November 03, 2004

The Sound of Rushing Wind (Altoids Gum chewed for your comfort)


Kris , the ever faithful friend, kept me abreast of all the latest election news via telephone as we only have high-powered rabbit ears and broke-down dial-up.

Celebrate good times (Read the comments and see what Jeff has officially declared for November 4th- credit at last!), come on!

Looks like La Shawn and I can both breathe now.

Now, be nice because the respectable thing has been done.

And Jeff nicely sums it up, too.

P.S. Love this from Andy (warning of, umm, "language").

Updated: CD has a terrific winning slogan.

Updated 2: Zombyboy has weighed in (finally - been waiting ;)

Updated 3: Good point, Margi. :::Shiver:::

Updated 4: I'm a little late catching this, but Val made me laugh.

Posted by Rae at November 3, 2004 10:44 AM

Yes, Rae, but - sometimes - only a potty mouth can adequately convey the proper sentiment.

Posted by: andy at November 3, 2004 11:16 AM

I agree, Andy, but was just giving it a rating so regular readers would know what to expect.

Your exact sentiments are what I loved :D Remember the URL of my blog ;)?

Posted by: Rae at November 3, 2004 11:25 AM

Now, just imagine me when I'm REALLY annoyed and fueled by beer-inspired self-righteousness. :)

Small animals scurry away and the people shield their eyes to avoid my wrath.

Or maybe not, but I could probably scare a chipmunk or something.

Posted by: andy at November 3, 2004 11:33 AM

Let me get this straight: you have rabbit ears reception, broken dial-up, & are pushing a shopping cart from library to library until you're evicted for disturbing the other patrons.

Honey, you're a mess

Posted by: jeff at November 4, 2004 08:57 AM

Yes, an absolute mess, Jeff ;)

Rabbit ears because we are simply too cheap to pay for directv or cable (expensive west of the Rockies). Dial-up for same reason, and well, am working on the computer situation. The more I see just who has been typing on the keyboard for me the more motivated I am to not come back....

Posted by: Rae at November 4, 2004 05:08 PM
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