January 29, 2005

Bankrupt Baby

Million Dollar Baby wasn't worth the $6.50 ticket price.

What began as an engaging story of triumph and overcoming one's socio-economic status, spiraled quickly down to euthanasia. As usual, the priest was shown to be dispassionate, and Frankie's convictions and principles disposable to the tears of a depressed woman. The character of Maggie was one of a fighter, so to see the plot allow her strength disintegrate, and Frankie's lack of will to "train" her mind as he did her body to respond to the punches of life, was deeply disappointing.

As soon as I saw the result of her title fight, I leaned over and whispered to R what the conclusion would be. When my thoughts were confirmed, I knew instantly why Hollywood embraced this film. It fully supports a liberal agenda and dismissive/permissive attitude toward the definition of the value of life.

All that said, Hilary Swank did an outstanding job. She is a gifted actress with a wonderful ability to be absorbed into her character. So, I guess it appropriate that she be nominated for an Oscar. She said in an interview with Time that people frequently ask her when she is going to play a pretty girl role. I confess that I have had that thought, as well.

Posted by Rae at January 29, 2005 11:58 AM

You know, I don't think I've ever seen that movie described as anything but a "boxing movie."


Posted by: Craig at February 6, 2005 07:00 AM
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