the bases of those lower front teeth. Now go have some corn on the cob! :-)
Alisha on June 10, 2005 02:08 AM
All that talk of cold air and cold water remind me that I still need to get the last two root canal teeth crowned. And one more root canal.
Why can't our teeth be made of Tungsten?
GrumpyBunny on June 10, 2005 03:32 PM
Ouch! I went to this psychotic old Dentist a couple of years ago who told me I had eight cavaties. He said they had to be filled...and I told him fine and madea n appointment even though I couldn't find a single little black dot on any of the teeth mentioned and he couldn't show me any. But my insurance was running out as my divorce was about to be final, so I reluctantly agreed to have it all done.
After nearly killing me with gas (a story for another time), and an inability to get my mouth numbed, he proceeded with the fillings. It was very painful and took three hours.
A year later I went to a different dentist who informed me that all those fillings needed to be redone because the crazy old dentist didn't seal the teeth correctly and that had allowed cavaties to form. Of course, I no longer have dental insurance and can't afford to have all of them done. So that sucking air and cold thing really hurts!
Joan on June 10, 2005 10:13 PM
Alisha- I have recently met more women who have had a second round of braces, full sets, but mostly just on the bottom. (P.S. I can't remember my password for commenting on your site through WP :( )
GB- I don't know, but it would be easier, wouldn't it?
Joan, I had a similar experience. My former dentist was well-known in the community, but he frequently pushed for treatments and excessive procedures. R has a great story about being freshly discharged from the Marine Corps and getting his wisdom teeth removed by some dentist passing time at a VA hospital (death traps there are). Local anethesia and the doc with his foot on R's shoulder tugging....
Rae on June 11, 2005 04:28 PM
Oops, Alisha. That should be Typekey
Rae on June 11, 2005 04:39 PM
Rae-It was his knee on my shoulder. Still bad and rough but a little less extreme. I was drenched with sweat and white as a sheet. One comment to the assistant was "Did you see that root piece?" No she said. it must have been sucked up into the vacuum spout.
R on June 11, 2005 05:59 PM
Rae, my sympathies... ;) I positively *hate* having to go to the dentist (even though I dated one who was 6 years my senior way back then).
Are you acquainted with the Dustin Hoffman's movie of the seventies, Marathon Man (or the book might do as well) ? If you don't, and plan to see/read it, well... don't do it when you have a dentist appointment one week or less away.
Eduardo on June 13, 2005 06:27 AM
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April 13, 2005
How many times can I post that I am tired? Tomorrow night we have our Preview Night in which all the theater majors are invited to come; then we open Thursday, have a matinee and evening performance on Friday, a show on Saturday evening, and some sort of rehearsals next week with only Wednesday off and repeat the performance cycle.
It is fun, but I really don't think I will ever do this again. It simply steals far too much time from me personally and from my time with my girls and R.
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Break a leg Rae. There's a few things I need to discuss with you, but I'll give you a week to recover before I call! Nothing serious, just catching up.
Amy Jo on April 14, 2005 05:57 AM
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April 08, 2005
Lock Down
I am thinking of making this a password only site for a few months until a certain situation is secure. I would be happy to send passwords to those people of integrity who are regular readers. Some people aren't above board and will use anything to justify their vindicative, caustic motives. I can't allow the words in my posts nor those of people in comments to be used to support you, and you know who you are. You make me wretch.
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Yikes. I would like the password. You know my email.
Randy on April 8, 2005 08:09 AM
Rae, I hope that I haven't offended you or R in any way.
If not, I would like the password. Please.
In addition. I can provide to you and R more specific info about me if you guys need it.
Ralph (Made up from my children's names. Rachel, Laura and Joseph.)
Ralph on April 8, 2005 09:13 AM
I've been reading your blog for a long time, and would appreciate being considered for a password. If you'd like more detailed info on me, please e-mail me. In the meantime, I hope that the situation gets worked out.
Heart on April 8, 2005 11:20 AM
Rae: Yours is the third site I have been to today that has done or is considering this move. Sorry to hear it, but I understand. I wonder if this will be one of the big blowbacks of mass blog publishing.
Greg on April 8, 2005 11:52 AM
Sorry to hear of the trouble. I like to stop by once in awhile. I hope things get cleared up.
Beth Ellen on April 8, 2005 01:54 PM
Please send along a password, should you have to protect the site.
Jo on April 8, 2005 01:57 PM
Do what you need to, Rae. Just include me among the passworded peoples, that's all I ask. ;)
pam on April 8, 2005 05:34 PM
I believe I am password worthy.
Amy Jo
Amy on April 8, 2005 06:06 PM
It is just rotten that someone is behaving so childishly and ruining it for others. Please be sure to send me a password - my day isn't complete without you! :-)
Alisha on April 8, 2005 10:21 PM
I would appreciaite consideration as to whether or not I may be awarded a password. I enjoy your blog and would hate to miss what is a daily pleasure.
Thanks & may God bless.
Randy on April 8, 2005 11:00 PM
if i do not recieve a password i do not believe i can continue to address you as sister, a friendship and family will be severed for eternity, upon recieving the password i will once again be reassured of our lasting bond.
i love you,
your brother,
nick on April 9, 2005 07:51 PM
that was fun.
talk to you soon
nick on April 9, 2005 07:52 PM
Don't visit often, but when I do, I enjoy your blog. Anybody that likes the language the way you do is allright by me. I'd like to be considered for a password. In return, if you'd be kind enough to point out the parents of your annoying person to me, I'll be the first person to introduce them to each other. Couldn't be any worse for them than finding out their offspring is a - ahem - winged spincter. Also known as a flying - umm - blank. (In deference to a wonderful lady raising "PG" kids in a sometimes "X" rated world.)
Jim on April 10, 2005 01:10 AM
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April 02, 2005
Some Questions Answered
Dancing Queen, a dear friend from the Mother Land, asked why the musical is kicking my butt.
My analysis:
Read more Some Questions Answered »
1. DQ, you have seen me dance. Don't you remember that adult dance class that you taught all of us? Recall all the laughing we did? At me? I am not a spacial person (although R says I am. Har, har, har.). Yesterday, our first time on stage in the gorgeous Randall Jones Theatre, the dance instructor wanted to change a few things. Fine. Then she wanted to change more. I felt my stomach begin to twist. It is enough for me to sing, count, dance, and remain in character without looking like I am having a seizure. It's not that I can't dance (although you, DQ, and my other Dancing Friend whom we all miss in the 'sphere could earn extra money, lots of it, dancing either professionally or, ummm, in a dance style not quite recognized as "professional"), it's that I just need time to watch it being done, not, "Oh, change this to this, and add this, turning here, and then let's switch the partners that you've all had for the last five weeks, mmmkay? Good." I actually am giving a gift to two gals who convinced the choreographer to not change the partners. Acting I can do. Acting I love. Now, when I watch a musical, I am looking at all the ensemble members busting their arses behind the stars, 'cause I know that that's who fills out the picture with character and color.
2. Practice from 6-10 (which really means 6:50 to 10:20) every night, and now including the last two Saturdays, is a bit challenging. Not only am I teaching school, carting children during the day to swim team (although I am greatly blessed that new neighbor has placed her children on the team and generously shares the car pooling duties), piano lessons, doctor appointments, library trips, all included with the daily rush home to get some sort of dinner thrown together, leaving the other three home to either wait for R to return from work or to consume it themselves, alone, because they have something that they have also got to be at that evening, takes its toll.
3. I am having a terrific time. When we are there, and working, especially now on stage, with the props, and getting the lighting down, and soon with dress rehearsals coming, it is absolute fun. I love seeing it coming all together. The director is so very creative and really in touch with the essence that is Oliver!
4. I also love watching E. She has been a bit more self-conscious this year in her acting. But I have heard that is typical of her age, that questioning self-awareness that comes with adolescence and permeates everything, even that in which they typically excel. She is gorgeous; her voice so lovely, and she is learning a lot about production, which is important, too.
5. You know me, DQ. As much as I complain, I am sure, that when the opportunity presents again next spring, I will be third in line, ready to sign up for an audition. :D
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Well, I feel alot better. By the way, I do remember your dancing ability and you were very graceful and had beautiful long lines. You also had lots of rhythm so lighten up on yourself and have fun!! Wish I could come see the show.
DancingQueen on April 2, 2005 07:30 PM
But it's hilarious that the dancing instructor gets carried away & acts like she's dealing with Broadway pros. "Change this, change that!" like you've been doing this for a living for years & can turn on a dime
jeff on April 2, 2005 08:06 PM
Oh, Jeff, really, she is quite pleasant. Actually, this is being put on by the University and I think that of the adults there are only two of us who are community members, so the college students are mostly (if not all) theatre majors and dancers. This is easy for them. If she forgets anythings, it's that I am 35 and not a theatre major.
DQ- you, my dear, are too kind. But, I do thank you, and there is still time to pack the children into the van and take a quick trip across the US to come see us :D
Rae on April 3, 2005 12:51 AM
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March 30, 2005
O.K. I watched the show this morning with the girls, but also recorded it for R to view when he comes home. I have musical rehearsal tonight until 10:30p and am just popping in to say quicky (before I run the girls to swim team, come back get dinner ready, run back to pick-up girls, come home again to drop them off and then hurry off- I will never do a musical again. Ever.) that after I view it again (I need to see it once more), I will then post my thoughts.
Suffice it to say, they edited quite a bit, but not unfairly, but rather to make it appear more equally debated.
Until then, see Jeff's summary in the comments of the previous post.
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OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH, NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO! I am going to throw up! I missed it, please send me the tape after R sees it!
Special K on March 30, 2005 04:34 PM
I am so proud of you. I was in meetings all day so I haven't seen it either. :( Is it online anywhere?
Randy on March 30, 2005 04:39 PM
I would have preferred bigger hair tho
jeff on March 30, 2005 07:09 PM
OH, boo! I missed it too. It was on at 8:30am here, and I am not a morning t.v. person (or a morning person in general) but really it completely slipped my mind. I hope I can catch it up somewhere.
Joyella on March 30, 2005 07:56 PM
hey rae!! it was awesome! i taped it for nicj and i to watch later. it was kinda weird actually! i would have prefered bigger hair also! i am very proud to soon be a part of your familia!
right now i plan to take the career route, but just so that we can save some extra moolah so i won't have to work when we decide to have kids! but i do know that i will never put my kids in daycare or have a nanny! i want to be there for everything.
anyways, we should talk soon. wedding stuff...!
Ann on March 30, 2005 08:29 PM
From yesterdays post that would not post.
TThe two females of the opposite view than yours (and mine) would not stay home no matter how important it is. True that some mothers are single and have to work and you acknowledged that. You were very compassionate while the two (to the left of the screen) seemed bitter and arrogant. Once again, they are hell-bent on working. They feel superior doing a menial/insignificant job. You (was it you?)were correct in stating that at the end of one’s life, a person never regrets not having spent enough time at work, but rather not having spent enough time with the ones that you care about.
Oh, let’s name Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice for reasons to not stay at home and raise your children or to even have children.
Interesting that the one that stated that she "choose" the daycare for her child, then accused Christy (sp?) of not having a choice or selection of a diverse group of people that meet at the library, etc. for homeschool related activities.
Most of us years ago saw the photographs of very young children who lived in socia-list (The word of questional content!) countries, being led around in little groups/packs. We were told that they were in school or whatever it was called because both parents had to work. It really saddened me at the time and I was very grateful to live in a nation where we did not have to live like “they” did.
For parents who do not know it already. Daycares are a living hell for children. They are not a Sunday school. The children in daycare lean very fast who is the dominant personality, and there is room for only one. The type of interaction that is very undesirable is not moderated. The daycare owner/director might appear to be wonderful and maybe even the workers too, but your family and friends would think that you had lost your mind if you let the same people stay alone in your house all day with your children while you were out working, shopping, sunbathing, etc.
People do not refer to a male who does not contribute to the nurturing of his children very favorably. I had a friend who once told me that she had a father, but not a Daddy. Kind of like the distinction between house and home. So, what do you call a woman who does not contribute to the nurturing of her children? Employed and darned proud of it!
I will quit ranting for now.
Rea. Thanks for being a Mom to your children, a wife (friend, helper, companion, helpmate, and partner) rather than just a married woman to your husband.
Ralph on March 31, 2005 06:48 AM
I missed it too!!!!!! I don't have that channel on my satellite. I tried to order it but couldn't get it. I was so mad!!!!!! Expecially slince I was suppose to tape it for mom and Heather. If I could get a hold of a tape of it that would be great!!! Love ya
Sally on March 31, 2005 12:21 PM
Kelli- will do.
Randy-no, but we will see what we can do :)
Joyella- maybe after Randy views, he can send to you?
Jeff- you and me both.
Ann- me, too :D :D Weird- yes.
Ralph- interesting and compelling thoughts and points. And thank you for your kind and encouraging thoughts, too.
Rae on March 31, 2005 04:00 PM
I never saw the post here at your site giving me the date of the show you were on - just the one about the nearing "air" time. When we miss the Apprentice on Thursday - we can tap it Friday. Is there something like another "airing" of this one?! I did catch the extreme end of the show and if I was lucky enough to see you - you had darker hair than the "blog" pic?! Didn't get any of the discussion though? Aren't "we" all "stick in the muds" - (the half that missed your "show") :)
chrys on March 31, 2005 09:15 PM
Rae, that would be peachy.
