June 30, 2005
As if a dog and three (we adopted Polecat and his name is George) cats weren't enough, C went tadpole collecting with her best girlfriend and for the past three weeks they have been observing them grow legs and lose their tails, and occasionally their lives. They have generously shared several pollywogs with a chosen few friends, and just this morning, A celebrated her personal baby toad's leap into adulthood: Skipperdee now has fully grown legs.
I came home from an errand to find that they had also paired a female cricket (such knowledge gathered by observation of her obvious ovipositor) with a male (known by his lack of said ovipositor) in K's bug box. The male hasn't stopped chirping. I think I may have seen the female yawn.
Between my little veterinarian and her littler-sister-entomologist-to-be, I think I am quickly running out of home. And maybe nerves.
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I think it is so wonderful that you let your kids explore the world through experience. My mom always let us kids take in pets and creatures of all kinds to teach us about the world. That knowledge has stayed with me and the memories of frogs, fish, and other crawling creatures will too. :-)
Jenn on June 30, 2005 06:29 PM
Ahh.. tadpoles!!! I have many many memories of tadpole hunting at the farm and can remember also watching them sprout legs and hop away. Crawdads were another favorite. I just love that part of growing up. The sheer amazement of mother nature!! It is wonderful to explore this world. My oldest son is in awe of rollypollies. Him and his cousin gather them all up, then (in their own words "send them back home to their moms and dads."
Sally on June 30, 2005 06:48 PM
entomologist for sure.
Sally-My favorite Crawdad story was when I was with all the girls at a farm pond and our niece found "Crawdad thumbs" we all roared with laughter. Reminds me of the best times I had as a kid. It involved no activities or toys or sports or entertainment. Just kids and the outdoors.
R on June 30, 2005 10:59 PM
Sally, I remember Bobby coming home with all kinds of incredibly wiggly creatures stuffed in his pockets and a black snake wrapped around his neck.
Rae on July 1, 2005 09:06 AM
The best story I have ever heard about Bobby was when he and another boy ran down a wild turkey and caught it alive with their bare hands.
R on July 3, 2005 06:47 PM
OMGosh! Lol! I have never even heard that one myself. Ran down a live turkey and caught it with their bare hands....!
Rae on July 3, 2005 07:03 PM
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June 28, 2005
Happy Anniversary Baby
My life has been so busy that I honestly forgot about today being the second anniversary of "A Likely Story" until I read this from Z to tocayo.
So, Happy Blogiversary, Val, and to me, too.
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Congrats Rae! Good work and great stories.
Altar Girl on June 28, 2005 11:17 PM
Happy blogiversary, Rae! Wow, your blog has come a long way in a short time. It's one of a handful that I check daily. Keep up the good work! :)
Cindy Swanson on June 29, 2005 04:37 AM
Ith on June 29, 2005 11:28 AM
Best to the little two year-old bloggie! aaaah
chrys on June 29, 2005 03:22 PM
Cool-happy anniversary. Nice pic.
Jason on June 29, 2005 06:29 PM
Congrats Rae!! I love your stories!
Jenn on June 29, 2005 07:15 PM
Rae, Happy Blogiversary! You are of my muses and someone I can truly call a friend despite our never having met in person. (BTW, I think we must test out our theory that we'd have a blast together by going shopping next year when my wardrobe is in desperate need of replenishment!) Here's to you and many more years of "A Likely Story" being part of my daily routine!
Alisha on June 29, 2005 09:22 PM
Oh, how the time flies...I'll stay tuned.
Cav on June 30, 2005 12:00 AM
Yeah...um... well done. :)
Randy on June 30, 2005 06:32 AM
Happy Day, Rae!!
Cindy on June 30, 2005 10:20 AM
Awwww, thanks for all the well-wishes :D
Rae on June 30, 2005 10:25 AM
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Rae at
10:16 PM
Comments (11)
ResurrectionSong links with:
Hey, Whaddyaknow?
The ceremony is over; the marriage begun. Two architects are now united in the design of the relationship of their lives.
I didn't break until I, having the designation of telling everyone in the wedding party when to enter the church, directed the groomsmen and pastor into the chapel. I closed the door, allowing for a slight pause before my brother entered. I looked at him and saw him not in that moment, but in a continuum of the past 24 years. He smiled at me- that big grin, eyes dancing. I told him I loved him, and he said, "I love you, too, sister." He then stepped into the moment of his life. I quickly blinked and readied myself for ushering in the girls.
