November 01, 2004

Baited Breath

Shhhhh! Can't you tell I am holding my breath until 12:01 a.m. November 3rd? Or maybe January 20, 2005?

Posted by Rae at November 1, 2004 03:14 PM | TrackBack

Lady, I'm about to have a stroke. (And yes, I'm blogging at work. I can't get anything done! I'm too distracted!)

Posted by: Patrick at November 1, 2004 03:16 PM

I can't wait till tomorrow! We always stay up late waiting for the winner to be announced; course four years ago we were up until about 3 am waiting and watching the flip-flopping and we finally fell asleep on the couches with still no winner! Hopefully, this year the winner will be evident and the election will not be as close as the last one.

Posted by: Kris at November 1, 2004 07:54 PM

I know and idn't you guys get a cake all decorated in red, white, and blue? I loved that idea. Of course, I generally do love all your ideas.....


Posted by: Rae at November 1, 2004 07:58 PM

I was up till about 4 am after the last Presidential election. Not a happy camper and I won't do that again...well...hopefully I won't. :)

Posted by: Randy at November 1, 2004 08:11 PM

The essay that follows was first published almost 170 years ago and wasn't even by an American. Alexis de Tocqueville was a 26-year old Frenchman who described to Europe our young country's experiment with something called representative democracy. Though his book is long, his chapters are short. This one is titled, "Crisis of the Election."


"Crisis of the Election"
By Alexis de Tocqueville

The influence which the President exercises on public business is no doubt feeble and indirect; but the choice of the President, though of small importance to each individual citizen, concerns the citizens collectively; and however trifling an interest may be, it assumes a great degree of importance as soon as it becomes general. In comparison with the kings of Europe, the President possesses but few means of creating partisans; but the places that are at his disposal are sufficiently numerous to interest, directly or indirectly, several thousand electors in his success. Moreover, political parties in the United States are led to rally round an individual in order to acquire a more tangible shape in the eyes of the crowd, and the name of the candidate for the Presidency is put forward as the symbol and personification of their theories. For these reasons, parties are strongly interested in winning the election, not so much with a view to the triumph of their principles under the auspices of the President elect as to show by his election that the supporters of those principles now form the majority.

For a long while before the appointed time has come, the election becomes the important and, so to speak, the all-engrossing topic of discussion. Factional ardor is redoubled, and all the artificial passions which the imagination can create in a happy and peaceful land are agitated and brought to light. The President, moreover, is absorbed by the cares of self-defense. He no longer governs for the interest of the state, but for that of his re-election; he does homage to the majority, and instead of checking its passions, as his duty commands, he frequently courts its worst caprices. As the election draws near, the activity of intrigue and the agitation of the populace increase; the citizens are divided into hostile camps, each of which assumes the name of its favorite candidate; the whole nation glows with feverish excitement; the election is the daily theme of the press, the subject of private conversation, the end of every thought and every action, the sole interest of the present. It is true that as soon as the choice is determined, this ardor is dispelled, calm returns, and the river, which had nearly broken its banks, sinks to its usual level; but who can refrain from astonishment that such a storm should have risen?

--"Democracy in America, Volume I," Vintage Books (1990 ed.), originally published in 1835.

Reading this essay got me all hot for the election tomorrow. I can't wait to work in studio all night and come home to the surprise winner, i can only hope it will be as exciting a the world series.

Posted by: nick at November 1, 2004 11:28 PM

I'm really ready for it to be over. Tired of the mud slinging commercials, v-mail messages, reminders to vote.

I just want Bush to win and be the CLEAR winner. No doubt in ANYONE's mind.

Posted by: GrumpyBunny at November 2, 2004 07:24 AM

Now that I voted I'm going to take a political nap. Wake me up after New Year's Day.

Posted by: michele at November 2, 2004 05:15 PM

GB- me too ;)

Nick- interesting. Thanks for posting it. Remember dearest brother, "Nothing is new under the sun."

Michele- will give you a "ring." Sleep for me :D

Posted by: Rae at November 2, 2004 08:54 PM
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