Joyella on April 1, 2005 12:47 PM
Okay, there is one comment that you made that really bothers me... NO MORE MUSICALS???? I love musicals!! Why is this kicking your butt so bad?? I'm not sure I can respect you anymore if you don't like musicals..Hee..Hee Is there anything I can do to change your mind?
dancingqueen on April 1, 2005 06:19 PM
Hi Rae!
Sorry to be out of the loop; you were on T.V.? What was the show you did? That`s really exciting; I`m glad for you!
Tim Birdnow on April 2, 2005 09:08 AM
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Rae at
03:45 PM
Comments (12)
It's ALL about me
Everyday Thoughts Collected links with:
Michelle Malkin
March 29, 2005
Am cranky and irritable this
Am cranky and irritable this morning. I am sure it will soon go away. I hope it will go away. It had better go away.....
Updated: Thought another cup of coffee and fifteen more minutes of procrastination would help, but, I am thinking GB is right: I need a nap. Now.
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I'm a little cranky today, too.
Could it be that Hubster's snoring was keeping me from sleep longer than I should have let it? I ended up sleeping in the spare room from 1-6 am. Not enough for me.
Need a nap.
That is definitely one thing that we should still be doing since kindergarten.
GrumpyBunny on March 29, 2005 10:36 AM
Crankiness seems to be going around these past few days...
zombyboy on March 29, 2005 11:07 AM
::: throwing hands up in the air :::
Just kidding.
Randy on March 29, 2005 03:00 PM
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March 28, 2005
I confess to getting more nervous as the airing of the show gets nearer. Thoughts of vanity (How do I look on television? [The length of my hair interferred with the microphone, so I had to keep it behind my right shoulder] How do I sound on tv- as in the actual sound of my voice, and well-articulated or grasping?) keep running through my mind, as well as concern for how it might be edited.
I am not set up to LiveBlog the show (oh for a Notebook and wireless card!), but will take notes, copy, and publish them immediately following my Mountain Time airing.
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Waah! I'm not going to get to see the show after all.
Despite what the Larry Elder website says, his show
is not shown in my area (or at least not on the feed
for the WB that I get through Directv.) I will look
forward to reading your comments and, perhaps, seeing
the show on DVD if they produce one? And try not to
critique yourself too harshly - you are lovely, bright
and articulate, and I have no doubt that will all come
across loud and clear. (You'll put the other guests
to shame, I'm sure!)
Alisha on March 28, 2005 11:57 AM
You should have no worries [unless you gave the URL to your site on the air ;)]... from the show description, you sound like the odds-on favorite.
Steven on March 28, 2005 12:18 PM
I am looking forward to this; my Tivo is all set.
Greg on March 28, 2005 08:42 PM
I just watched the show preview on The Larry Elder Show website.
Rae is one tough bird.
My 12" b&w tv is plugged-in along with headphones.
Around 8:55 at the office, the sky will begin to fall, or the squirrel that likes to run around in our hallway ceiling will start running from end to end, then I will miss the show.
I should have brought some popcorn.
Ralph on March 30, 2005 06:27 AM
Well, as a stay at home mom...I like the topic to be discussed. If daughter allows I have set aside time to watch. May I ask how all this came about? Did you write in or are you a famous person and they approached you? :o)
Beth Ellen on March 30, 2005 07:20 AM
Alisha- they have a preview on the site.
Steven-I don't think I even mentioned my blog.
Greg-I wish we had Tivo. Am recording it for R.
Ralph-The television we'll watch it on isn't much bigger, although it is color :D Heh, a "tough bird"-we'll see. Here's hoping the squirrel will be napping.
Beth- Jo via Nathan let me know that they were interested in talking to me, if I ws interested. They were doing a show about choosing to rear one's own children. Jo had written something somewhere that they had gotten ahold of, but when they found out she didn't have any children (yet. Jo?), they decided they really wanted a woman whom had children. Jo told Nathan who told me that she had suggested me, but had wisely taken their info and then passed on to me. I thought about it for about a week and then called and left a message. The next day, a producer called me and we talked for about an hour and one half. I told her I would think about it for a few days (protection of my family was my greatest concern). Decided yes, called, waited some more, and then flew out on a Thursday, taped the show on Friday, and was home by Friday night!
Rae on March 30, 2005 09:14 AM
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March 14, 2005
My eyes feel like two burnt holes in a sheet, or as A says, "stewed tomatoes."
I am really so very tired......
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Then you should definitely be asleep.
Greg on March 14, 2005 10:37 PM
Oh, Rae! I feel your pain. I've been averaging 11 PM bedtimes for the past week or so, and I have to get up at 4 AM. I NEED SLEEP!!!! What I would have given to have rolled over and gone back to sleep this morning...
OK, whine over. :)
Cindy Swanson on March 15, 2005 06:23 AM
Yesterday was the perfect day to sleep in. Too bad it wasn't Saturday. The day I could get away with it.
11pm - me too. Much too late. Need to start going to bed earlier - maybe 10. I have a work friend who goes to bed at 9 - gets up at 5. That may be too much sleep.
Is there such a thing?
GrumpyBunny on March 15, 2005 08:33 AM
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March 10, 2005
I've Got Rhythm
Slow on the blogging because this whole song and dance routine, literally, is taking it all out of me.
On the upside, I am getting plenty of exercise and enjoying the whole process. These theatre majors are so dramatic...heh.
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Trust me, us theatre majors are MORE than dramatic...;-)
Rightwingsparkle on March 10, 2005 03:03 PM
I know, RWS. I have to hand out polite warnings that my 13 year-old is somewhere in the room, so let's not get so specific about our adventures....
An aside: I got a small speaking part! And it requires me to be front and center. This is educational theatre so none of the prominent roles were going to go to community members, but it is fun to be a part of the dance and choral ensembles. It also gets E and I into the public eye, adds to our repertoire, and our esperience :D
Rae on March 10, 2005 03:11 PM
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March 07, 2005
These Dreams
Weird dreams last night. Weeeeeeeeiiiirrrrrdddd!
It took years for me to understand why I kept having certain recurring thematic dreams. Once I analyzed it, they stopped.
Now must figure this one out. I hate how strange dreams continue their haunting in the sun.
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Me, too! First I dreamed I'd married somebody besides Scott (baaaaaaad dream). Then I dreamed Scott and I were running a Pizza Hut while he was teaching school, and I was trying to teach his students how to put out a salad bar.
It was a relief when the alarm went off, let me tell you!
Cindy on March 7, 2005 03:05 PM
::: empathizing ::: Yep. Know a thing or three about weird dreams.
Randy on March 7, 2005 03:06 PM
I have never acted out in my dreams, but the other night I kicked the crap out of my hubby. He hollared and said "What???" I said "Oh sorry, dreaming.." "Who did you kick?" he said. *I said our daughter's name* who is 16 and we are actually getting along well right now, so I don't know what that means. Especially considering I have never kicked anyone, ever. I don't hit period.
Hmm... deep meaning. But I can't remember what I was so mad about.
Rae, see my comment on your manifesto.
Rightwingsparkle on March 7, 2005 09:41 PM
I think recurring dreams are fascinating in and of themselves. It's like they take on a life of their own inside your mind.
I used to have one about discovering another room, or whole area, within my house that I never knew about. Very bizarre, and the setting was different every time. One time I discovered a pub connected to my house! That was kind of the height of weirdness in that thread. Anyway, we decided to add on a room to our current home, and since then I haven't had that dream. I did analyze it though, so maybe that helped as well.
And a while back I was having some dreams I didn't like at all. I then read somewhere that if you tell yourself not to have those dreams they'll go away. That worked for me, but I had to talk to myself a lot before it worked. Guess that falls again into your theory about analyzing the dream. Talking it out and then telling yourself what you think about it seems to do the trick. I guess our subconscious is like a register of what we’re sensing versus what we know. Does that make any sense at all?
Anyway, thanks as always Rae, for an interesting and meaningful discussion.
Mrs.E on March 10, 2005 08:19 PM
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March 03, 2005
Grammar Cracker?
This was a fun test.
My Score:
You scored 86% Beginner, 93% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 72% Expert!
You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score.
h/t: Kim- new to my blog.
Looks like Robert the Llama took it and got busted, too.
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That _was_ fun, Rae. Thanks.
Greg on March 3, 2005 11:34 PM
er, "fun"
Greg on March 3, 2005 11:58 PM
Hmmm....Genius...if only my teachers had realized that.
93% beginner
86% intermediate
87% advanced
83% expert
RICH on March 4, 2005 01:25 AM
You scored 100% Beginner, 93% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 55% Expert!
You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score.
It's a good thing they can't check my typing.
Now, what is 55% Expert?
David on March 4, 2005 02:11 AM
Advanced. You scored 100% Beginner, 93% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 72% Expert!
How can I be 100% advanced when I am only 93% intermediate?
Ralph on March 4, 2005 09:30 AM
I was wondering the same thing, Ralph. But, hey, how comprehensive can it really be?
How did you find my site?
David-It was fun, but not very definitive or the results clearly explained and categorized.
Rae on March 4, 2005 10:34 AM
I got 26%, 100%, 100%, 77%.
Obviously, I think the test-writer is absolutely wrong on beginner issues.
The only one I am not 100% absolutely sure on is the difference between hope and wish, and I think that might be a connotational difference rather than a grammar issue, anyway.
Nathan on March 4, 2005 11:07 AM
This is obviously an extremely scientific and accurate test because it confirmed that I'm a Genius: "You scored 100% Beginner, 93% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 83% Expert! You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence!"
Yeah, I'm good! ;-)
Alisha on March 4, 2005 01:03 PM
Alisha....obviously these people can not handle the level of intelligence and training they were given in life. All they have left is to complain and belittle a truly excellent test. ;)
Us Geniuses have to stick together...even if you did much better than I did on the test.
Where did I leave that Mensa card?
Rich on March 4, 2005 03:42 PM
"We geniuses...."
andy on March 4, 2005 09:02 PM
I was thinking the same thing, Andy, but I am sure Rich was having a bit of fun, eh Rich?
Alisha- "I am Grammar Woman. Hear me ROOOOOOOAR!"
Rae on March 5, 2005 10:36 AM
Ooops. Do I have to give up my card for that one?
What level is that?
I wish I could take credit for that mistake as a clever joke,but it was an honest mistake and I am shamed. ;)
Rich on March 5, 2005 02:46 PM
Rich, honesty is what we aim for here :D
No card retrieval necessary.
Rae on March 5, 2005 02:53 PM
Rich, I also thought you were being clever. I vote that you can keep your card, but I'll be watching you v-e-r-y closely! :-)
Rae - me? roar? Nah. I'll just smile smugly as my coworkers continually marvel at my writing skills. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the product of 18 years of public education right here! (Ah, the good old days, back when public education could be trusted and did not entail trips through metal detectors . . .)
Alisha on March 5, 2005 03:45 PM
I am a product of public and private schooling. My E grades were not very good at all during the High School years in the private school. Of course that could be from my complete dislike of being told what book to read and write about. Honestly I think I have my mother to credit. She was a voracious reader and passed it on to me. I was reading little novels while most kids were still working on "See Spot Run".
Thanks Mom.
P.S. Thanks for letting me keep my card. Mom would be proud. :)
Rich on March 6, 2005 11:40 AM
Well, I spent half an hour typing a longer comment, but while trying to explain the shortcomings of my intelligence and "The Commonly Confused Words Test", I closed out the tab of my browser that contained the reply, thus confirming to myself everything that I had typed.
Regarding your question, "How did you find my site?” Most likely from one of your comments in Rightwingsparkle's or La Shawn Barber's Corner blogs.
Ralph on March 7, 2005 07:50 AM
Arrggghhhh! I hate it when that happens, Ralph!
Well, thanks for clicking that link on the comments :D Welcome :D
Rae on March 7, 2005 08:29 AM
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diabetic supplies on August 25, 2005 12:52 PM
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February 28, 2005
A local 80's station has arrived to help me skip along the path down memory lane. While driving home from the airport Friday night, I heard "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," "You're One of My Kind," "Major Tom (Coming Home)" and "Lonely Ol' Night," just to name a few.
Of course, yesterday while driving to the market after church with the family, I absent-mindedly switched on the radio, typically parked at NPR, only to quickly turn it off again. Billy Idol just wasn't the tone I was looking for.
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NPR?? What? You like to get mad?
Rightwingsparkle on February 28, 2005 10:35 AM
RWS- I listen to NPR because I like to have my mind sharpened, so to speak. I want to shape and form my own opinions rather than vomit up the ones feed by conservative talk show hosts. That's not to say I disagree with the conservatives at all; I just want to know why, and what I am specifically disagreeing with. As we listen, I will tell the girls why I disagree or how the perspective presented is being skewed to fit the ideology or to lead the listener to a certain opinion. I will explain the flip side or proper way to examine statistics and maybe say what isn't being said by the speaker.
I also do like the cultural pieces that NPR produces, as do my girls.
Rae on February 28, 2005 11:36 AM
I think you mean "Need You Tonight," assuming we're thinking of the same INXS song. I used to love me some INXS and then Michael had to go off himself in such a strange way.
As for NPR, I too enjoy it from time to time, particularly "All Things Considered." Those who avoid "the other side" gain nothing by living in an echo chamber, other than a myopic worldview.
andy on February 28, 2005 08:04 PM
Yes, Andy, that would be the correct name. Thanks :D
Rae on February 28, 2005 11:56 PM
I am so cultured! I listen to NPR because they don't have that annoying morning banter that makes me want to rip someone's head off and... ok, deep cleansing breath, Mountain Pose.. there, much better.