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I am so happy for N. I have never met him but from what you have said I take he is a great person and friend to you. It is always nice when siblings go beyond just being realated and can be friends. Give him my congrats. I hope they are happy together.
Sally on June 28, 2005 02:43 PM
Godspeed N and Bride. I have never met her but I am sure I will. I know he is man of integrity and talent. I am glad that you got to go see this new beginning.
R on June 29, 2005 05:54 PM
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June 27, 2005
Delicious and Fragrant
Ahhhh, Bread and Tulips.
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Oo, I love Euro-flicks. They're so, well, you know? And Bruno is, um, oo la la.
Altar Girl on June 27, 2005 10:10 PM
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June 26, 2005
Get Dressed
Dressy Bessy's Electrified is a treat. I heard about them on NPR (the critic picked this album over Coldplay's X & Y) while driving in the rain to catch a late flight out of Vegas.
P.S. McCarran has free WiFi. :D
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Excellent suggestion; thanks Rae! Love the photos on their site, and the music is fun.
Altar Girl on June 26, 2005 11:12 PM
You quote of the week is so true. It is just what happens. Yes.
Shirazi on June 27, 2005 06:07 AM
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June 21, 2005
Pink is my favorite color

My new baby :D
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Oooo, I am so jealous! :-)
Altar Girl on June 21, 2005 06:56 PM
Okay, its official.
Rae's become one of the Pod People.
Jeremy on June 21, 2005 08:46 PM
Altar Girl: I would share with you if I could.
Jeremy: Yes. A pod people I am. A Pink Pod Person. :D
Rae on June 21, 2005 09:26 PM
Jeremy, what color are you?
Rae on June 21, 2005 09:26 PM
If *I* had my choice (ie. the Jeremy-Gilby-dot-com special edition iPod) it would be teal and black (That would be freakin' awesome)
But alas, I'm the generic white/grey. (Both models)
Jeremy on June 21, 2005 10:05 PM
Well, I am a mini Pod person. I have the shuffle and it is white and it hangs around my neck as I boogey down on the treadmill.
Randy on June 22, 2005 07:34 AM
I bet you're one of those people who talk really fast and smart and hang out at the library and go on Dr. Phil. I just have a feeling that's what you're like. You're probably not a Mormon, but you like us, huh??? Am I right.
Pretty close, huh?
Guess who I am. And where have you been, haven't seen you since before you went Hollywood. We could use you today, that's for damn sure.
annegb on June 22, 2005 11:22 AM
So I'm guessing that Rae has truely become one with the iPod People.
She is probably currently taking on her jet black motif, and dancing a monotone pastel environment, with only her Pink iPod and white earbuds standing out.
*Shakes head ruefully*
And Rae was such a beautiful woman...
Jeremy on June 24, 2005 09:35 PM
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June 19, 2005
Conducere Colloquim
K read two Bob Books® to me yesterday between giggles over the simple silly ink drawings of Mat sitting on Sam and Sam sitting on Mat.
A few days ago, she looked at me and read a three-letter word on my shirt.
I always enjoy the freedom that reading provides my children. They feel grown-up; they know they are so. But, I cringe when they begin to read some guy's lewd t-shirt while strolling in a public place....
With freedom comes responsibility. A baby first comprehends, then learns the mechanics of communication. I think many parents either forget this, or are unaware of the process. So, they continue to stick picture books in front of their children's noses (and very, very boring, unimaginative, Disneyfied ones at that), read without inflection or adding definitive voices to the characters, and then worry over Jr.'s lack of affection or desire for good literature.
The summer that my daughters turn five, I pull out The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Each day, somnolent from the afternoon sun, we climb into the book and boat the river with determined Ratty and thoughtful Mole; feel the exuberence of Toad and his misadventures; are calmed by Badger's reserve and sense of direction; and comforted by the loyalty true friendship brings.
We continue on with The Secret Garden (by Frances Hodgson Burnett) feeling Mary's obstinacy melt in Martha's good cheer and kindness; her frustrations mirrored in melancholy cousin Colin and her challenge for him to rise above it, as she has with the help of calming Dickon and a bit of earth to claim as her own.
As we go through the chapters, our conversations become peppered with reflections of the characters or situations. Eventually we incorporate little sayings as a conduit for the magic to find its way into the moments of the day. When one of the girls is feeling a bit negative, one of us might screw-up our face and proclaim, "I'm not sour!" It fishes a smile from the corner of a dour little mouth.
