November 16, 2003

Bought one of those mini

Bought one of those mini mags by a bigger hauncho mag about skin care.
This is my latest concern in my advancing years. As we drove the 45 minutes to a
Home Depot, I used the map reader light to make a list of what I need to do,
what I already do, and then divided everything up into body parts. When did this
happen to me? Did I not care about skin care in my 20's because I didn't need
to? Or because I simply didn't care? And why didn't I care? I didn't have
perfect skin, but I didn't have any wrinkles either. I remember watching my
mother look at herself in the bathroom mirror and wondering what she was looking
for? She was my mother then. There wasn't anything else to it. She hadn't become
a human being. I didn't then know her as a woman who had trusted in something
that twisted and broke the spine of her heart leaving her paralyzed and too
frightened to give to anyone else. I later wondered if she was looking for the
person she was before all of that, but all she was really looking at was the
wrinkle in the middle of her forehead. I know because I asked.

Posted by Rae at November 16, 2003 04:51 PM | TrackBack
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