March 17, 2005

Rain, Rain Come Today

For some reason today, I am really missing a good thunderstorm, complete with lightning and a great downpour. I hope that when we go back to the Midwest this summer for my brothers wedding, we get a tremendous rain. Not on their wedding day, of course.

Posted by Rae at March 17, 2005 10:42 AM

Rae, great thunderstorms are one of the things I have missed most since moving west nearly three years ago. My mother loves thunderstorms, and my siblings and I all grew up loving them, too. We would go out into our garage during storms and sit in there with the big door open so we could experience the storm from covered safety. Before I was married, I lived on the 22nd floor of an apartment building in downtown Philadelphia, and one of my favorite things was watching a thunderstorm roll in from the west - all dark, ominous clouds and distant lightning bolts, the sudden stillness followed by the wind starting to whip around as the storm neared. (Of course, this same experience would evoke a completely different response from me had I grown up in the midwest fearing tornadoes!)

I can probably count on both hands the number of rainstorms we've had since I moved to California, and the thunderstorms number exactly one. I always laugh at my son, who is so unaccustomed to rain that at the first hint of mist, he says, "Mom, we need an umbrella!"

Here's hoping you get a great one while you're visiting!

Posted by: Alisha at March 17, 2005 08:06 PM

[Before I get started, you and others might enjoy the discussion at Amy's Humble Musings where she has a post “Pursuing the ‘good life’” ]

Back on topic. My wife and I love thunderstorms and the days when it just drizzles.

In college (Louisiana Tech) we would drive to an open spaced area on top of a hill near the track stadium and watch the storm(s).

Once we were married and moved to another town, we would drive to any large vacant parking lot that was nearby (in the days when stores closed at 5:00 pm) to watch the lightning.

Where we live now, it is very flat with a continuous canopy of very large live oak trees. There are very few open areas to observe a storm, so we turn off all the lights, open all the blinds and watch from our humble abode.

A few years ago, I would go on 4-5 hour rides on my mountain bike (no mountains) on the levee that runs along the Mississippi River. I got caught one Sunday afternoon in a wind, hail, rain and lightning storm that would have been wonderful to observe from a safe location. I don’t know how large around lightning bolts are, but what I observed striking the river in front of me looked like they were 35-50 feet (or more) in diameter. There were barges along the river to compare them to in size, but I don’t know the length of them. I did pray to God that he would give my wife a nudge to come look for me. Eventually, I made it back to my car that was parked outside where I work. There were trees down everywhere. When I arrived at my house, which is nine miles away, there was not a sign that any rain or wind had occurred. Inside the house I found a note from my wife on the kitchen counter, “We went to church. See ya when we get home. Love K.” Oh well.

Posted by: Ralph at March 18, 2005 07:47 AM

Thanks, Alisha :D I wish I could bottle it up for you, too. I think the smell after rain is also something I miss.

Ralph- great story :D

Posted by: Rae at March 18, 2005 10:49 AM
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