C.S. Lewis says it best for me: "...we do not retreat from reality, we rediscover it. As long as the story lingers in our mind, the real things are more themselves... By dipping them in myth we see them more clearly."
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I fondly remember my mother reading The Wind in the Willows to my sister and I. I will enjoy reading it and many others to my own two little boys when they are old enough to sit still longer than to read a Berenstain Bears book!
Sally on June 19, 2005 06:50 PM
Rae, you are so right. For myself, reading was a fantastic discovery. When I was a very young child, I felt in a sea of riches, a wonderful window to worlds unknown, all of this, of course, "peppered" with timely reflection by my parents and relatives who encouraged me all along the way.
None other than Jorge Luis Borges, stated well after being a blind man, that Heaven looked to him like an immense library; and he might have a point.
Eduardo on June 21, 2005 08:17 AM
I am forever grateful that my parents read to us as kids. My mother would also take us to the library so we could get books. She would browse the aisles and select books for herself and my dad. So reading was ingrained in me and my brother - we both love to read to this day.
Even during car trips - as long as it wasn't hot in the car - I could read in the backseat. Thick books even in elementary school. Always a great escape and way to entertain myself.
When Hubster and I worked with the youth groups at church - I was shocked and surprised at some of the t-shirts the kids were wearing. Actually it shouldn't have surprised me since most of the parents looked at youth group time as baby-sitting time. We thought it should be just re-enforcement of what they should be learning at home. Apparently not.
GrumpyBunny on June 21, 2005 09:32 AM
The world has held great heroes
As history books have showed
But never a name to go down in fame
Compared with that of Toad
The clever men at Oxford
Know all that there is to be knowed
But they none of them knew one half as much
As intelligent Mr. Toad
The animals sat in the ark and cried
Their tears in torrents flowed
Who was it said, "There's land ahead!"
Encouraging Mr. Toad
The army all saluted
As they marched along the road
Was it the king or the kitchener
No it was Mr. Toad
The queen and her ladies in waiting
Sat at the window and sewed
She cried "Look who's that handsome man?"
They answered "Mr. Toad"
Many really important life lessons about friendship can be learned from a little time spent with Mr. Toad and friends in the willows, eh!
Toad on June 21, 2005 01:01 PM
Beautifully put. I remember both of those books fondly from my own childhood. The first books I read to myself at the age of four were "To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" by Dr. Suess and the "Frances" books by Russell Hoban.
I am forever grateful to my parents for instilling such a love of literature in me at an early age...I know it will always serve me well.
jenn on June 22, 2005 05:44 PM
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 | You scored as Neo orthodox. You are neo-orthodox. You reject the human-centredness and scepticism of liberal theology, but neither do you go to the other extreme and make the Bible the central issue for faith. You believe that Christ is God's most important revelation to humanity, and the Trinity is hugely important in your theology. The Bible is also important because it points us to the revelation of Christ. You are influenced by Karl Barth and P T Forsyth.
Neo orthodox | | 71% | Roman Catholic | | 57% | Reformed Evangelical | | 50% | Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan | | 50% | Emergent/Postmodern | | 46% | Fundamentalist | | 29% | Classical Liberal | | 25% | Charismatic/Pentecostal | | 21% | Modern Liberal | | 11% |
What's your theological worldview? created with QuizFarm.com |
h/t: The Llamas
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But I notice this is only open to Christians. I wonder if there is one either for Jews (do you know of one) or that is open to all.
Rachel Ann on June 20, 2005 12:01 AM
Rachel Ann, I am not sure if there is one for other religions. I did see at the bottom that Quiz Farm allows you to create your own....
Rae on June 20, 2005 07:07 AM
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A Pea in the Pod
Oh, Margi! I am thrilled for you :D
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Thank you, hon! :: blushy ::
After we got over the initial shock we're pretty stoked as well. :)
Now I just have to keep my eyes on the prize and take good care of my Gift.
Thank you again, sweet. It IS rather exciting!
Margi on June 19, 2005 07:40 PM
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June 17, 2005
Off to See the Wizard
To "Spell" who visits my site regularly using a Mac from the University of Missouri- Columbia and only this time generously decided to comment under the aforementioned name and gives the email addy of spell@properly.com:
I accidentally published the post on which you so kindly and cowardly commented only on a misspelling. You see, I intended to hit "draft" but instead hit "publish." Unfortunately, there are some of us who aren't perfect in this life. Oh, that we could be more like you.
