November 19, 2003

Doughnuts for breakfast this morning!

Doughnuts for breakfast this morning! Hot glazed- yummy!
Nothing to expound on that- just a greasy, fried, sugar-glazed doughnut. If I
didn't have such a lovely cold, I would have a delicious cup of hot coffee
loaded with cream until it turned a luscious caramel color. Last night as I was
reading (sweet bliss), I got a telemarketer call at 9 P.M.. They obviously had
me confused with someone else. All of the questions had to do with eating
organically (wash your food), meditation ("which magazine should I get?"),
stress reduction (chocolate in any form), concern for the environment (getting
my trash out on time). O.K. I do care about the environment. I don't throw trash
on the ground and I used to recycle, but this annoying little town I live in now
doesn't have anywhere or anyplace for me to take recyclables to. And I think
that factories shouldn't be allowed to dump waste into rivers, creeks, and other
bodies of water. But I am not, by any means, excessive about it. R works in the
animal production business for pete's sake. After failing to answer any of the
20 questions properly, I was finally released.

Posted by Rae at November 19, 2003 10:49 AM
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