Special K on March 1, 2005 04:45 AM
Yes, well, Special K, according to R- we're snobs at heart :o
Shhh, don't tell him I told you....
Rae on March 1, 2005 10:25 AM
Now see, I was coming in here to say, it's "Need You Tonight" by INXS, because even though Michael Hutchence looked like Justine Bateman, he still deserves correct song title quotations. :-) But Andy up there beat me to it.
Also, Rae, I have a super-ultimate, ginormously huge compilation of 80s songs: http://www.ramblestrip.com/music/1980_1989.html
It's ridiculously organized and I worked an embarrassingly long time on it. Just like I did with the 90s:
The 1967-1979 and the pre-1967 lists aren't nearly complete yet. :-) Nice blog!
Kim on March 3, 2005 03:19 PM
Kim- thanks :D Another 80's afficonado? Woo-hoo.
Wow- that's some list! Thanks for coming over. Come often :D
Rae on March 3, 2005 10:05 PM
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January 13, 2005
Pass the Thermometer
Updated: After more rest, I think R and I figured out that it is due to something other than a virus. My neighbor and I haven't been walking or lifting the last eight weeks and just started again on Monday (indoor track at the college). To maintain, I simply kept my caloric intake low (about 1000 calories a day). Well, I forgot to increase that due to increased output. So, a few crunchy tacos and I was feeling better. I even went with E to her tryout and ventured into the closed auditions myself. I got the compliment of my life when E finished her audition and was told "You have a lot of your mother in you." :D So, am on the mend, it isn't a virus, and I plan on walking tomorrow and having an eggwhite omlet as well as other nutrionally healthy meals and snacks. Thanks for the good thoughts :).
At about 10 this morning, I felt like my ears were going to explode and my head was going to cave into itself.
Read more Pass the Thermometer »
Anticipating a virus that has been going around, I did a few quick errands, returned home, gave some instructions and feel asleep for a few hours. I awakened to check on the girls and as I walked back to my room, I felt myself begin to faint. It was such a bizarre experience. I was completely conscious of the fact that I was going to and once I hit my knees, I threw out my hands to break the fall. I landed in a weird female push-up mode. When my cheek touched the carpet, I couldn't support the weight of my body and so fell sideways. My back hit the door jam hard. I thought to myself, what was that?! It wasn't exactly a faint because I completely aware of what was happenin; I just couldn't seem to control what my body was doing. After I pulled myself up (using the same doorjam), I immediately went back to my comfortable bed. A few more hours of sleep and I came downstairs to see what I could handle. This is about it. I am heading back up momentarily, but I have missed my girls today and so think we will bring the little tv into my room and cuddle up and watch a Pride and Prejudice video or something soothing like that.
E has auditions for Oliver Twist tonight. I had vaguely thought about auditioning, too. Even going so far as to have 16 bars of a song prepared to perform. I think that is canned. At least we can still get her there. She will be singing the chorus of "Into the West" and has a 30 second monologue (complete with a Cockney accent) that she pulled from a few years ago when she was Emily Jane in The Ransom of Emily Jane (reworked version of The Ransom of Red Chief by O Henry).
R is adjusting his schedule to come home a little earlier and take the girls to swim team. I am so thankful for his partnership, and that my girls are smart kids- they completed much of their school work on their own today. I couldn't make it without them, or at least life wouldn't be nearly as pleasant.
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Yikes! Maybe the storms have been carrying the cooties across the West!
Feel better.
Patrick on January 13, 2005 06:37 PM
I will pray you get better quick. Be careful.
Randy on January 13, 2005 06:50 PM
I am glad you are better now.
R on January 13, 2005 07:38 PM
Yo Rae - E-Mail missing - "long sensless comment"
(drum roll) I've been running into your web log off and on for some time now. Once I complained that all the blogs in "typepad" seemed "left" and someone told me to check out MuNu where you've "built."
Most memorable "run into" was the connection from Dan at CC now with his "World View" (not sure where I am about the Reihl part?! ;-D)
when he posted about the troops during Fallujah and a link to you listed the article with the pictures on the bridge with our burnt
Then - back to Dan (great guy - takes the time to say hi) - there you were again. One "silly" statement - where am I on your "blog roll" -
- I sent Dan an "E" saying if Rae can't make your roll - I'll never get there! He was kind enough to take my "silly" seriously and kindly
write back! I wrote and told him it was "silly" and that I'm working on an actual "site" - I have 4,000 megs on lease and very little
skill. Each blogging area leaves something to be desired. I'm trying to learn CSS, RSS/Atom to have exactly the "place" I want to have with
albums, catagories, permalink options and feed - enough space to maintain it. The last area had a good offering but 10megs will be used up quickly - it was looking pretty good - much more complete than the current offering.
SO - Each time I build - I end up tearing it down. The one before the current mess was actually going to $7,033.08 on Blogshares (whatever that means?!?!) - should have kept it - but a deer hit our car and everything crashed! :)
So - you're just a special "link" that I didn't want to loose again
and a "blog" I admire.
I'm just an "older than dirt" female Army veteran - married 30 years with a 27 year old son Donovan in Los Angeles married to brand new
citizen Jean - after working 33 years I have a lot of things to talk about but haven't "lined up my ducks" yet.
I'm honored that you've taken the time to ask.
Take Care - Be Happy - just - chrys
chrys on January 13, 2005 10:12 PM
Rae, I'm glad it was just an "energy problem". Now, while you're at it, I would also suggest having your ears checked by an ear specialist... and perhaps a chiropractor, too. The "fainting" you describe looks too much like a problem of the inner ear (the cochlea and the semicircular channels).
My wife was experiencing some dizziness that was very disturbing for her. When an ear specialist checked her, he adjusted some of the muscles in the neck region. These were so twisted and contracted that they hampered the blood flow to the inner ear, thus the dizziness. He counseled her to go to a chiropractor for physiotherapy if the symptoms persisted, which thankfully did not happen.
Eduardo on January 14, 2005 04:03 AM
There is nothing like good family, but please take care of yourself.
Greg on January 14, 2005 06:54 AM
I hope you started feeling better already. It's not fun to feel that way, call me if you need anything...should I give you my cell # again??? lol, just kidding.... not really! Well, anyway, you are again in my blogroll, I finally updated it last night.
Take care!
virginia on January 14, 2005 01:20 PM
Hope the omlet repaired the negative "float" that seemed like more of a virus. ;-) "Like Mom" - hmmm. Could be the very best of comments or the very worst. How did the auditions come out for E?
chrys on January 14, 2005 10:44 PM
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December 18, 2004
G.I. Rae
From the "A-Real-American-Hero" Department
Jeremy Here
One of the gimmicks I've used on my site was creating individualized "G.I. Joe" file cards for people. Using the HeroMachine character engine.
(Secretly, I've done one for Rae. Okay, so its not so secret)
Read more G.I. Rae »

I tried to stick with the whole pink and grey theme that Rae has going on around here. I think the image comes off very well!
Codename: RAE
File Name: CLASSIFIED S/N: 169-192-168-100
Primary Military Specialty: Education
Secondary Military Specialty: Communications
Birthplace: Oklahoma Grade: E-4 From the advent of military organization, communication has always been
understood as a primary need in the battlefield. With Rae, the G.I. Joe team
has combined communication and also scalable knowledge distribution to keep
the troops up to speed on enemy developments and strategies.
Rae brings her skills of teaching and training her daughters to the job, and that
that has proved to me the missing peice the G.I. Joe Team needed.
In her spare time, Rae keeps track of family, friends, and politcal issues
with the blogosphere. |
For everyone else, you can create your own HeroMachne characters with this appliance at UGO
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Umm, does that come with different shoes, Jeremy?
Rae on December 18, 2004 11:55 PM
It could.
Are you looking for something in more of a go-go boot?
Jeremy on December 19, 2004 06:48 AM
That's great!
Randy on December 19, 2004 06:57 AM
Pretty low pay grade. E-3 that is a "Non Rate" in military parlance. Army PFC or Marine Lance Corporal. Needs to be E-5 at least that would be a SGT in any service.
R on December 19, 2004 08:59 AM
Heh. It "pays" in so many ways to have a former Marine in your corner.
So, Jeremy, how 'bout that promotion? :)
Rae on December 19, 2004 09:34 AM
Ya got one for me, too? [hint-hint]
Nathan on December 19, 2004 02:30 PM
As the first Marine Regiment puts it "No better friend, no worse enemy"
R on December 19, 2004 02:38 PM
I don't think HeroMachine has enough guns to make one for you Nathan! *smirks*
Jeremy on December 19, 2004 02:51 PM
If it didn't cost $20, Jeremy, I'd see if I could make one of you. G.I. Joe needs a chaplain, right? Particularly one who is an Eagles fan! [grin]
Nathan on December 21, 2004 06:48 AM
(If I spent $20.00 on this thing, it would have been the best $20.00 I ever spent. - I was a beta tester for Version 2)
I already put one together for myself, once upon a time: here.
This is what started it all...
Jeremy on December 21, 2004 07:06 AM
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December 17, 2004
Well, ya come late to the party, and this is what you get:
Someone already took my utterly brilliant and totally original "Hello? Is this thing on?" idea...
So I leave you with:
Fake News.\
UPDATE: Zombyboy wishes everyone to know that due to a logical inconsistency in the universe, Nathan of Brain Fertilizer, er, fame*, was not able to log-in successfully**, and so Zombyboy graciously allowed Nathan to use his...but would also like to emphasize clearly that Nathan is the author of this crap. Zombyboy was not associated in the production of this post in any way. No Stumpjumpers were harmed in the writing of this post. Any resemblence to any individual, living or dead, is probably worth a good $125,000 to you if you can word the lawsuit correctly.
Read more Doh! (UPDATED) »
*for lack of a better word that would work in a family blog like this
**Yeah, Nathan was allowed the same extremely generous time to try it out like everyone else, but had a minor crisis at home that left him with insuffic...you don't really want to hear this, do you?
« Hide the rest of Doh! (UPDATED)
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I just want to know if it was another tragic potty training incident?
zombyboy on December 17, 2004 11:02 AM
Potty training, no. I wouldn't call it training when noisome substances reach altitudes of greater than four feet.
Nathan on December 17, 2004 11:04 AM
Ooo. That's not right.
zombyboy on December 17, 2004 11:08 AM
Yeah. It's also not true.
...I'm not above exaggerating or even lying for humorous effect.
My life is generally too boring to be funny. The truth is more that I was absolutely exhausted from working 12 days straight in moving from one office building to another...see? Much less amusing.
Nathan on December 17, 2004 11:33 AM
Nathan, I authorized you on the MuNu site (the one we sign into to MT), so you shouldn't need any special authorization (Robert and Steve of the Llama Butchers were the same). Try that.
Rae on December 17, 2004 03:40 PM
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December 16, 2004
I am here and tired and whoever designed the Houston airport (aka George H.W. Bush International) must have gotten the blueprints mixed-up with an obstacle course client.
I am, however, thrilled to see my friend. I love how it takes only to be in one another's presence and time picks up where it stood still and distance is nothing but the space between us.
Thank you Guest Bloggers. I will read through everything tomorrow. For now, sleep is begging me to meet up.
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December 12, 2004
A Full House
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.
That was fun and accurate.
HT- The Royal Flush.
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that was fun and accurate for me as well.
spatial intelligence, i would make a good architect
nick on December 13, 2004 12:17 AM
if i just say no to all the image and doodle stuff but answer everything else accurately i am a linguistic intelligence as well.
nick on December 13, 2004 12:21 AM
I got the same thing.
However, a lot of the questions struck me as being phrased (or at least interpreted by me) in a "this is positive and this is negative" way, which would lead people to choose the "positive" trait.
I'll stick with my generally accurate Myers-Briggs results. :)
(INTJ, woo!)
andy on December 13, 2004 07:30 AM
I disagree with mine. (Linguistic)
Coming from a background of pool reading and writing skills, this just doesn't fit me. (Plus, I can't learn a foreign langauge to save my own soul - fortunately, I don't have to - and I tried learning two of them)
Maybe I misunderstood a question, or two.
Jeremy on December 13, 2004 09:05 AM
Andy, I have found that many of these tests maket hings to specifically general, ummm... well, I think you know what I mean. I once took a "Which Presidential Candidate Would You Vote For" test that didn't list the names of those running, but had you choose which issues you agreed or disagreed with. It was so obviously partisan. But, it did make me laugh, and if something makes me laugh, I find it more acceptable and less insulting. Yeah, I much prefer Myers-Briggs meself. Most accurate test I have ever taken.
Nick, dear, you have always been spatial. I remember that you loved Legos (what boy doesn't?) and you get the kits, make what they showed the kit to be for, and then take it apart and make your own cool something out of the kit. Heh- "make a good architect."
Jeremy, now don't be shovin' yourself into a box. My R is an ISTJ and he is one of the best communicators I have ever known. He is an excellent moderator and counselor. And he writes me the funniest and loveliest notes....
Rae on December 13, 2004 10:50 AM
I'm not putting myself in a box, neccesarily.
I'm just saying I don't fit in THAT particular box. It suggests I have skills which I don't believe I truely have.
Is there a complete list of the thinking types this quiz offers?
Jeremy on December 13, 2004 11:51 AM
See, the very appearence of wrong accusation is enough to make the ISTJ squirm.
I don't know, Jeremy....have you looked around the site?
Rae on December 13, 2004 12:12 PM
I got spatial intelligance as well.