By the way, I know who you are.
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i wrote the comment about your spelling, and you and i have never met. i do access your site from the university of missouri, but i can't see how you know who this is. someone told me about your site, and i've checked it regularly ever since. if you know who this is and it is bothering you that i check it, send the name of the person you think it is to gomizzou1@gmail.com, my non-university account, and we'll clear it up.
anonymous on June 17, 2005 02:33 PM
Seems interesting that someone would criticize this site for a misspelling, but apparently have no comprehension of the use of capitalization in the language. Sure hope that UoM education hasn't cost you too much.
Altar Girl on June 17, 2005 02:53 PM
Well, I must say that I am pleasantly surprised to find that I might have absolutely no idea who this is.
While I might not know you personally, you have revealed a few things about yourself:
1. You are a petty person. So, you regularly visit my site, and yet the first comment you make is a snide one about a misspelling. I don't mind someone letting me know that I missed something, but that typically comes with some decorum.
2. You are associated with the university in some manner, whether student, faculty or staff ("my non-university account" alludes to this).
3. Your avoidance of identifiying youself makes you and your reading intentions suspect. Why hide? Why not say how you found this site, and who recommended it?
4. If the only comment you can manage to leave is about the spelling of a word, then what is so compelling as to cause you to visit as frequently as you claim to do?
Rae on June 17, 2005 03:02 PM
Thankfully I do appreciate the importance of capitalization. I firmly believe that it formulates a fantastic foundation for propriety. The correction is quite duly noted. however, i'm a creature of habit, so i'll reduce myself once again. about a year ago, an acquaintance told me about blogging and noted your site as something she heard about from who she said was a friend of yours, K. i sort of know K, but i haven't spoken to her in probably a year. as for my anonymity, well, i want to comment but find it difficult to mention my name because i hear things from time to time about the situation and would prefer to stay out of it. i got to liking your blog more and more, sometimes waiting and checking regularly to see if others will post. i have noticed your comments about other mac users at the university of missouri this past year, but most of those people have actually not been me. it was nice to notice that others use macs, though. anyway, i have a few friends who are very clearly on one side of the situation, and i know they read your blog, too. therefore, i would just like to stay uninvolved in all of that and read your blog anonymously until it all passes over. it isn't my business anyway. as for my lack of decorum, i am sorry. i read all the comments left on your site, and i assumed a bit of sass was appropriate. i'll do better next time, i promise. i hope this explains some stuff.
anonymous on June 17, 2005 03:21 PM
I'm a first time reader, Rae, referred through your comment on Six Meat Buffet. In the first post of yours I read, I find you, as is the case with many bloggers who have something to say and know how to say it cogently, battling the anonymous troll, over, of all things, a misspelling. Tiresome, isn't it? Keep fighting the good fight. You do it with more restraint and grace than I would, but then, those aren't two of my strong points.
Kevin on June 18, 2005 09:30 AM
anonymous: I really still don't know how to process this. Your use of the word "sass" inclines me to think you southern, or at least being familiar with southern colloquialism.
Altar Girl: you made me laugh out loud.
Kevin: thank you. I think being charitable when possible the best way to initiate understanding.
Rae on June 19, 2005 12:43 PM
my mother used to call me a sassy little girl, and yes, she WAS from the south and prides herself on it. it is quite difficult to get her to stop talking about mississippi delta blues once she gets going, but i'm beginning to appreciate it as i get older. she says she won my father over with an elmore james reference. anyway, that was very perceptive of you! as for me, though, i'm a native daughter of ladue, missouri!
anonymous on June 19, 2005 01:33 PM
Perception is my forte.
Rae on June 19, 2005 01:38 PM
Perception is my forte. That is an understatement...
Mrs. Darling on June 19, 2005 06:50 PM
Mrs. Darling: heh. Ya think? ;)
Rae on June 20, 2005 09:27 AM
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Share and Share Alike
Thanks to Matt's suggestion, I downloaded a song off of Z's list (same post): Ryan Adams, "Damn, Sam (I Love a Woman That Rains)." I had a few other Ryan Adams songs in my iTunes, but was only famliar with the song title, not the artist. I really like this song and keep listening to it. Over and over.
