November 03, 2004

Gimme a "B"

(H/T to Val for the photo [see his h/t for original source]).

Tonight, we will consume cake and celebrate the victory of George W. Bush. I am thrilled that "W" won and thrilled that Kerry did not. Does it mean that I think Mr. Bush to be a perfect human being? No. Does it mean that I agree with him on every point? No. It simply means that I voted for him and my spouse voted for him because we believed him to be the better choice of the several that ran. I would expect no less, nor ask no less of anyone who had voted for Kerry had he won the election.

Posted by Rae at November 3, 2004 03:59 PM

Wow that is a great picture!! Hope you had a nice celebration...

Posted by: Kris at November 3, 2004 09:13 PM

I cancelled out your vote to no avail.

No bitterness. Time to unite and move forward.


Posted by: Joe at November 4, 2004 09:47 AM

Joe- great attitude and I committed myself to the same should it had been Kerry who won.
How are you?

Kris- I love this picture of GWB. The cake was delicious....

Posted by: Rae at November 4, 2004 06:10 PM
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