Patrick on December 13, 2004 02:12 PM
Apparently, that means I do not know how to spell. I even misspelled intelligence. It's been one of those days.
Patrick on December 13, 2004 08:12 PM
You want me to edit the last two and make it look right?
Sorry it's been "one of those days." We all have those and a few mispellings are understandable, even those with an insecurity issue ;p
Rae on December 14, 2004 10:03 AM
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December 11, 2004
Celebrate Good Times
Goodbye germs! Goodbye Grouchy-Grey-Haired-Grinches (a phrase coined by my lovely little ladies- love of alliteration runs in the family)!
Dood! We got a Dell. (Thank you, K- Amy's prince charming).
Now, pass the hors d'oeuvres, turn up the music, get a refill and enjoy yourselves.
P.S. Oh, and Jeff, this means my cart is officially retired. ;p
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Rae is back to having her own onramp to the information superhighway.
Jeremy on December 11, 2004 09:07 PM
I hope you get your anti-spy-ware softwares installed, and one of the Mozilla browsers/ e-mail programs as well.
We don't want to do through that mess again.
Your Friendly-Neighborhood-Professional-Geek
Jeremy on December 11, 2004 10:25 PM
Thank you, Jeremy.
Tell me more about Mozilla? We are using IE, but I have heard a few, umm, inferior things about it...
Rae on December 12, 2004 01:45 AM
Mozilla Firefox (http://www.mozilla.org) is probably the best browser on the market right now.
Its secure, is safe, and its free!
Just install it, and it will give you options to import all your bookmarks/favorites to its directory.
Then just use FireFox, and stop using IE. (You can't delete IE, windows still needs it. But that doesn't mean you have to use it.)
Additionally, if you are using Outlook Express, STOP. Get Thunderbird. All your POP3 accounts can be read by Thunderbird just as well (And its got a neat little Spam filter that learns as it goes.) Thunderbird is also available on Mozilla.org.
Both these products are now in their 1.0 version (after several years of user testing and such) But I've been using both these products since their 0.1 phase.
Go Go Mozilla!
Jeremy on December 12, 2004 07:03 AM
Even before meeting Jeremy I was using Mozilla Firefox for browsing and thunderbird for email.
Come on... all your friends are Mozillites. Join the tribe.
Randy on December 12, 2004 03:39 PM
I'll forego the Mac recommendation, since you already got your, ahem, Dell [please, no flaming OS wars], but I will second the recommendation of Firefox. It is an excellent cross-platform browser, likely to give you better layout results when you work up your site in it, and is better protection against IE-oriented malware. It won't save you from the OS's shortcomings, but it is a huge improvement.
Greg on December 12, 2004 08:28 PM
You leave a comment like that and then caveat it with a "don't flame me please"?
Talk about stirring the pot.
(But this professional-geek will play nice.)
Jeremy on December 13, 2004 09:15 AM
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December 07, 2004
A Different Election Night
Last week, I walked into the Friends of the Library meeting as myself. I walked out as the president. Once home, I examined just how that happened. There is a pattern. When someone new comes to the table with ideas, they are immediately pegged as a leader. I confess that I did accept the nomination, but only after I insisted on 30 minutes to think about it. It's not that I didn't want the position, I mean, my sense of vanity was completely appealed to, but I didn't want to over commit myself and in the process shape my name into something that doesn't accurately represent me.
So, after 29 and a half minutes of contemplative thought, I accepted. Behold, the new president of the Friends of the Library.
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Cool. do you get your own plane?
Randy on December 7, 2004 03:17 PM
Does that mean you can designate a Jeremy R. Gilby Memorial wing?
Jeremy on December 7, 2004 03:30 PM
That sounds like something that is right up your alley! i love you
Sally on December 7, 2004 03:41 PM
Does this mean if I write a book and self-publish you can have the library buy 100 copies of it?
andy on December 7, 2004 06:45 PM
Now that you are President, can you pardon my library fine from third grade and then let me ride on your plane (Air Book One)?
::: har har :::
Randy on December 7, 2004 08:02 PM
Congratulations! Sounds like the sort of job you'd excel at; oh good and benevolent president. :D
pam on December 8, 2004 09:58 AM
Randy- you are so funny! I wish! Lol- "Air Book One."
Jeremy- you have to be a resident.
Sally- thanks :) Hugs to you, sis.
Andy- Ummm, might need to be pre-read and pre-approved.
Pam- Ahhh, thank you :D
Rae on December 8, 2004 06:50 PM
Make all patrons wear special underwear.
The Commissar on December 8, 2004 09:43 PM
Already got that covered Commissar.
Rae on December 9, 2004 02:32 PM
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October 27, 2004
Less is Better
Perfumes are nice when worn so that only someone very close to you is able to smell your secretly sprayed or doused places.
However, varying perfumes splashed on hither and thither by the pint are rather noxious when one is confined to a small room where there are no windows to open.
I have got to get our computer fixed!
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Hell is other people. So said Sartre.
Patrick on October 27, 2004 11:24 PM
Maybe it would have been more acceptable if it had been someone sporting Mania (isn't that the one our good friend told us about?) instead? A few minutes of breathing that and you would have been calling R panting... hehe.
Kris on October 28, 2004 06:41 AM
Now, Mrs. T, remember, this is a PG blog (hehe). I have to get that for R. Of course, I do enjoy his own unique smell....a mix of engines, metal, soap, mmmmmm....
Patrick- thus our challenge in life to love our neighbor, eh?
Rae on October 28, 2004 11:39 AM
I am having a serious problem with a gal at work. For the last couple of months she has been spritzing herself 5 times in the morning and 5 times in the afternoon. I'm thinking wrist, wrist, neck neck and I don't know where. Yes, I've been counting them.
So I open the windown - thankfully I have two small ones that open. And my own spritzing - AIR FRESHENER.
GrumpyBunny on October 28, 2004 05:57 PM
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October 20, 2004
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Carnival of the Lazy Alert ;)
jeff on October 21, 2004 06:35 PM
Praying for E tonight and tomorrow. Call me after.
Kris on October 21, 2004 08:55 PM
Just stopping in to say hi. Dad let the doctors know that he will have the surgery. Will be doing it sometime in January. How are the girls? I miss you all.
Sally on October 22, 2004 09:27 AM
did i suggest that you listen to Nick Drake a year or so ago? i forget. i enjoy his music, although it can be quite bi-polar, which makes for an interesting album. Zero 7's album Simple Things is quite nice as well. Very simple, cool, and relaxing. It makes me think more clearly.
nick on October 22, 2004 02:48 PM
did i tell you that Drake is named after Nick. that should make sense.
nick on October 22, 2004 03:47 PM
Ditto on the tired!
michele on October 22, 2004 04:13 PM
Nick- you may have told me about Nick Drake. Something sounded so familiar. I do love his music and purchased Pink Moon while in Salt Lake, as well as Zero 7's Simple Things. For two siblings with an eleven year difference, the same biological mother, and different parenting, we are so similar sometimes. I love it.
Sally, girls are fine. Will be praying for Dad.
Michele- what is it? The change in seasons? I want to take a hot bath every night, go to bed with a book, fall asleep early and sleep late...
Rae on October 23, 2004 12:48 PM
Kris, ahhh, thank you me friend :)
Rae on October 23, 2004 12:49 PM
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(Search)Engine trouble
To the searcher looking for "compulsive exaggeration"- congratulations! You've found the correct site.
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October 16, 2004
We're sorry. You have reached a blog that has been disconnected or is no longer in use. Please try your search again. If you need assistance, log into Paypal and send Rae money to purchase a new computer. Thank you. Qwest message number 44569.
O.K. that was my sorry attempt at humor. Am spending the day working on my home computer to get it up and running again. I simply am more obsessive than I realized and can't stand using the public computers any longer (my hands are getting dry from washing them so frequently....)
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Nothing sorry 'bout it. Quite humorous. May your efforts be painless and easily accomplished.
Randy on October 16, 2004 12:22 PM
Ew! Public Access Computers?
That is like touching AOL with your bare hands.
(I thought this was a PG-Blog Rae!)
*Has to go scrub brain now*
Jeremy on October 16, 2004 01:50 PM
If that works let me know ; )
Jennifer on October 16, 2004 08:59 PM
It was a great attempt at computer humor. I can hear Kris blasting out a "HA!"
Did you get your anti-spyware software???? I'm so glad my husband's a computer geek.....
Amy on October 18, 2004 04:46 PM
"That is like touching AOL with your bare hands."
Sorry for your computer woes, Rae.
GrumpyBunny on October 19, 2004 07:53 AM
Well, I'm glad SOMEONE laughed at my jab at AOL.
Thanks GrumpyBunny
Jeremy on October 19, 2004 05:55 PM
Now, Jeremy....I laughed- didn't you hear it? Maybe it was masked behind my self-pity. I simply hate trekking to the library to simly check mail and blog....
Rae on October 20, 2004 11:14 AM
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October 11, 2004
Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone
Hey there guys! Rae's friend Kris here (shameless link whore). She asked me to let you know that spyware has invaded her computer and until the problem is fixed, her posts will be light, as she will have to go to the library to have internet access. If anyone would like to donate a new computer, please feel free to contact her and ask for donation information. She will be able to "read" her comments via...Me!
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Hi Kris. What's the difference between spyware and a virus?
Randy on October 11, 2004 03:17 PM
Randy, I have absolutely No Idea! But was taking writer's license when posting for me friend! hehe
Kris on October 11, 2004 04:29 PM
From the Friendly-Neighborhood-Professional-Geek
Spyware, by definition, is a subversive program which monitors behavior, or collects personal data. The problem that Rae is probably having is that the Spyware is eating up computer resources, or causing a slowness in the reading/writing to her harddrive. (Common effect from Spyware) Alternatively, Spyware will also present spamvertisements directly to your computer screen, or redirect you to spamvertizement websites instead of the one you typed into the browser window.
Spyware is different from a virus, as a Virus will actually attack something, and then want to spred to infect someone else, resulting in dataloss, or computer failure.
Technically, a "Cookie" is spyware.
Usually, spyware is software designed with marketing purposes in mind (either way, I dislike it)
If you are concerned about Spyware on your PC, I suggest installing a free anti-spyware software called Ad-Aware (you can find it on Google). Also to prevent getting spyware installed on your PC from various websites, especially ones with lots of banner ads) try browsing with Mozilla Firefox (mozilla.org) instead of Internet Exporer.
Jeremy on October 11, 2004 05:08 PM
But now I'm having a difficult time purging the song by Glass Tiger out of my head.
Don't forget me when I'm gone...
My heart would break...
I have love you for so long...
it's all I can take.
Jeremy on October 11, 2004 05:10 PM
Jeremy- whew! I was hoping to run into you here. We can't seem to open anything up! Saturday, I was on-line and left the room to answer the door. I came downstairs about 20 minutes later and I think our four y/o got on and clicked yes to every little pop-up that came on the screen. I found "Your Daily Horoscope" and numerous other trash icons on the desktop and something was attempting to install (with an icon on the toolbar). I quickly got off-line and rebooted. Since then, Windows is asking for the product code, which we don't have as we purchased a computer that was already loaded with Windows 98 (no grief over that ;) so we have no idea how to access the code so that we can get the desktop to open, so that we can get on-line (dial-up and no grief over that one either), so that we can download spybot and get ride of whatever is causing the problem.
Any ideas, J?
Rae on October 11, 2004 05:18 PM
Sorry about the song (*snicker*) I told Kris to title the post that because it seemed so appropriate :D
Rae on October 11, 2004 05:19 PM
I sented you a WIN98 Product Code to your GMail account. (Hopefully you have access to it via Kria)
My guess is that the registy was edited and your Windows installation was affected (so it wants to confim your install code)
I'll start poking around online to see if there is anything else related to that behavior you are noticing.
Jeremy on October 11, 2004 06:42 PM
That Jeremy is a smart cookie. Bad pun intended. Thanks for the tutorial. I have Ad-aware and will run it right now. I hope Rae can get things all worked out.
Randy on October 11, 2004 06:53 PM
Wow Jeremy, you are the computer man! After reading your post, I have concluded that I must have some spyware on my comp also as I have noticed it has been extremely sloooooow lately! Thanks for being a "professional geek"! I will have to do what you suggested also.
Kris on October 12, 2004 06:47 AM
If Ad Aware doesn't do the trick, you should also try SpyBot Search and Destroy. Very effective at eliminating and protecting against future issues with spyware.
King of Fools on October 12, 2004 07:39 AM
King of Fools,
I've actually never used Spybot (though I've heard about it from many another geek) and I don't recommend software to people when I don't use it myself.
*Downloading a copy now to play with*
I've heard of some issues which Ad-Aware does not fix (though I've never gotten them - then again, I'm relentless when it comes to my computers and their security)
Jeremy on October 12, 2004 11:06 AM
Ahem- needing kudos here for mentioning Spybot first.... ;) (Kindly review comments :D)
Although, I do thank KOF for bringing it to the neighborhood-geek's attention :)
Spybot was prescribed by Amy's husband, our family's computer doc and the resident tech geek of a Christian Camp in Arizona, Mr. Gilby (Prescott, AZ, that is).
Rae on October 12, 2004 11:19 AM
I'm only a cookie if I can be an Oreo Cookie
Those are the bestest.
Jeremy on October 12, 2004 11:20 AM
Yep, Rae, I just recently went through the same thing on my home computer. I had 218 "potentially" dangerous files. Yikes! So I got a software as suggested above. Now I have that running in the background. Has helped greatly.
