December 18, 2003

As we were driving home

As we were driving home from our lovely date with the King, and E asked
why Frodo went on the elfin ship with Bilbo. I told her that I thought that he
had born such a burden, that he couldn't live the same anymore. I do wish that
Merry, Pippin, and Sam could've understood that it was Frodo's reward for his
sacrifice. I had to remind myself of the culture of Hobbits when Frodo
intimately held Sam's head and placed a kiss on his dearest friend's head. It
was a bit homoerotic for me. Not the kiss, so much as the way Frodo held Sam's
face while he did so. While I loved the movie, the battle scenes seemed lacking;
too decided and swift. I also wanted to see Eowyn and Faramir's romance. I do
think that not putting in Sarumon's scenes did take away a bit from the sense of
evil in the movie! Alas, I will have to wait until the extended DVD comes out to
see it in whole. Had a lovely dinner with R last night. I received a generous
gift certificate for helping to plan the Company Christmas Party (I got to
choose the menu- vicarious fun since I used to work in catering) to one of the
best restaurants in town. We had a beautiful time driving up the mountains to
get there. I was tired and poised to be a malcontent, but when R made me laugh
and when I looked at his face, I could see his blue eyes sparkling and he was
really looking into my eyes and at my smile, so I couldn't stay irritable. We
had a delicious dinner and a nice time together. I came home and tubbed while
reading more of Mr. Cahill's book. The warmth of the water and tiredness of my
head forced me out of the bath and into the bed. I don't even remember falling
asleep. I have done nothing today and only got dressed to go retrieve doughnuts
for the children and bagel and coffee for myself. We are enjoying a day of
nothing. After all the shopping, and baking, and running hither and thither, it
is sooooooo nice. The girls watched "Swiss Family Robinson" while I IM'ed with
my best girl-friend about nothing and everything. A-nothing-too-particular-blog
day and I feel fine!

Posted by Rae at December 18, 2003 12:37 PM

What a lovely way to spend your morning...blogging with your best girl-friend!

Posted by: kujo at March 19, 2005 11:14 AM

Yes, it is isn't?

Posted by: Rae at March 19, 2005 11:14 AM
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