March 15, 2004

People are still dying in

People are still dying in
service to this country, whether civilian or military. Being married to a former
Marine (true, though: once and always) has made me far more aware of the
sacrifices that are made on behalf of the American people. Now I can't sing the
Star Spangled Banner without crying. Really, I get weepy. The same tears that
flow from my eyes for respect and gratefulness for the Marines, Soldiers,
Sailors, and Airmen come just as easily when I hear of a couple who, so eager to
provide a child with a wonderful life, after many heartbreaks, find the fullness
of her womb filling their hearts. I see them interconnected: the sacrifice of
one brings safety and freedom for the other. Cruising around all my regular
stops, I happened upon Baldilocks. My heart is full as I think of a family that
is welcoming back their loved one in quite a different manner than they hoped
and prayed. My sincere condolences. Meanwhile, over at h-o-b-b's, Kenyon and
Julie and Zachary are listening to baby Elliot's heartbeat (K and J, I think
it's a girl, by the way, so please tell her that Aunt Rae has been eyeing all
the pink things at Baby Gap). So, my prayers have been full of thanksgiving for
life and for the comfort of peace. The former making way for the latter's life
to be lived in peace. Thank you.

Posted by Rae at March 15, 2004 11:03 PM | TrackBack
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