Matt also sent me "R U a Believer" which I throughly enjoyed, though he politely warned me I might not like it. Jerry sent me "Jack Ball" by Squatweiler and "It's Not Me, It's You" by The Meat Joy. I had already discerned that Jerry's musical taste buds favored the flavor of a harder edge, and these are that (for this girl, anyway), but I actually found them to be O.K.
From Margi's list, I grabbed "Maps" by Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. I knew I would like anything on The Sister's list.
I have to give credit to Andy for introducing me to Mp3 love, and Greg for mentioning iTunes. Why buy the whole album when you can just get the single song you love?
Thanks people.
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I reset the time to reflect MST.
I actually posted this about 9:30 last night.
I do love our morning chats, decorated with splashes of laughter and sips of java.
Studying: two more assignments in which I got 100% on each.
Rae on June 17, 2005 11:56 AM
I can see that we will probably not be having our daily morning chat as someone was up late blogging and studying...
Isn't it lovely to be up late at night when all of the hooligans are sleeping and you actually can carry your train of thought longer than three seconds without hearing "Mommy, she called me an idiot" or "Mommy, can you come wipe my bottom."
Call me when you rise from the dead. I'll have the Breakfast Blend ready.
Mrs. Darling on June 17, 2005 02:04 PM
Between gift certificates, fundraiser iPods, promos on my website, etc., I think I am the unofficial neighborhood iTunes drug dealer. Glad you like it.
Greg on June 19, 2005 06:59 PM
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June 15, 2005
Sad Goodbye
Patrick is hanging-up his blogging hat.
He will be missed.
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From Patrick's Last Post-"(It's like blog induced multiple personality disorder.)"
That's a keeper.
Ralph on June 15, 2005 03:29 PM
My post above means that I agree with the quote as it applies to myself.
Ralph on June 16, 2005 02:53 AM
So is Patrick. I will miss his wit.
Rae on June 19, 2005 01:03 PM
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June 14, 2005
Team Player
After her last set this morning, A's swim team coach took her aside and asked her to be a team captain.
On the way home, A said to me that she realized that she needed to be more encouraging to those she previously dismissed as slacking bootlickers, "you know, mom, be more of a leader because leaders not only encourage people, they do what they expect others to do."
I am so proud to know this kid.
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Of all my nieces I have the most memories of A she is such a sweet girl and bright to boot!! I love her bright eyes and honest smile. To me she will always be my little watermelon!!!
Sally on June 15, 2005 02:21 AM
I am proud of A also. She will make a wonderful captain.
Holly on June 15, 2005 04:16 AM
That is a great kid. She truly gives me joy.
r on June 20, 2005 07:30 PM
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June 13, 2005
No, It's not that time of the month
Yeah, I am feeling grouchy. Have you seen the movie with Elisabeth Shue, Adventures in Babysitting? Remember the famous line from that film?
Replace "babysitter" with "mother."
Now, you all have a nice day.
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Actually, I haven't seen the movie.
I feel so left out.
zombyboy on June 14, 2005 04:23 AM
check out this post from Atrios:
p.s. your new photo on the top of your blog is gorgeous.
nikita demosthenes on June 14, 2005 07:41 AM
and i loved adventures in babysitting
i loved it when the brother said:
"Thor's a total homo."
and the sister got really mad and said:
"Take it back! Take back what you said about Thor!"
nikita demosthenes on June 14, 2005 07:43 AM
Nikita, thank you. The link: I can't discern to which post you are directing me.
Rae on June 14, 2005 02:12 PM
never mind about the link. the rabble at Atrios' blog were calling mormons "wingnuts". (once again the "tolerant" are beside themselves with intolerance). are dems immune to irony? nothing to see here...
nikita demosthenes on June 14, 2005 05:46 PM
i used to date a mormon & we visited utah. her family lived north of SLC in a town whose name i can't remember. they were very close to the great salt lake, and i remember the smell at night was, um, kind of briny.
anyway, i take it you've kind of had it with living among so many mormons? they're unfailing nice though aren't they? what gets to you - when they hang every word of the "president" of the church? just curious.
by the way, we skied at Brighton and at Powder Mountain. and we went onto antelope island in the middle of salt lake. it's a beautiful, fascinating state.
nikita demosthenes on June 14, 2005 05:49 PM
check out the June 14 post on my blog - re: Rosie O'Donnell. it'll make you laugh - or cry.
ironically, for lefties, everything comes down to selfishness and power. their lip-service to tolerance and understaning is all just a front.
nikita demosthenes on June 14, 2005 06:42 PM
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June 11, 2005
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
I have the distinct feeling that Alisha and I would have been inseperable friends growing-up in the 80's.
