December 28, 2003

I don't have many vices.

I don't have many vices. I got too old
and became a mother. Not sure if I'll pick any of them back up again once the
children are old enough to be gone. I enjoy a good glass of wine, but haven't
been drunk in over 13 years. I came dangerously close last summer at R's 20th
High School Reunion. No, it wasn't purposeful. I went very confident after a
delicious shopping trip earlier that afternoon. I attended looking fabulous and
assured of my husband's fidelity. While sitting and chatting with a wife, I
remembered suddenly how I was now in the position to try a Cosmopolitan. Seeing
Carrie order them piqued my interest. I stepped over to the cash bar and ordered
one. It was love at first libation. I drank it rather quickly and ordered
another. It wasn't until I polished off the third that I realized the strength
of that vodka shot. I wasn't even buzzing, but knew that one more would do me
in. I had already seen one wife get physically sick from drowning her
insecurities and decided that I didn't want to be the encore. So, a cup of
coffee and cream and a glass of water staved off any possible drunkenness. Sex
in marriage isn't really a vice, so that's out. Or is it? Hmmm, I guess that
depends on what exactly is happening. Clothing must be my vice or at least the
spending of the money to get them. My friend says that dressing well, "is a
closely held family value" for me and my mother and brother. I think she is
right. Pieces of fabric sewn together in just the right way can really make me
want to spend money. No different than a man and stereo or technical equipment.
See, R has a thing for Chevy trucks. Please, let me just say my husband is
highly intelligent and doesn't wear his wallet chained to his pants and owns no
cut off flannel shirts. Currently, we have about five trucks. (They are
"investments," yeah, so is my Kate Spade collection). Until the fence was done,
it appeared that we aspired to replicate Sanford and Son. At least they are well
hidden now. I have always appreciated knowing that when R does a double take
while driving down the street, I ask what make and model, not what hair color
she has. Books. They are a vice for me. Especially as I prefer hardback. My
ideal day is to stop by the coffee house and then head over to the local used
bookstore to peruse their shelves of discarded books. I have found some real
treasures there. I like the library, but always checking out a book is like
eating out every meal! I want a few things at home for feasting and snacking. We
currently have over 2000 volumes, mostly children's literature. I can't wait to
read their parent's childhood favorites to my grandchildren and send them home
with cookies, hugs, and a bag of books. One of A's favorite memories is reading
such classics as Wind in the Willows and A Secret Garden on my bed before
naptime everyday. Later, we began to read them at the table while taking our
lunch. I always eat while preparing their food so I am ready to read while they
eat. The bon mot is quite valued in our home. Well, the roasting chicken needs
to be basted and herbed again and I must start the rice (delicious brown made
with chicken bouillon, garlic, onions, celery and tomatoes). It has been a
lovely Sunday afternoon.

Posted by Rae at December 28, 2003 06:11 PM | TrackBack
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