June 01, 2005

My little flower

Today we purchased Gazanias (a South African plant), Verbena (Plum Magic and Aztec Red), Giant White Bacopa, and Salvia (Red Hot Sally and Vista Purple) to plant this evening. C was feeling a little blue, and after talking for a bit, we decided that going to the nursery, selecting perinials (we are awaiting the blooming of our Gerbera Daisies and Black-Eyed Susans) would be just the thing. We have savory planted in the front of the bed. I love to catch the scent of it when the water hits it, or when I weed and break a leaf and later find the subtle mint smell on my hands.

C wanted a rose, too, so we loaded up our purchases and drove home with the wind blowing against our faces from the rolled-down windows.

We arrived home hungry for lunch and decided to plant later this afternoon, perhaps in the early evening, when the heat of the day is subsiding, in the soft light and quieting sounds of children finishing up their business of the day- playing.

Last night we watched Fly Away Home at her request. She and I lay curled up together on the futon in the family room, quietly watching, with intermittent laughter. She commented on how much she loved the song (as I have before mentioned), so with the convenience of wireless and a laptop, I downloaded it in a snap.

I so love this tenderhearted little girl.

Posted by Rae at June 1, 2005 09:33 PM

I do so love flowers in the summer. I love the wonderful smell of honeysuckle just after it rains. What a wonderful smell!!!! I have been tending to my own garden which I might add is alot harder than my grandmother made it look. But well worth the effort in the end!

Posted by: Sally at June 1, 2005 11:16 PM

I planted a small herb garden last weekend. It's nice to go outside and get what I need for dinner :)

Posted by: Ith at June 3, 2005 12:31 AM
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