Think you know 80's pop? Let's just see....
I scored a 98.5%. And that actually makes a lot of sense to me because music was my therapy; it still is in many ways.
H/T: My girl Alisha who is always up for a little trip down the lane.
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Wasn't that fun?!? I swore I'd never be so old and un-hip that I wouldn't like "current" music, but I've gotta admit that I am just wedded to 80's music. I love the Big 80's station on my Sirius - it should just be saved to every pre-set on my radio! I can see myself sometime in the future attending a concert at some "All 80's Tour" with U-2, Wham and Erasure up there on stage all grey and wrinkled and trying to belt out their old lyrics while my teenage son hides his face in embarassment.
Alisha on June 11, 2005 09:07 PM
Luvs the hot pic of Sheryl Crow
beautifulatrocities on June 12, 2005 03:37 AM
Alisha: yes! It was so much fun :D
Jeff: why thank you.
Rae on June 14, 2005 02:56 PM
What picture of Cheryl Crowe?
R on June 15, 2005 05:46 AM
I got a Final Score of 137.825 (which kinda figures, since I was working in bar bands through most of that decade...)
LDH on July 14, 2005 02:34 PM
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June 09, 2005
The Chair
After six months of braces, my bottom teeth are now perfectly straight. I now have a lovely permanent retainer glued to the back of my teeth. As I was feeling it over and over and over with my tongue, the assistant said, "And try not to feel the wire with your tongue or it will get sore." Ummmm......
I have extremely sensitive teeth, so frigid water and cold air blasting against my teeth, combined with cotton shoved between my lower lip and my gums made me a bit insane for the four hours I sat in the...Oh, yeah. So it was really about 12 minutes, but when we are talking cold water, cold air, and wads of cotton, time is relative.
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Congratulations, Rae! I was so excited both times when I got my braces off (yes, twice.) And I assure you, you will eventually stop running your tongue over the wire and won't even notice it after a while. I have the same permanent retainer - not having one placed the first time around was the reason I ended up needing braces a second time. Never again! Also, I recommend Oral-B Super Floss for flossing - one end of it has a built-in threader so you can feed it easily underneath the wire and still floss around the bases of those lower front teeth. Now go have some corn on the cob! :-)
Alisha on June 10, 2005 02:08 AM
All that talk of cold air and cold water remind me that I still need to get the last two root canal teeth crowned. And one more root canal.
Why can't our teeth be made of Tungsten?
GrumpyBunny on June 10, 2005 03:32 PM
Ouch! I went to this psychotic old Dentist a couple of years ago who told me I had eight cavaties. He said they had to be filled...and I told him fine and madea n appointment even though I couldn't find a single little black dot on any of the teeth mentioned and he couldn't show me any. But my insurance was running out as my divorce was about to be final, so I reluctantly agreed to have it all done.
After nearly killing me with gas (a story for another time), and an inability to get my mouth numbed, he proceeded with the fillings. It was very painful and took three hours.
A year later I went to a different dentist who informed me that all those fillings needed to be redone because the crazy old dentist didn't seal the teeth correctly and that had allowed cavaties to form. Of course, I no longer have dental insurance and can't afford to have all of them done. So that sucking air and cold thing really hurts!
Joan on June 10, 2005 10:13 PM
Alisha- I have recently met more women who have had a second round of braces, full sets, but mostly just on the bottom. (P.S. I can't remember my password for commenting on your site through WP :( )
GB- I don't know, but it would be easier, wouldn't it?
Joan, I had a similar experience. My former dentist was well-known in the community, but he frequently pushed for treatments and excessive procedures. R has a great story about being freshly discharged from the Marine Corps and getting his wisdom teeth removed by some dentist passing time at a VA hospital (death traps there are). Local anethesia and the doc with his foot on R's shoulder tugging....
Rae on June 11, 2005 04:28 PM
Oops, Alisha. That should be Typekey
Rae on June 11, 2005 04:39 PM
Rae-It was his knee on my shoulder. Still bad and rough but a little less extreme. I was drenched with sweat and white as a sheet. One comment to the assistant was "Did you see that root piece?" No she said. it must have been sucked up into the vacuum spout.
R on June 11, 2005 05:59 PM
Rae, my sympathies... ;) I positively *hate* having to go to the dentist (even though I dated one who was 6 years my senior way back then).