GrumpyBunny on October 12, 2004 11:20 AM
See, Geeks can be heroes too!
Jeremy on October 12, 2004 11:25 AM
All my favorite heros are geeks. There is no comparison. :D
Rae, I'd wondered where you were. Good grief! (Actually, bad grief, I suppose. Hmmm. . .have to reconsider that phrase now.)
Cindy on October 12, 2004 04:17 PM
Hi Cindy...good to see you in Rae-ville. And Jeremy...if you want to be an Oreo...that's just interesting to ponder. ::: life as an Oreo :::
Randy on October 13, 2004 12:34 PM
Randy- your artistic mind continually amazes me ("Life as an Oreo"). :D
Also am liking the sound of Raeville....
Rae on October 13, 2004 04:50 PM
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diabetic supplies on September 20, 2005 04:30 AM
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September 24, 2004
Tell Her About It
O.K. I have been getting more hits than normal, but fewer comments than ever.
Silent readers are like silent movies: better with sound.
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You want comments? I can give ya comments, baby.
Kris on September 24, 2004 03:02 PM
Um, Rae, why don't you go fix your hair for an hour or so, I'll just uh, clean (blog) up (surf) the kitchen (read blogs).
Kris on September 24, 2004 03:08 PM
FYI, I just had a nice long comment written out that I tried in vain to get past your 'content filter' and finally just gave up...
drunkenbatman on September 25, 2004 07:00 PM
Oh, I am sorry! If you can remember it, e-mail it to me and I can try to see what exactly was so offensive to the comment filter...
Rae on September 25, 2004 08:45 PM
Why would I do that? I'm not sure you even read your email, judging by the replies... :p
drunkenbatman on October 3, 2004 08:33 AM
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September 20, 2004
Prove it to me
There are several ways for one's confidence to receive a bit of a boost and one of those is a cashier thinking two 30-something women are just college girls and requesting to see proof of age.
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*looks at pictures*
You aren't under 30?
*scratches his head*
You Could have fooled me.
Jeremy on September 21, 2004 11:55 AM
HA HA! I'm just the opposite! The clerks usually see the kids trailing behind me and do not believe that I'm under thirty. Wait a minute..that's not funny, that's just sad!
Kadi on September 21, 2004 08:24 PM
You know, Kadi, we were without children. That must be the trick....
Rae on September 21, 2004 08:50 PM
Ahh, thank you, Jeremy. Kris and I both thank you :)
Rae on September 21, 2004 08:51 PM
Rae, isn't that absolutely the best?!? I have been carded many times since turning 21, but none brought me as much unbridled joy as last year when, while out to dinner to celebrate my 35th birthday, I was carded by the waiter when I ordered a margarita. Here's to good genes!
Alisha on September 23, 2004 01:37 PM
I've been carded once, at Applebee's, about 3 years ago. But then the waiter told me it's a matter of policy, and all flattery ended there...
Eduardo on September 24, 2004 01:06 PM
Alisha- it definitely is the best!
Eduardo, I have had similar experiences. Once, I was with a friend who mostly definitely appeared younger than I, and when the waitress requested her I.D., meaning well I am sure, she looked over at me and said, "I don't need yours. You look old enough." I knew in that exact moment, she had to be in her lower twenties herself. I confess to thinking rather satifactorily that perhaps now, years later, she remembers that moment each time she isn't carded.
Rae on September 24, 2004 04:27 PM
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September 15, 2004
Nathan and I are published (sort of)!
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September 07, 2004
Touching that which I cannot see
There are several things that soothe my tired soul: soaking in frightfully hot water, reading, and listening to Chopin; the Ballades specifically. So, tonight I am listening to that which soothes my soul. S'il vous plaît, Monsieur Chopin, jouent le piano pour moi?
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I like his preludes, myself. Particularly in C minor and B minor, partly because I can play those.
Nathan on September 7, 2004 10:01 PM
Wait a minute, I thought you spoke Spanish, not French? Don't tell me that you know French and somehow after all these years I don't know that? Surely, you just have a few phrases in your pocket and not mastery over a third language. You my dear, are a mysterious woman!
Kris on September 8, 2004 07:38 AM
Chopin is always beautiful. I don't listen to him a lot, though, because for some reason I strongly dislike the sound of the piano (especially the solo piano).
While you're at it, I would also reccommend you some of the Lyric Pieces of Edvard Grieg. They're as beautiful as any of Chopin's, and they are able to express a wider range of emotions without extremism. 100% recommended.
(P.S. I could prepare an MP3 or OGG file of one of these so that you might get a taste. Let me know if you're interested.)
Eduardo on September 8, 2004 10:12 AM
I was one who didn't care for solo piano either. That all changed when some of my favorite little people started playing the piano. The sound gives me great joy.
R on September 11, 2004 08:21 AM
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September 01, 2004
It's the Age I Tell You
While having my daily with Kris, I all of a sudden remembered that today was September 1. The day I was to report for jury duty at 8 a.m.? It was now 12:35 p.m.?
Kris and I have this policy of "no questions asked" when one of us says "I have to go now." We simply hang-up and wait for the explanation knowing it will come. After throwing the phone to the counter, I frantically dug through the bills, magazines, and other paper products looking for the simple little letter telling me what I needed to do. Finding nothing (but making a rather untidy new set of piles on the floor), I decided to call the county courthouse. The assistant who answered the phone laughed as she transferred the call to the jury woman (forgive my ignorance of her proper title). Lauri was nice and calm. Just what I needed as I realized that with my new hair color (see the very bottom of the sidebar), orange is not very complimentary and the fine would definitely put a damper on my spa weekend plans with Eddie(a female and my college roommate one of my best friends).
Read more It's the Age I Tell You »
She looked up my name. I thought my heart and lungs would pop right out of my chest. It took a minute to find the pool number to which I had been assigned. The waiting was damaging my cardio-pulmonary system. When she said that today was, indeed the day I had been expected, I nearly fainted. Sensing the nearness of my extinction, she quickly followed up with the message that the case had been settled and my presence no longer desired. I expelled a poisionous amount of carbon dioxide and slumped against the door. You see, I was hiding in the garage; hiding from my children who I had so gently educated about my privilege to serve my fellow countrymen. I momentarily forgot the phone in my hand until the ever patient Lauri asked if I was still there. I thanked God and Lauri aloud and hung up.
I called Kris back and explained that the color clash of hair and jumpsuit was no longer a concern and that the weekend with Eddie was still on as no donation to the county would be required of my wallet.
Can you say.... Whew!
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... must... not... look... those piercing beams staring at me... ;)
I am glad this worked out well. Enjoy your weekend!
Eduardo on September 2, 2004 09:02 AM
::: sheeeeeeeeeeeew! :::
Emma on September 2, 2004 12:00 PM
Not orange. Auburn. I think it looks GREAT!
Kris on September 2, 2004 01:32 PM
Yes, look great! And so long!
Phew on the no going to jail for missing jury duty. I would have panicked too.
GrumpyBunny on September 3, 2004 02:37 PM
Thanks, guys :) I miss me blond locks, but this is fun, too.
Emma- I know- I was about to have a coronary!
Kris-Orange=county jail jumpsuit color :)
GB- Thanks :) I am growing it out to donate to locks of love. I want to have it long enough to have a long length when they take the 12 inches.
Rae on September 5, 2004 05:53 PM
I think it shows off your eyes. What does R think?
Amy on September 7, 2004 08:09 PM
On the hair-I like it darker. The best color is what the Lord provided, and wavy or curly. I do get to see the real color in our oldest though. I don't get too worked up about the changes. The only thing that would be objectionable would be short. Refer to B.B. King, he had it right.
R on September 11, 2004 08:32 AM
Thank you, R :)
Rae on September 11, 2004 12:43 PM
How lovely that your man loves you el naturel (sp?). And he is right, that natural honey brown color with your natural wave is beautiful!
Kris on September 15, 2004 09:19 AM
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August 27, 2004
Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone
I can never sleep when my beloved is away. Something in my soul is astir and I miss him as I would if my right leg were missing. He is such a strength and foundation- and he has a nice smile and laugh, too. He makes my glass half-full instead of half-empty. His positive outlook and enthusiasm infect me with good things and a desire to be better; to know better; to believe better.
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I can't either.
By the way, I checked out Joan's blog and I thought it very amusing!
amy on August 28, 2004 07:15 AM
Thank you my best beloved. I miss my best friend.
R on August 28, 2004 08:25 AM
Oooooohhhh :D
Amy, we should have them coordinate their absences and get together while they are gone.
Rae on August 28, 2004 12:52 PM
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August 24, 2004
Mmm-mmm Good
Mmmmm, for a girl born and raised east of the Continental Divide, I sure do love the brew that comes from "High in the Rocky Mountains" companied with a bit of Norah.
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Brew. You mean as in beer? Barley-pop?
Daniel on August 25, 2004 02:41 AM
Barely pop? That's a good one. Yes, I was referring to Barley Pop :)
Happy Anniversary to you and the Mrs., too :)
Rae on August 25, 2004 10:33 AM
I think there are some pretty amazing local micro-brew beers here. Occasionally my wife and I will stop in at Squatters downtown or the Wasatch Brew Pub in Park City and order up a couple of drafts of Provo Girl. Even with the lower alcohol content, pretty damn tasty. That comes from my wife who has the "European Standard" to live up to.
Thanks for the anniversary wishes.
Daniel on August 25, 2004 11:11 AM
I think that R has had Provo Girl when we go out to eat. I am sometimes a bit timid to try a new beer for fear of paying for something I don't get to enjoy, but I always have a sip or two or three of R's and find that I really like them, so maybe I will be a bit braver when purchasing or ordering.
Rae on August 25, 2004 11:42 AM
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I am soooooo tired. A nap on my comfortable bed. Yes, that would be just lovely....
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August 19, 2004
The Best Day
My idea of a perfect day is to have a pipe leak into my unfinished (thankfully) laundry room. I think that a pipe of the toilet variety would be preferred. Oh, yes! Shop vac-ing, pulling back carpet, ripping up padding-this is the day I planned.
Now, on the non-facetious side of things, at least I am not buryng a spouse or child, right?
Many, many thanks to my neighbor, Heather, for helping rounding up the vac, sop up water, wash linens, etc. That's a real friend, you know: someone who will roll up their sleeves and dig into potentially poopy water to help you out.
P.S. It wasn't mine. Remember, we have three children in this house, one of them under five.
P.S.S. I am now off to a hair appointment (that's another post all together) to get the Julia Roberts out of my hair.
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Ohhh, my poor friend! How disgusting.
So can I no longer call you Red? Is it all out? How does it look? I hope you took a pic of it red.
Kris on August 20, 2004 05:48 AM
Oh Rae, we had the same kind of day. Mine dealt with 4 kids and a new jar of peanut butter. I wrote about it in my blog. Now, where was that spa again? I think we both deserve a trip!!
Kadi Prescott on August 20, 2004 09:02 AM
Hey Rae, I head out about 530am Sat, so if you wanted to get together while I'm in town, give me a jingle on my cell. If you've got too much going on, I understand, and hopefully we'll be able to "meet" one day in the future.
Ith on August 20, 2004 05:17 PM
Oh, the joys of home ownership...
robert on August 21, 2004 03:01 AM
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July 22, 2004
You are a beautiful person, in a wistful kind of way. If you could, you would spend all your time daydreaming and writing poetry. You are a tragic beauty.
You are sensitive and caring, and you don't take insults well. You don't smile much, but when you do, you really mean it.
People like to be around you because you are a calming influence. You have an appreciation for all things beautiful, and you probably have some potted plants. You also most likely own a cat.
You like Sundays and hot tea. You will spend your entire life yearning for quiet beauty, which is a rarity in this world, so you read a lot.
Everyone you know thinks you're "nice."
Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz
Via Z (after a lengthy and fun excavation).
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I am curious to know if this came from a personality quiz or what. It looks interesting!
Kadi Prescott on July 22, 2004 02:33 PM
I don't know from where it came, but the pink link (ooo, I like that alliteration) will take you directly to the quiz.
Rae on July 22, 2004 05:09 PM
Everyone you know thinks you're "nice."
[shudder] that's me.
Ith on July 22, 2004 06:38 PM
I know, Ith! When I saw that I wasn't sure how to take it, but I guess it's O.K. that people think we're nice, right?
Rae on July 22, 2004 10:03 PM
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Rae at
03:20 AM
Comments (4)
It's ALL about me
Absinthe & Cookies (a little bit bitter, a little bit sweet) links with:
I Knew It!
July 14, 2004
Do Nothing Days
All I wanted to do this morning was sleep late and lounge around in my pajamas; drink my coffee (erm, that's tea, shhh); sit in my living room; stare out at the mountains curtained by the smokey grey clouds; listen to the younger girls giggle while playing dolls.
Alas, piano lessons and grocery shopping and other necessary errands pull me out of my pajamas and into my clothes; off my couch and into my van. The dolls are put away and piano books are collected. So, I will save it for another day.
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Amen to that! That's all I have wanted to do all summer! That and read, read, read. I have three and a half weeks left until I have to, um, I mean get to start the new school year with the children. sigh. "Summer days, driftin away..."
Kris on July 14, 2004 11:23 AM
Oh my... Did you know, the three fastest things in the whole unverse are the speed of light, one's own life, and summer days... *sigh*
Eduardo on July 14, 2004 12:27 PM
Okay, this is hilarious; I shall give you a foretaste...
