March 15, 2005


Julie Leung. She may not be new to you, but she is to me. And wow! What a woman and a writer.

Someone landed here by googling Caitlin Flanagan. Of course, I followed the link on my sitemeter. After scrolling through, I clicked on a cached link just below my own listed post to some well-written thoughts (excellent, though ours differ) on Flanagan.

I then went to the most recent entry and found more to like. Other than having a love of husband, home, children, life and literature, we also birthed our blogs at nearly the same time.

Posted by Rae at March 15, 2005 12:40 PM | TrackBack

Maybe an off comment (typical for me), but years ago while washing dishes (the mechanical dishwasher is never used), I was quite aggravated, agitated and frustrated, then thought to myself, "If it weren't for people, there'd be no dirty dishes."

I realized who all contributed to the dirtied dishes and became very grateful for dirty dishes.

Posted by: Ralph at March 15, 2005 02:06 PM

Thanks, Rae! I'm happy to find you too.
And I appreciate Ralph's comment as well, a different way to count blessings by counting dirty dishes (one of the chores I like least in life!)

Posted by: Julie at March 16, 2005 12:17 AM
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