Are you acquainted with the Dustin Hoffman's movie of the seventies, Marathon Man (or the book might do as well) ? If you don't, and plan to see/read it, well... don't do it when you have a dentist appointment one week or less away.
Eduardo on June 13, 2005 06:27 AM
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June 08, 2005
Soul Food
I am sure that Robert has already mentioned this as he is a lover of The Master, but what delightful news that a new piece by J.S. Bach from 1713, apparently written for a duke's birthday, has been recently discovered.
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Hey Rae! I tried to send you an email but it bounced! Please email me with your new addy. Thanks.
Vikki in VA on June 9, 2005 12:05 AM
I understand it is a lovely aria. Discovererd a bit too late in the year to make our Bach festival, sadly. Perhaps when it is published in the fall, Helmuth Rilling will schedule a pre-Bach Festival concert featuring the piece.
Jo on June 10, 2005 04:39 PM
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June 06, 2005
To quote Br'er Rabbit:
"All what say friend, ain't friend."
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Randy on June 7, 2005 12:41 AM
I LOVE Br'er Rabbit!!! but Br'er Bear's my favorite! He's married with twin boy cubs (like me!!!). Trevor's my sweetie, and Devon and Deion (our two adopted boys) are the most loved boys ever!!!
Sheila on June 7, 2005 12:59 AM
Really odd because that sentiment mirrors a crisis I was trying to help a coworker through today. It's going to be a long week.
Ith on June 7, 2005 01:55 AM
I like your new picture!! Very pretty! Your hair looks wonderful!!
Rightwingsparkle on June 7, 2005 06:13 AM
Tis True Br'er Rabbit, but tis also true that... there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother...
True friendship is hard to come by but that makes it all the sweeter doesn't it my friend.
Tell the girls that Friar Kris says hi.
Kris on June 8, 2005 05:38 AM
True-some aren't willing to go the distance. Some learn, all err.
June 6th I can't believe you didn't even mention Operation Overlord! 61 years ago, this blog may have been in German.
R on June 9, 2005 04:08 AM
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Pam reworked the lovely banner she gifted me with for my birthday earlier this year, and the Court Geek, Jeremy, geek-tweeked a few things for me, too (though not without a bit of smirking about my choice of an Apple iBook).
Thanks so much :D
I added more blogs to the roll and put some things back in order around the place.
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Gorgeous pic, Rae! What a lovely lady you are.
Cindy Swanson on June 6, 2005 01:10 PM
Oops, almost forgot...please re-add my "Notes in the Key of Life" to your blogroll. :)
Cindy Swanson on June 6, 2005 01:12 PM
Looks lovely, Rae! :)
pam on June 6, 2005 01:23 PM
Awww, thank you, Cindy. I really like your new pic, too. I really like your hair dark- makes your eyes pop!
Pam- looks lovely because The Court Artist has "the touch."
Rae on June 6, 2005 03:05 PM
Julie on June 6, 2005 09:19 PM
And she's even prettier in person!
Ith on June 8, 2005 12:39 AM
As are you, Ith ;) and thank you :D My lovely daughter E took the pic in my living room.
Rae on June 8, 2005 01:26 AM
Daughter "E" has a good eye. The "alert" that used to show up is gone and your page loads really well now! Thanks
chrys on June 8, 2005 03:12 PM
Chrys- what alert showed up previously? Thanks for the compliment to E. She does have a good eye. She is seriously considering a career in film.
Rae on June 9, 2005 05:17 AM
There was a javascript error at the top of the page.
I cleaned that up in my subversive geeking.
I think that is what Chrys is referring to.
Jeremy on June 16, 2005 07:55 PM
Thank you, Sir Gilby.
Rae on June 16, 2005 08:12 PM
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June 05, 2005
Can I ask all the Ladies and Knights that were previously at the Table to please contact me or leave a comment? I can recall most everyone, but in rebuilding, don't want to leave anyone out.
Thank you and you may now return to your regularly scheduled programing.
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Randy on June 6, 2005 12:14 AM
I'm already on the list.
And I thank you!
*bows humbly*
Jeremy on June 6, 2005 03:17 AM
I'm honored to be remembered and reinstated. :) Glad to see you blogging again, too, BTW.
Cindy on June 6, 2005 05:38 PM
andy on June 7, 2005 01:23 AM
I wasn't one of your Knights before, but I would definitely like to be one. I would be happy to add you to my blogroll! Thanks.