The Woman's Guide to What a Man is Really Saying...
I'm hungry. = I'm hungry.
I'm sleepy. = I'm sleepy.
I'm tired. = I'm tired.
Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
Can I call you sometime? = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
What's wrong? = What meaningless self-inflicted psychological trauma are you going through now?
What's wrong? = I guess sex tonight is out of the question.
I'm bored. = Do you want to have sex?
I love you. = Let's have sex now.
Go read it all!
Just A Little Insight
Kris on July 14, 2004 09:04 PM
I know what you mean! I drifted in and out of awareness this a.m., lulled by soft rain and deep, gutteral thunder, only to be ripped back to reality by the shrill, piercing ring of the phone. I HATE ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL (or Philippe Reis)!
Kelli on July 16, 2004 08:47 AM
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July 01, 2004
A Picture Paints A Thousand Words
In the interest of full diclosure (Patrick says that I look differently in this photo than the one on the banner), here is the most recent (April 2004) of me (I need to have more, but I am always the one behind the shutter). What do you think?

Again in black and white, one of my favorite mediums:

(Kris and I before stepping out.)
Photo credit: Caleb Tamerius
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Nope, you look the same to me.
Patti on July 1, 2004 12:40 PM
Nope. She looks different. In this picture I perceive Rae differently. I'm not sure what it is. I think your hair in this picture is "softer." I mean the cut, not the actual hair, of course. But something in the face is different.
I have to think about it. Rest assured, I am not insane. This perception I have has been very finely tuned over many years. It's a gift.
I need to find the words. I'm going to ask a friend of mine who thinks in colors and thinks my voice sounds like a roll of felt. She'll be able to help me.
Patrick on July 1, 2004 12:53 PM
I think it's the hair, too, Patrick. On a whim I had Marcy give me bangs. It's a love/hate relationship. I have naturally wavy/curly hair and so I straighten it sometimes. Bangs are fun, but are a pain because I have to straighten them or at least force them into submission by using products and fingers.
I was also very happy in that picture with Kris. I was visiting her and was well rested and energized from being "home" in Missouri and being with my kindred spirit. So, perhaps that is showing also?
Rae on July 1, 2004 02:02 PM
Oooo, a roll of felt. How very descriptive....
Rae on July 1, 2004 02:04 PM
Maybe she looks different a little because she had spent most of our getting ready to go out time doing my hair, and didn't have as much time to do her own hair and so it is a little less "done". Or maybe it's because she knows that I like her hair in its natural wavy state, and wasn't straightening it as much as she has been because she wanted me to like it!
Kris on July 1, 2004 04:33 PM
Yep, it's the bangs.
GrumpyBunny on July 2, 2004 10:01 AM
Thats some hella white teeth :P
GuerrillaRadio on July 2, 2004 05:47 PM
Happy 4th! I love the new pics. You and Kris look great. I too like B&W photos. I'm glad that I finally found you again so that I could continue reading you.
BTW, I tried emailing my new address to you but mailer deamon returned it as no such address in yahoo domain.
Anyway, I'm back at a new adress and wanted to let you know so you can redirect to my new place.
Michele on July 2, 2004 09:06 PM
Thanks, GR (I think ?)
Hey Michele:) What happened to your site? That was very strange. I am glad; however, that things are back in order. I will adjust the link.
Happy Fourth to you :)
Rae on July 2, 2004 10:18 PM
In the color picture, if you look carefully at the eyes of the person on the left (not you) you can tell she's demon possessed. (Her eyes have just a twinge of red.)
Seriously though, the black and white picture is better as the color one looks a tad over-exposed.
JDM on July 3, 2004 08:05 PM
Hi, JDM. Thanks for stopping by and commenting :) Please come often.
Kris? Possessed? Never! :)
The color was adjusted by a friend. I always prefer b/w-its so timeless.
Rae on July 3, 2004 09:12 PM
"Quiet feminine strength"-ahhh, thank you, Patrick.
Rae on July 3, 2004 09:13 PM
Well, I've been called a lot of things in my life, some of them not very pleasant, but I think this is a first for being called "demon possessed". Thanks so much Mr. Mays! Shall I invite you to the exorcism? Yes, and please come before it is performed so that I won't be held accountable for anything that might happen to you while I am still possessed...
Kris on July 3, 2004 09:44 PM
*wolf whistle* ;]
Ironbear on July 3, 2004 11:28 PM
May I join to Ironbear? (just kidding). Now seriously: You do look essentially the same as in the banner (perhaps the hairdo would account for the bulk of any differences one might spot).
What I like the most is the way you look; your gaze has something akin to a liquid, refreshing clarity.
Happy 4th (although it's a little late for it now). God bless your beautiful country.
Eduardo on July 6, 2004 09:36 AM
Mucho gusto encontrarlo, Eduardo :)
De dondé es?
Thanks for the compliments (very well-written, like from a novel; creative) and for commenting and for the kind sentiments for my country. Please come often.
I am curious how you came about finding my site?
Rae on July 6, 2004 11:11 AM
Gracias, seńora Rae :)
I'm from Paraguay, down in South America. I found your site, well, linked in a blog that I found linked in someone else's blog, which in turn... well, you got the idea. I liked it because, as you do, I like literature... and music, and philosophy.
Peace and blessings,
Eduardo on July 6, 2004 01:39 PM
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June 28, 2004
One year ago today, I published my first post on my very own blog (using Blogger).
My first reader was someone from vail.net (I have yet to know specifically who that is). My first link was from Minnetta. My very first commentor was Kris, who decided to start her own blog and bless us with her thoughts and takes on life.
What a year. I began to blog as a method of relief for my brain from the thousands of thoughts that pass through my head in a day. I had moved 900 miles from a wonderful network of friends and family. It was challenging to say the least.
One day, I recalled a chance meeting with a friendly woman in a Barnes and Noble. We chatted for a moment and she introduced her husband, who is a much better looking version of Robert DeNiro. They mentioned that they kept a blog ("A what?"). We exchanged e-mail addresses and they included their blog address. Kenyon and Julie have since taken down their site, although I still hear from them occasionally as Kenyon is thoughtful and sends me pictures via e-mail of family events. House-of-Boo-Boos was my second link and my inspiration for blogging.
I gained most of my readers through the tongue lashing of The Daily Kos writer (what's his name again?). I guess it goes to show that there's no such thing as bad publicity. A few of my readers came to me via Blog Madness, and I found some of my favorites from that little game myself.
In April (?)I moved over to Munuviana and with the help of The Bartender and Pam (Pam designed the beautiful banner), the move went smoothly and I got out of the (although newly renovated) projects of blogdom.
Through this tiny little space on the web, I have made a few friends, maintained my sanity, and found a way to read the real news of the world-the daily navigation of people through life.
Thanks for a wonderful year.
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Happy Blogiversary.
Does it get any easier after one year to explain to your spouse why you blog?
david_d on June 28, 2004 06:47 PM
Unfortuately, no.
But thanks for the lovely sentiments :)
Rae on June 28, 2004 08:53 PM
P.S. What say you to Mr. Fujimura? I am curious about your thoughts...
Rae on June 28, 2004 08:55 PM
Hey! Congratulations, friend! Whoop! Whoop! If I were in Iraq (or South L.A.) I'd shoot a rifle into the air to celebrate! Hmm, come to think of it, South L.A. is only about a 15 minute drive this time of day. Look, if you see a guy on the news that looks like a Mormon missionary shooting a gun in the air that's me celebrating.
Patrick on June 28, 2004 09:24 PM
So that means you have a fresh short hair cut, and are wearing a white short sleeve (ugh!) shirt with a tie and shiny black shoes with a name tag referring to your shiny chin as "Elder?"
Come now, Patrick, I know you to be far more fashionable than that- I checked out your Gap wish list when it was on your old site!
Thanks for being willing to risk a drive to South L.A., brandishing a weapon all in celebration for little ole me :)
Rae on June 28, 2004 09:40 PM
Actually, I'm in a white t-shirt, shorts and flip flops. Can Elders get away with that?
I once surprised my family on Halloween by dressing up as a Mormon missionary. It was a hit. I should see if I can find the picture.
No offense to any LDS folks. Come on, I've seen the priest and nun costumnes for years!
Patrick on June 28, 2004 09:47 PM
Happy anniversary! Congrats on a year of wonderful writing.
emily on June 28, 2004 10:03 PM
Now that's funny, Patrick! Yes, pictures required. My mother once owned a flesh colored full body suit in which she worked out. She donned it and a trench coat and high tops and ta-da-a F*l*a*s*h*e*r. It was quite creative, I thought.
Ah, thanks, Emily. I think you're a wonderful writer:)
Rae on June 28, 2004 10:19 PM
Happy One year blogaversary, Rae! (Mine is coming up to).
I first became aware of you through Kos' ungentlemanly behavior toward you: proof that God moves in mysterious ways.
Patrick: you better come down here packin'! If not, I'll vouch for you. ;-)
Juliette on June 28, 2004 10:26 PM
Happy Anniversary, Rae. I must start reading your blogs in addition to Patrick's(remember, I'm new to this). His are funny and insightful, but sometimes you just need the tender (yet insane) thoughts of another woman...ya know? By the way, is that you on the banner? It must be...wow! Beautiful AND smart. How do you do it with the kids? I just got more stupid and tired looking after each kid. C'est La Vie!
Kadi Prescott on June 28, 2004 10:55 PM
Yes, indeed, mysterious and wonderful ways. Thanks, Juliette. I am always so inspired by your writing :) You know if you ever travel to Las Vegas, let me know or if you want to do some serious hiking, the other thing Utah is full of is mountain trails (the first being quite obvious, I think ;)
Rae on June 28, 2004 10:57 PM
Happy blogiversary my dear friend. I do so enjoy my daily dose (sometimes daily, and other times I am forced to wait several days) of you via your fabulous blog. What a woman, what a thinker, and what a writer you are!
Kris on June 28, 2004 11:01 PM
Happy Blogiversary, Ms Rae!!1!
Madfish Willie on June 28, 2004 11:09 PM
Thanks Mr. Bartender. It all looks good here because of you :)
Kadi, you are soooo kind. I just have a good photographer. Every girl should have one.
Aren't all yours still small? My youngest is four and there's no way I could have attempted blogging when my girls were little. Naptime wasn't just for the babies. Mama conked out, too :)
My friend Kris had five children in six years. She is one amazing woman.
Rae on June 28, 2004 11:16 PM
Rae, don't let Kadi fool you. She's drop-dead georgeous and I'd say that in front of my brother too!
Patrick on June 29, 2004 12:02 AM
Juliette, I'd need some serious vouching for. That's for sure.
Patrick on June 29, 2004 12:04 AM
Congratulations, Rae! Mine comes up in Sept.... time passes quickly when you've got lots to write about!
Keep it going :)
Patti on June 29, 2004 05:38 AM
Oh, I believe Kadi is beautiful; I mean, a Prescott man married her, right?
Thanks, Patti :) I'll be watching so I can "sing" the blogiversary song to you.
Rae on June 29, 2004 06:48 AM
Happy Blogiversary, Rae. I enjoy reading your site. :)
Craig on June 29, 2004 08:51 AM
On Mr. FujimuraI am not moved by Japanese art. If I am not emotionally moved by a work of art, or a style, I don't feel there is much I can/should comment on. Sorry to let you down.
david_d on June 29, 2004 09:39 AM
Patrick, you flatterer! (blushing)
Rae, I'd like the name of that photographer, if you have it. If you saw our last family picture, you'd die laughing. Our heads are cut off, one kid is wearing his spider man costume..ya know what...I'll just send it to you. I'm sure you could use a laugh!
Kadi Prescott on June 29, 2004 09:46 AM
Studio West Photography (Karl). We have had a few like that, but really since I have been going to Karl, they have been terrific. He is the kind who will have you move a hair and will tell you to put on a bit more make-up or whatever, so you really like the end results. I believe Patrick, you have got to be gorgeous :)
David- no let down at all. Was just curious :)
rae on June 29, 2004 10:00 AM
I'm a day late, but I hope the thought still counts. :)
Happy Blogiversary. Looking forward to reading many, many more things from and about you. You rock!
Natalie on June 29, 2004 12:38 PM
In Cuban, people with the same names or birthdates are called "tocayos". It means we share a kinship.
Happy Blogiversary Tocaya!!!
Val Prieto on June 29, 2004 12:52 PM
Another awesome pic of the lovely Rae when she visited her kindred spirit, Kris (that's me), here...
Kris on June 29, 2004 02:32 PM
Thanks, Natalie (I paid her for those sentiments ;) :) I love reading Natalie- she's so self-effacing that it makes her totally relateable. I think rock :)
Val- yo hablo espańol tambien. Necessito practicar. Gracias para me aprendio (?) una palabra nueva. Mis professores son de otros paises (Espańa y Mexico). Thanks for telling me the cool name- Tocaya :)
Kris, the bosom friend up-there, is only too kind, but I take what I can get ;)
Rae on June 29, 2004 06:02 PM
Very nice post! The blogging phenomenon is extraordinary.
La Shawn Barber on June 29, 2004 07:03 PM
I just have to say that Patrick's comment about me, earlier, put a smile on my face all day!! Thanks Patrick!!! Every woman needs to hear something nice from someone other than her husband, now and then.(It's not obligatory) But that is the nicest compliment I've heard in a long time. LADIES: someone better grab this guy while you can!!!
Kadi Prescott on June 29, 2004 07:15 PM
Craig-I forgot to say thanks :) So....
