December 31, 2004

No Hall Pass Required

After watching Mean Girls (I can't believe I did, but, yes, I did) with E tonight, and talking about it (we found the opening depiction of non-homeschooler's presumptions about home-educated kids accurately hysterical)-- discussing how gossip can be so painful and cause so much misunderstanding and hate, not to mention how one must be as shrewd as a viper and as gentle as a lamb-- I shared how R and I weren't relegated to any one single group in high school. We hung out a little bit with everyone. Now, confessedly, some of that was self-preservation in my case. I mean, I didn't really like Dee Dee's eyeliner, but I really did have to pee, so, I might have tweaked my opinion in favor of a bathroom stall and making it out alive. But, I did like Dee Dee, and I think she knew I didn't like her eyeliner, but she knew I liked her and that's why my arse was allowed back out of the girl's room in the same shape it went in.

E and I also talked about cliques and how they get formed and how it's o.k. to have a group of friends, but how it can also be limiting in knowing and understanding people who are different than yourself. The blogosphere is no different. Really. When I went to Wizbang's blog awards, I mostly saw blogs with which I am at least familiar. But, when I was reading Greg tonight, I followed the link to a different blog awards, and saw only a handful of blogs that I recognized (and even promoted in a previous post), and found a whole lot of new faces.

So, now that I no longer have to hand out lying compliments in order to get back to chemisty class with Mr. White, I politely ask you to visit these sites in order to broaden the horizon in your corner of the 'sphere. Now, will you please let me past?

Posted by Rae at December 31, 2004 12:15 AM | TrackBack

I loved that movie! I like your idea of meeting new faces in the blogosphere but honestly, life is SO busy it is hard to keep up with the blogs I do travel (11 or so) Good idea though.

Posted by: Randy at December 31, 2004 03:31 PM

I liked it, too, Randy. I thought it was very funny. It was the first of it's kind that I allowed E to watch.

I have my comfortable places, too, so I know what you mean, but it is nice to travel to new places and see new faces and read new thoughts. There is no place like home, though :)

Posted by: Rae at December 31, 2004 03:35 PM
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