Salt1907 on June 9, 2005 02:34 PM
Here I am, trying to catch up somehow with blogging...
Eduardo on June 13, 2005 06:51 PM
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Infinite Wisdom
Me: Why do we have to have boogers?
E: Mom, they keep our respiratory system clean....
Me: I know. I know. I know the function of them, but why boogers?
K: Besides, they taste funny.
The rest of us: collapse into giggles.
That's my girl.
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June 03, 2005
I like MAC*
Sigh...I am going to have to pull myself away from my cute little iBook G4 and go downstairs to the stationary Dell and tinker with putting the face back on the blog.
*Someone please get that one.
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[peers through the monitor] how's it going? huh, huh? :) Those G4s are cute! We had one in at work per a specific client request.
Really hoping my July 4th trip pans out. Definitely going to head up your way for an afternoon!
Ith on June 4, 2005 02:31 AM
a G4 laptop? Excellent choice! Now I envy you.
david on June 6, 2005 02:43 PM
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A Mother's Duty
Mrs. Darling first learned of Peter when she was tidying up her children's minds. It is the nightly custom of every good mother after her children are asleep to rumage in their minds and put things straight for next morning, repacking into their proper places the many articles that have wandered during the day. If you could keep awake- but of course you can't- you would see your own mother doing this and you would find it very interesting to watch her. It is quite like tidying up drawers. You would see her on her knees, I expect, lingering humorously over some of your contents: wondering where on earth you had picked this thing up, making discoveries sweet, and...not so sweet; pressing this to her cheek as if it were as nice as a kitten and hurriedly stowing that out of sight. When you wake in the morning, the naughtiness and evil passions with which you went to bed, have been folded up small and placed at the bottom of your mind and on the top, beautifully aired, are spread your prettier thoughts, ready for you to put on.
Peter Pan
J.M. Barrie
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At Close of Day
It is raining here, with lightning and thunder. It wraps me in contemplative thought.
C is my most sensitive child. She isn't sensitive in that she takes constant offense due to misinterpreting everyone's motives. She just reacts passionately to the things that matter most to her.
Last night she was feeling sad and angry. The only way to help C out of that funk is to first let her be angry; I have observed that our society really doesn't approve of angry little girls. They are to be sweet, and kind, and sensitive, and in complete control of themselves at all times, perpetually polite. This doesn't fly with spirited Sporty Girl.
So, I dug deep and recalled a funny story from my youth. By the end of the story, she was belly-laughing and the frown fell from her face, replaced by the dimple nested deeply in her left cheek, and her bright, sage green eyes.
I laid with her until her breathing became rhythmically slowed. Tucking into her heart a bit of joy with bedtime prayers and night time kisses is my duty, and removing what bit of grime the day brought, my abiding pleasure.
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June 01, 2005
My little flower
Today we purchased Gazanias (a South African plant), Verbena (Plum Magic and Aztec Red), Giant White Bacopa, and Salvia (Red Hot Sally and Vista Purple) to plant this evening. C was feeling a little blue, and after talking for a bit, we decided that going to the nursery, selecting perinials (we are awaiting the blooming of our Gerbera Daisies and Black-Eyed Susans) would be just the thing. We have savory planted in the front of the bed. I love to catch the scent of it when the water hits it, or when I weed and break a leaf and later find the subtle mint smell on my hands.
C wanted a rose, too, so we loaded up our purchases and drove home with the wind blowing against our faces from the rolled-down windows.
We arrived home hungry for lunch and decided to plant later this afternoon, perhaps in the early evening, when the heat of the day is subsiding, in the soft light and quieting sounds of children finishing up their business of the day- playing.
Last night we watched Fly Away Home at her request. She and I lay curled up together on the futon in the family room, quietly watching, with intermittent laughter. She commented on how much she loved the song (as I have before mentioned), so with the convenience of wireless and a laptop, I downloaded it in a snap.
I so love this tenderhearted little girl.
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I do so love flowers in the summer. I love the wonderful smell of honeysuckle just after it rains. What a wonderful smell!!!! I have been tending to my own garden which I might add is alot harder than my grandmother made it look. But well worth the effort in the end!
Sally on June 1, 2005 11:16 PM
I planted a small herb garden last weekend. It's nice to go outside and get what I need for dinner :)
Ith on June 3, 2005 12:31 AM
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