April 26, 2004

The Girl is Back in Town

Let's see, a 2 1/2 hour drive to the Kansas City Airport; a 1 hour wait for departure; a 3 hour flight; a 2 1/2 hour drive from Las Vegas Home (plus a delicious stop at In-and-Out). It was so comforting to receive Rob's warm embrace in the glaring lights and blaring super screens of McCarran. It was a long trip, but I am happy to be home.

It was lovely to snuggle with everyone on Sunday morning (one of the luxuries a king size affords); to hear their voices chattering away; to giggle together. We languidly finished our brunch and spent the rest of the day wandering in and out of rooms breathing in each other's presence.

Posted by Rae at April 26, 2004 10:23 AM | TrackBack
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