July 27, 2004

A (Non)Commerical Break

We interupt the current blog snow to bring you this important message:

"At the risk of losing hits, the author wishes us to inform you that she has realized the finality of summer is upon her and has curled up with a book; is blowing bubbles with K; celebrating her oldest becoming a teenager (*sniff-sniff*); cuddling with C on the top bunk in the mornings; talking with A on the deck after dinner; going for walks with R in the evenings and then lying on the porch star-gazing and planning together. So, she is on temporary hiatus as she seizes the day and spends a bit more time with those she loves and those that love her. She plans to return to her regularly scheduled blogging next week."

Thank you and we now return you to the same stale blog snow.

(Now get outside; make a phone call; write a letter with pen and ink; visit a relative; do nothing; read a book; but for goodness sake! get off the computer! Carpe diem!)

Posted by Rae at July 27, 2004 09:58 AM | TrackBack

You're hilarious. Now that I'm "back on" your "off".

Posted by: Amy at July 27, 2004 06:28 PM

Hi Rae,

Off-topic - Please update your blogroll: www.lashawnbarber.com. I'm trying to regain my place in the Ecosystem!

--La Shawn

Posted by: La Shawn at July 28, 2004 07:09 AM

okay, advice taken. Now if I end up pregnant again, I'm blaming you!! :)

Posted by: Kadi Prescott at July 28, 2004 07:32 AM

Enjoy your summer, Rae :)

Posted by: Eduardo at July 28, 2004 07:32 AM

I see you've taken my bad advice. :)

Posted by: Joe at July 28, 2004 05:49 PM

Easy for you to say! Enjoy your time with your loved ones.

Some of us are frozen at the controls, desperately typing away while family and friends mutter restlessly in the background. Nobody warned us that blogging is addictive. We will probably become an object lesson to future generations.

Posted by: David at July 31, 2004 08:24 PM

Excellent advice, Rae. It's hard to remember to step away from the computer sometimes -- of course, I just took a two week break and I think it's going to take me four weeks to catch up on all that I've missed. I might as well quit while I'm ahead, eh? ;-)

Posted by: Natalie at August 2, 2004 12:30 PM
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