Thank you :)
Rae on June 29, 2004 07:42 PM
Well, I'll shoot off a mag [carefully into a backstop] in celebration. But I live in the boonies, so it's not quite as dramatic as driving to south LA for it.
Congrats, Rae. ;]
Ironbear on July 3, 2004 11:32 PM
Another one-year old! Yay! They're so cute at that age!
Pixy Misa on July 5, 2004 07:30 PM
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Rae at
10:28 AM
Comments (31)
It's ALL about me
Your Daily Prescott links with:
Whoop! Whoop!
Ipse Dixit links with:
resurrectionsong links with:
And Let Us Not Forget...
Who Tends the Fires links with:
Idiotarian + Keyboard + "Journalism" = Hanlon's Razor
June 20, 2004
R&R Requires R&R to Recover
(yawn) Just...recuperating....from ....8 days....of company......
Be back tomorrow or Monday well-rested and ready to type, but for now, it's just me, my book, and my bed.
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Need a vacation to recover from vacation?
Madfish Willie on June 20, 2004 11:04 AM
Whatcha reading?
Kris on June 20, 2004 12:53 PM
Never mind, I remember now....The Jane Austen Book Club! Soooo, how is it? I am still waiting for a copy from the library to become available!
Kris on June 20, 2004 03:02 PM
Correct me friend. It is good, not what I expected, but good. I am also finishing up the last of Spin Sisters. So exhuasted....am going to go to bed very, very, very early. In fact, now is looking good :)
Rae on June 20, 2004 07:30 PM
Oh, yes! Mr. Bartender!
Rae on June 20, 2004 07:32 PM
Having company is oft overrated.
Having in-laws is always overrated.
Having in-laws as company... well... you do the math.
David R. Darrow on June 21, 2004 12:45 PM
Hey glad to hear your still doing well. I have guests myself right now.Ahhhh!
Sally on June 23, 2004 10:39 AM
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June 04, 2004
My bed, my bed, how I love and long for it
Summer is upon us and so are the Mormon Crickets. I am busy with summer plans and company, and thus am tired, so there are few words in my head at the end of the day.
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My 5 year-old niece hates bedtime. I always tell her, "You just wait!"
La Shawn Barber on June 5, 2004 07:59 PM
I know! I am amazed that they so easily fight someone giving them a warm bath, a massage with sweet smelling lotion, reading a book, singing a lovely song, a bit of back scratching....yes, just they wait!
Rae on June 5, 2004 08:09 PM
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May 22, 2004
Thank you
Yeeeeee-haw! Blackfive has blogrolled me. Ahem. I mean, thank you very much :)
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May 16, 2004
Rose Colored Glasses
As I slowed down to allow the recommended five car lengths between me and the car that pulled out in front of me (even though I was the only automobile on the road and said other car could have allowed me to pass by and then decide to whip out quickly and slow down immediately to fifteen miles under the posted speed limit after I had driven by-where was this person going that demanded instant entry to the two- lane state highway, but as soon as entrance was accomplished, negated the pressing need?), I began to wonder what things I do that annoy other people. I mean there are a few habits in others that I find challenging to tolerate, but what do others over-look in me?
Read more Rose Colored Glasses »
1)Interrupting. It has to be first. I love conversation and when someone is saying something that stimulates a thought in my head, I can barely contain myself, and rarely do. I don't really mind it when I experience it, but while I am energized by conversations that cause such a flow of mental activity, I can see that it is highly annoying.
2)Procrastination. It makes anyone who depends on me absolutely crazy. I do tend to put things off until the very last minute. I have improved in some ways. As I have said before, home educating has been a kind of "outside" disciplinary force for self-improvement. I have always been like this. When I was in high school and college, nary a paper was written ahead of time. Nope, not me. I was burning the midnight oil. But, it worked for me. I did well. My papers received good remarks and grades. I think this bad habit stresses those listmaking personality types. They can't handle not having everything lined up and every "to-do" item neatly crossed out. I am the one item on the list that is upsetting their world because it simply can't be drawn through and marked as "finished." I am working on it.
3)Calling it how I see it. This tends to hurt feelings more that purge anger from aquaintances and friends. I am a very "What You See is What You get" kinda gal and can't handle pretension or Cocker Apaniel submissive-pissing types of people. I am not talking about someone who is genuinely polite and considerate, or quiet and truly humble, or mentally handicapped. I am speaking of the sycophants. People who can't make a decision where to eat or to which shop to go, always wanting for you to decide and then they follow your lead without question or feedback. You know, the person who is constantly mousing around for fear of your dislike or disdain. O.K. I kind of got off topic and began to discuss more of my pet peeve, so, let me think, how is this truly rude of me? I think that I show very little patience with these types. I know it isn't very merciful of me. But God seems to desire me to attain a bit more grace as I keep running into these types of people. My friend Kris (who is my children's godmother, and is affectionately regarded as the real Mrs. Darling) has been very helpful in my improvement in this area. She is diligent to try to consider how her words may affect someone. Kelli has been instrumental, as well. I have unknowingly crossed the line before in our friendship and she, like Kris, has called me on it. That is a true friendship: telling your friend what a jerk she has been and that she needs to knock it off, instead of saying nothing and playing passive/agressive games (see the above description in this number).
4)Thinking I know more than I do. You know, the "Rae-Knows-All" syndrome? Even my mother-in-law, whom I dearly love and has proven herself faithful to me (not just her baby boy) many times over in order to have the "place" to say this to me, has warned me that by thinking that I sometimes know more than the person in charge, I have caused more damage than good. She told me, "Sometimes you have to recognize that maybe they do know more and are doing their best." I am sure that it stems from trust issues from my childhood, but what reasonable 34 year-old woman can hold onto that excuse? I have now spent more years out of my mother's house than I was in, time to shape up and shut up...("but can I just make a tiny suggestion on how it could be improved....")
That was all I could come up with in five miles. I am sure there are far more, but you know, it was much harder to think of myself as an annoying person than I realized. Oh, and hotrod ended up wearing curlers and a hairnet. Once I saw the elderly face look over and sincerely smile, I knew that perhaps she hadn't done it to me on purpose after all.
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Wow! It's like you're inside my head. I'm guilty of all four, especially the first two. I'll think about that some more and come up with a list called, "Ten Biggest Things I Do That Annoy Other People." Thanks for the idea!
La Shawn Barber on May 17, 2004 10:06 AM
You are so funny, La Shawn. That would be a fun meme to send around the blogsphere...can I partner with you in it?
Rae on May 17, 2004 10:11 AM
P.S. I have kind of suspected we are kindred spirits from reading your blog...
Rae on May 17, 2004 10:12 AM
Don't see no bone stickin' out.
R on May 17, 2004 09:11 PM
Ahhh, honey, thanks....and you oughta know ;)
Rae on May 17, 2004 09:53 PM
At least if someone pulls out in front of you, you know what he's doing. What gets me are the ones that act like traffic is bathwater--they try to slip in an inch at a time.
The Sanity Inspector on May 19, 2004 08:40 PM
lol-"Bath water"
Hey, welcome SI :) I feel so honored to have had you here. Please come again often.
Rae on May 19, 2004 08:52 PM
I think that some people cannot stand the idea of having to follow a car, even if that car is going as fast or faster than they want to go.
When I drive to work, along a state highway out in the middle of nowhere, some person always passes me, and then slows down to 5 to 10 miles an hour slower than I was going in the first place.
I think it's a power thing.
Beth on May 22, 2004 01:50 PM
You know, Beth, I think you're right.
Rae on May 22, 2004 05:21 PM
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May 11, 2004
This aging body...
I...am...exhuasted. I couldn't sleep last night (for reasons that will remain unwritten).
This weekend was so delightful. After E's Pirates of the Carribean sleepover, I carted a few girls home and the rest rode with me to meet their moms at a Mother-Daughter brunch.
Read more This aging body... »
R had called on Friday at about 6 p.m. to tell me that he had just gotten off the river. He sounded exhausted, so I told him to just stay another night. He arrived home on Saturday morning. It was pleasant to have him home again. We chatted while he laid on the bed and I was in the bathroom reconstructing.
When E, A, and I got back from the delicious breakfast (I love breakfast food), r and I took off to go purchase my Mother's Day gift- everything needed to fill the flower bed in front of my porch with beauty and color. I couldn't wait to get started so as soon as we walked in the door from the Nursery, I threw off my skirt and top and got into jean shorts and t-shirt- the most comfortable clothes ever made. The girls helped dig, spade, rake, and weed. We adequately prepped the soil. It was getting late, so we went in and celebrated and left the rest to Sunday afternoon.
So, I got the plants in on Sunday and then literally fell into bed. Monday I awakened to the lovely southern Utah wind. It was ripping my lovely little buds from their beds. I was so angry. Thus began my quest to save my present. I spent the entire day fighting the wind, re-planting, planting more, laying Weed X, mulching, watering, and every three minutes, I had to duck my head and cover my eyes as another roll of wind blown dust came sweeping down the street. My girls were a big help, but it was hard physical work. I mean who knew those muscles even existed?
To top if off? One of my sweet daughters left her American Girl doll on the top step, which tired me did not see. I stepped on it and slide five steps to land, hard, right on my rump! uh-huh, laugh now, but this ass hasn't been fallen on like that since my skating rink days and that was 22 years ago, thank you.
Thus, my excuse for exhaustion.
What's yours?
« Hide the rest of This aging body...
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May 03, 2004
Cookies are my favorite treat
Ah, Ith, thanks :).
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April 27, 2004
Oh Where, Oh Where are my Commentors gone?
*sniff sniff* So, I go away on a much needed, very refreshing vacation and many (not all) of my loyal readers and commentors have abandoned me?
I'm with Ith-pass the milk!
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I'm here!! [waves frantically]
So, not to sound stalkerish, but where do you live anyway? I'm in Central Coastal CA.
Ith on April 27, 2004 06:32 PM
Lucky you, Ith! I am in Southern Utah. That is why I cannot join the Bear Flag League (*blinking very quickly*).
Rae on April 27, 2004 06:36 PM
Ahh! Guess what? I'm thinking of moving to St. George eventually. I love it there and my parents are probably going to retire there next year.
I think we need a league for gals like us -- whatever that is. :)
Ith on April 27, 2004 06:42 PM
Alas, I shall never abandon you my friend! No, no, I must have my daily dose.
Kujo on April 27, 2004 08:21 PM
Yes, what kind of gals are we? A league sounds fun, but what to call ourselve....
St. George is far nicer than my dinky train stop north of it about 45 miles. It, would; however, be lot's of fun to get together. But, Ith, no Sephora, no nothing in St. G. Just the typical stores. They're nice, but nothing like you are used to. But, there's always a cool 2 1/2 hour drive to Vegas...
Rae on April 27, 2004 11:01 PM
Present and accounted for!!
Nee on April 28, 2004 06:20 AM
St. George is about the same as Monterey (no Sephora or anything like it here). We've made three or four trips there in the last few years. Yeah, the fact that Vegas is so close is a plus. The ultimate plus is that I could afford to buy a house.
Ith on April 28, 2004 09:29 AM
I'm going on vacation next month, and I'm sure I'll go through the same thing!
La Shawn Barber on April 28, 2004 10:47 AM
La Shawn- I'll be there! You were one of the few who came by and checked-up on things while I was out. Thank you :)
Thank you also for the blogroll.
Rae on April 28, 2004 11:27 AM
That is one of the saddest ways I have ever seen to get comments. But, heck, it worked, and now you have comments.
David R. Darrow on May 28, 2004 08:11 AM
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April 12, 2004
When will I learn to save my work while I am working on it, so that when the geriatric computer does something it shouldn't, I simply open the saved file and begin again?
Listen closely....can you hear me growling and swearing (very much under my breath due to the presence of children)?
I am putting myself into time out (with coffee-crummy coffee, too, stinkin' budget) and the computer is going into the stocks, erm, corner.
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Don't swear; you know I can do it for you and not too many people are going to understand me!!!!
virginia on April 12, 2004 01:30 PM
Draft mode is your friend. We've all done it and learned the lesson. :)
Ted on April 13, 2004 07:09 AM
Arrgh! Must have been something in the air, cus I had the exact same thing happen to me late last night. TWICE!! Once as I was attempting to Blog, and again as I was sending a very long, well-thought email... both were LOST! Poof! Gone!
And here I thought technology was supposed to simplify our lives.. HAH!
nee on April 13, 2004 08:02 AM
P.S. I'm loving your new digs, here. The "category" feature is great!
Nee on April 13, 2004 08:05 AM
I have only lost a post once, even tho I pretty much always type directly into the MT window without using a draft copy...
However, if you are working in anything except MT, you can usually go into options and change the frequency of autosaves. Maybe something as simple as Notepad doesn't have that, but MS Word, Wordperfect, Xcell, etc, all have that option. Look under "help", and search on "autosave', with maybe "frequency", also.
But, yeah, if you lost it from the MT New Entry window, I have no idea what to do to prevent that...
Nathan on April 13, 2004 03:58 PM
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April 10, 2004
A Few Things...
O.K. so here is a tiny bit more information about moi-just for the curious...
Read more A Few Things... »
1)My grandmother had only sisters.
2)She had only daughters.
3)Out of seven of her grandchildren, all but one are girls.
4)That one is my brother.
5)He was born when I was 11.
6)I call him my true first-born.
7)I have only daughters.
8)That means that in four generations, only one male has been born.
9)pretty unusual.
