October 29, 2005

Shortsighted? Outsmarted?

The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy by Thomas Sowell arrived in my mailbox this week. Between reading Ovid's Metamorphoses, understanding predicate nominatives and the misunderstood depth and definition of pronouns, finishing up Nectar in a Sieve and preparing for a midterm discussing the current state and perceived state of Education in the United States, I have slipped in at least the preface. My favorite quote:

The rise of the mass media, mass politics, and massive government means that the beliefs which drive a relatively small group of articulate people have a great leverage in determining the course taken by a whole society.

If I had been in church, I would've loudly verbalized an "Amen!" In fact, I think I did, although I was only in my bed.

Little Miss has a link to an article on Townhall.com by Mr. Sowell. Once again, I find myself nodding in agreement.

Posted by Rae at October 29, 2005 12:35 PM

Agreed, all of his books are fascinating. His "Basic Economics" should be required reading

Posted by: jeff at October 29, 2005 09:37 PM

Really? I shall purchase it immediately.

Posted by: Rae at October 29, 2005 09:45 PM
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