10)My brother is going to marry a girl who has only sisters.
11)I am an EXTP on the Meyers-Briggs Personality Test. X means that I score evenly on Sensing/Intuiting.
12)I like so many things, that I hate having to make a "favorite" list.
13)A few foods that I really enjoy though: Avocadoes, tomatoes, Romaine Lettuce, Guacamole, cold cucumbers, homemade croutons, any kind of bread, Whole Wheat Bagels crisply toasted spread thick with cream cheese, BBQ Ribs, anything BBQ, Prime Rib, Rib-Eye (all medium rare), Pork Loin, seafood (except squid-too squeaky), Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Argentinian, Cajun, French, Black olives, Green marinated olives, artichokes, marinated artichoke hearts, green grapes, Pink Lady Apples, juicy Navel oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, walnuts, pecans, and especially almonds, maraschino cherries, Milk Duds and Theater Popcorn and Junior Mints to cleanse the salty palate.
14)Drinks that quench my thirst: Water (I love water), Skim Milk, Starbuck's Breakfast Blend loaded with half-n-half, Iced-Tea grainy with sugar, orange juice, Draft Beer, Stephen's Hot Chocolate with Marshmallow cream on top (have to be in the mood for it though), hot tea, homemade lemonade, White Zin, Frozen Lime Margaritas, Coke & Diet Coke (Never Pepsi-ilk).
15)I love discussing and reading about politics, but hate writing about them.
16) I love cats, but only outside.
17)I will never own any other breed of dog than a Labrador Retriever.
18)I have a chocolate female now.
19)Her name is Tasha's Brown Sugar Cake, or Tasha for short.
20)I am a reformed Christian.
21)Definitely not a fundamentalist.
22)I enjoy all genres of music except country.
23)Well, the country of the last 20 years, that is.
24)I like Waylon Jennings, he is the only exception.
25)I was born in Oklahoma.
26)But moved to Missouri when I was 16.
27)I lived more years there than Oklahoma, so I consider it my home state.
28)Rae is my middle name.
29)To annoy my mother, I decided to go by it instead of my first name.
30)Which I shall not reveal.
31)I never met my real father, but have seen pictures.
32)I have his green eyes, broad shoulders, height, and feet.
33)I also have his introspective personality.
34)Everything else is just like my mother.
35)Which I used to loathe, but now accept, and rather like it.
36)I really enjoy foreign films.
37)but only with subtitles, never dubbed!
38)I hate living in Utah and will never look back once we leave.
39)I am trying to learn how to be positive about the whole experience.
40)But it is extremely challenging.
41)I met R on the first day of classes in the fall semester of 1988 at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
42)We didn't date for a few months, though, because I was a bit afraid of the chemistry that I felt between us.
43)He is the funniest man I have ever known. Really! Jim Carrey beat him to Hollywood.
44)With him, I laugh more than I breathe.
45)This has been instrumental in the healing of my soul from my horrific childhood.
46)I taught all of my children how to read.
47)They all read waaaaay above their grade level, and I am extremely proud that I have been instrumental in this.
48)I buy at least one new book a month.
49)I love children's literature.
50) The 500+ childrens books on our shelf attest to that.
51)I also like history, biography, philosphy, theology, and sometimes swerve into the dysfunctional fiction area, but only once in awhile.
52)I studied Literature, Photo Journalism, and Human Environmental Sciences in college.
53)I like Georgia O'Keefe (no, I don't see *that* in her pictures), and most of R.C. Gorman's work.
54) I have a huge print of his hanging over our bed, Laila with Child.
55)I loved nursing more than being pregnant.
56)Being pregnant wasn't so bad, just hard on me physically as I grew them big.
57)I always gained 50 pounds with each pregnancy.
58)But always lost it.
59)I spent 8 years in my twenties being pregnant or nursing.
60)I was once asked "Who did your b_ _bs?" in a Las Vegas Airport elevator.
61)"God," I replied.
62)"I am gonna pray harder," she said.
63)Gift giving and words of encouragement are my primary love languages.
64)I sometimes write poetry.
65)But never share it with anyone.
66)I love to sing, but not really in public.
67)I used to have a secret dream of becoming a singer/songwriter.
68)I love to make people laugh.
69)I only had braces for 9 months.
70)I really enjoy starting projects and coming up with ideas, but hate having to impliment them.
71)I am terrible with follow through.
72)But am improving.
73)I have never been terribly organized, but being the home educating mother of four has placed me in the position to at least try to be.
74)I love to cook and bake.
75)But also love to eat out.
76)My two closest girl-friends also have ambiguous names (Kris, Eddie).
77)I love flowers, all kinds.
78)When I read a word that I don't know the meaning of, I must look it up (thanks to R).
79)Thus, I have a well-worn dictionary next to my bed.
80)I always read while tubbing.
81)Simply by Clinque is my all-time favorite perfume.
82)I have a fantasy of living by the Pacific, on an island close to the mainland.
83)I love night.
84)I used to be a night owl, but rearing children has altered that.
85)I love sardonic humor.
86)I hate bad driving.
87)and rudeness.
88)My first car was a blue VW Dasher.
89)I received more tickets in my 20's (4) than in my 30's (0).
90)none of the tickets were deserved, of course.
91)I was only in one traffic accident, and I wasn't the one ticketed.
92)I always wear my seat belt.
93)I have ridden on a motorcycle once, and it was exhilarating.
94)My favorite seasons are Spring, Summer, and Fall.
95)I like winter only in theory.
96)My third toe on my left foot is longer than the other toes (except the big one, of course). You know, instead of the second one being the longest?
97)I once read that people who have this physical anomalie are creative and artistic.
98)R says someone with the third toe longer than the others said that.
99)I really do believe in Heaven; believe I am going there; and cannot wait to see my Savior face-to-face.
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87. You are still a night owl and shall always be a night owl. You have just altered your natural self a bit during this child raising time; (most of the time that is, and the times when you don't, you seriously regret.)
kujo on May 10, 2004 10:15 PM
Excellent! I really enjoyed reading these. You know, we are only about one year apart and I feel so immature and unaccomplished now.
On that note, these were my favorites by far!
63)I was once asked "Who did your b_ _bs?" in a Las Vegas Airport elevator.
64)"God," I replied.
65)"I am gonna pray harder," she said.
Can you describe the lady who said this? I have an image of her in my mind and I need to know if it fits.
Patrick on May 10, 2004 11:52 PM
She was forty-something, with a slight accent, visible make-up (as in not what I would consider complimentary)and dressed in clothes that seemed a bit too small for her and heels. She was friendly and seemed genuinely embarrassed when I told her they were my own.
Rae on May 11, 2004 12:48 AM
Yes, kujo, you know me only too well (which, of course, you know I love) :)
Rae on May 11, 2004 12:50 AM
Good to know so many things, easy for gifts!
Hey that means I'm not one of the closes? Y enjoyed reading all those things about you!
virginia on May 11, 2004 11:06 AM
Well, Virginia, of course, you are. I should have said, "My two girlfriends who have known me the longest (17 years, and 13 years)..." That is probably more accurate.
Rae on May 11, 2004 12:17 PM
Nice list. If I were to do a list like this, it would probably scare my few readers away for ever and ever...
PS--I know your first name. Heheh.
zombyboy on May 11, 2004 03:11 PM
Really now, Z. I doubt that.
Hey how do you know my first name? Oooooh, yes, I know how. It has been removed from this site, but was once present on my blog.
Thank you :)
Rae on May 11, 2004 03:21 PM
Even though I have know you for 20 years or so everytime I read one of your blogs I feel like I have just met you. Not only that it makes me want to read more about you. I love getting to know YOU!
Sally on June 1, 2004 03:04 PM
stumbled across your page, haven't looked through everything yet. However, the fact you hate living in Utah is a great thing, ha ha. I moved here six years ago from Kansas and I would LOVE to leave this state as well. Best of everything to you =o)
Elizabeth on June 7, 2004 01:41 AM
Looks like we have more in common that I originally thought.
Genia on June 7, 2004 10:55 AM
Genia, I think if more people focused on what they ahve in common with others, rather than the differences, there would be a lot more mercy and grace extended around the world :)
Rae on June 14, 2004 12:12 PM
hi rae, it's me, the girl your brother is going to marry (someday, hopefully by the time i'm 30!). you can call me Ann (my middle name) on the web. it makes it so much more secretive!
i finally got a chance to read some of your blog today. it's hard not having the internet at home and not much free time at work. the "a few things" insert helped me know more about you. i can't wait till we can acctually get to spend some real time together, as women and as sisters-in-law. wow, i've never said that before!
Anyways, i hope that you get this comment, i'm not sure where it's going! not to knowledgable about the blog world.
hope that we can converse over the web more! you can use my email too.
Ann on June 30, 2004 11:09 AM
Hey "Ann" (incognito is fun!)!
Everyone, the lovely young woman who is to be my fusture sister-in-law. My little brother wisely chose well.
Anytime you comment, it is posted here and then an e-mail of it is sent to me, as well.
Yes, come back often and get in my head-this really is the best way :)
Rae on June 30, 2004 04:36 PM
hi i found you blog throu trufflehuntes's blog i like your list of things about you. mine would be just as long and complicated i'm sure!
and i'm only 16 lol! maby i will do a list, someday Hmmmmmmm...
thea on August 31, 2004 10:55 PM
Stopped in here after the heated discussion at Rosemary's place, partially to see who it was that wasn't taking the bait and entering the fray, but primarily because I have only met two other women named Rae. I married one, and the other is her mother.
You have a lovely site. Might you one day reconsider sharing your poetry? Anonymity makes it somewhat easier, from my own experience. If it's of any encouragement, I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
Mr. E. on September 6, 2004 09:22 PM
This is Cindy from Everyday Thoughts Collected. I popped over to get acquainted and am utterly delighted with this list! The items themselves would be interesting enough to warrant attention, but the WAY you write them is just wonderful. What fun!
:::fully intending to look around lots more:::
Cindy on September 8, 2004 10:07 AM
For the first time, I am genuinely pleased with a blog from BE. I am sure there are others, but this is the first. Thanks for what you're doing.
Greg on November 11, 2004 10:22 AM
Greg- BE? I am a little confused?
Rae on November 11, 2004 01:51 PM
Found your blog through a link from the Commissar. I've been in Utah for 5 years now. What's not to like?
JimT on November 17, 2004 10:21 PM
Oh, Jim, too much to list here. The scenery is beautiful, but man cannot live by site alone....
Rae on November 20, 2004 11:52 PM
I followed a link here from I-don't-know-where, and after perusing, have added it to my "list". Will visit often, you're a smart cookie! And I'm with you, sister, we'll be seeing Him soon...
Catshavestaff on December 10, 2004 07:19 PM
C- thanks for your kind comments :) and come again often.
Rae on December 12, 2004 01:50 AM
Rae, I stumbled on this list while looking for your email addy (which I didn't find, so you must not want it out there). This is a great list!
Anyway, I was going to email you to say we have yet another thing in common...I noticed a post by you on Pro-Life Blogs right under a post from me....and we are both anti-abortion and against the death penalty. I don't run into many of those!
I have just thoroughly enjoyed your blog since discovering it. Keep up the great work!
texasbug on January 20, 2005 08:08 PM
Texasbug- I don't run into many of those either. Nice to know there is another person out there who favors consistency :D
Thanks so much! I really like your blog, too. :D
Rae on January 20, 2005 08:41 PM
Very cute list. You have me blogrolled under my old site name 'Spot On', now 'Alarming News', and you've got me in the male section, though I am female. :-)
Karol on March 12, 2005 03:19 PM
Karol, fixed :"D And thanks for coming by and commenting :D
Rae on March 12, 2005 03:41 PM
Hey, great blog!!! It's so feminine, but also says "don't mess with this chick!", lol
Tanda on June 9, 2005 08:21 PM
just stumbled upon your blog through margi lowry's blog. must mention that i like it a lot, and will be visiting more often, and linking you under 'blog deities' on my site.
also, i chose the name amelie for my blogging nom de plume, but guess what family and friends call me ; )
amelie on August 8, 2005 05:47 PM
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diabetic supplies on August 25, 2005 12:52 PM
The boob thing is hilarious. I saw a bad boob job in the Los Vegas airport. I knew about saline and silicone. I had no idea they used helium.
bigwhitehat on September 10, 2005 03:06 AM
Very fun read. So r u in Utah now? (Sorry. Read most of it, but skimmed a few times, cause I'm REALLY supposed to be working now.)
Amazing how many people know their MB type. At least how many out of the people I like. I'm an ENTP, which might explain the instant affinity I felt.
At least I was. I've been wondering a long time about that T. Might be an F now. A friend scoffed when I said that, and insisted you never change.
Maybe not, but your perceptions of yourself do. I was trying to be a computer guy at the time, God help me. And hmmmmmm. Who says you don't ever change. I think that career brought out very different aspects of my personality.
So maybe I always had the possibilities buried inside me, but your personality is not your potential, it's what actually gets expressed, right? Expressed to others or expressed to you, but what becomes manifest, not just potential.
Wow, how did I get off on that? Doesn't take much. heeheehee.
Looking forward to reading more, though I'm so crappy about keeping up with blogs. Where is the time?
Dave Cullen on October 12, 2005 12:40 PM
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Rae at
09:19 PM
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It's ALL about me
The Politburo Diktat links with:
Stuck-Together Pages
The Politburo Diktat links with:
Comrade Rae
Carnivorous Conservative links with:
Toward a More Tolerant and Loving America